Quote: It is instead many disparate groups, each with more conflicting hopes and illusions than real plans and all shouting at one another.
I think most if not all of the shouting is a demand for competent government, which as you point out is getting less competent fast, and has not been good for a long time. Bad political leadership at the top was the original problem. Then funding problems were added. Now we have fair to poor morale all up and down the chain (government shut downs, many years of not inflation adjusting pay, and extreme headcount controls added to the management incompetence to cause this...thanks a ton Congress and POTUS!) . Why would good people sign up for a career in government now? Why does Obama and everyone else at the top seem to not even understand that this problem in the end makes it 100% impossible for them to do anything? The captain can make all the plans and speeches he wants, if the crew cant keep the vessel ship shape nothing can come of it. And just WTF did Gore do with all that time that he was supposed to be working on this problem?
We could not fight the war on terror at all competently, we could not deal with Katrina (both in having city protections done right and bailing out the city when the protections failed), we cant get budgets done, we cant get a coherent immigration policy, we cant figure out how to pay for highway repair much less build and operate modern transit systems, we cant fix our schools, the "justice" system is highly abusive, our health system is bankrupting us and we get a crap product for all that we spend (and the federal government owns it now after Obamacare), our financial system almost put the world in a depression and yet we made ZERO effort to fix it ...what can these motherfuckers do even close to right? I am at a loss. And as things stand now nothing is going to get fixed in the foreseeable future.