1.Why should people want to join this place if what they see is talk about "trolls"?
2. Ignoring trolls means not giving them attention, which certainly would have to include not starting threads to make them the star of everyone's focus.
3. HOW do you determine who is a troll? i.e., how do you distinguish the difference between unrestrained comedic bent and diarrhea of the mouth? How do you know whether someone is bipolar or just an asshole? How?
I used to hang out at Yahoo Answers (Polls & Surveys category)(they were a hysterical collective of life's natural comics, posting gag questions to illicit joke answers. GREAT FUN!!) But you see, Yahoo put A REPORT BUTTON everywhere. And for a moderator to complain to if you got unfairly reported, they just put a machine that automatically denies every appeal. RESULT? -> TROLL HEAVEN!!! Outcasts just slamming the button all day until perfectly innocent people's accounts get disabled. What fun, eh? What sick fun for folks who cant get along, to just sit and attack everyone instead.
That's what a "troll" was there.
Well, it grew a climate of fear and suspicion in which everyone suspected everyone else of "being a troll". And THIS in turn created MORE OUTCASTS who were feeling in a retributive mood, and so would push the button. (Yes, fear of trolls CREATED TROLLS!) it was awful. And all the good people left.
My first post here was just a hello basically (and not a particularly good one), and so half the respondents seemed unhappy with me. But I was just saying hi, in a way that might let me see if i'm likely to get the the able2know equivalent of a Yahoo Answers punch in the face for being irrelevant or insensitive- And, so, I'm new, and looking around, and seeing the "TROLL" word, and having been where I've been, it makes me want to flea! It certainly doesn't allay my initial feeling that I may as well come on immediately dick-ish, to "get it over with" (find out the quick way how tolerant or intolerant a community this may be).
I can be a funny, creative member of a place. Or I can vanish like a thought you cant remember. And it doesn't matter.
But I'd be careful adding to a community-wide belief that there's " a troll problem". It can be a self-fulfilling prophecy, it can even encourage those who might not otherwise have thought "oh, I could do THAT too!" All in all, Edgar, I think your point it quite right (pay no attention, it'll become less of a problem when starved of notice), but by having the need to discuss it openly, lol, well you see what I mean.
And now, a word from our sponsor:
Paddy and the Pigs
Paddy and Paddy, two Irishmen, went out one day and each bought a pig.
When they got home, Paddy turned to Paddy and said, "Paddy, me ol' mate, how we gonna tell who owns which fookin pig?"
Paddy says "Well Paddy, I'll cut one a ta' ears off my fookin pig, and ten we can tell 'em apart"
"Ah tat'd be grand" says Paddy.
This worked fine until a couple of weeks later when Paddy stormed into the house.
"Paddy" he said "Your fookin pig has chewed the ear offa my fookin pig. Now we got two fookin pigs with only one ear each. How we gonna tell who owns which fookin pig?"
"Well Paddy" said Paddy "I'll cut ta other ear off my fookin pig. Ten we'll av two fookin pigs and only one of them will avan ear"
"Ah tat'd be grand" says Paddy.
Again this worked fine until a couple of weeks later when Paddy again stormed into the house.
"Paddy" he said "Your fookin pig has chewed the other ear offa my fookin pig. Now we got two fookin pigs with no fookin ears!"
"How we gonna tell who owns which fookin pig?"
"Ah tis is serious, Paddy" said Paddy "I'll tell ya what I'll do. I'll cut ta tail offa my fookin pig, ten we'll av two fookin pigs with no fookin ears and only one fookin tail."
"Ah tat'd be grand" says Paddy.
Another couple of weeks went by, and you guessed it, Paddy stormed into the house once more.
"Ah fook it!" says Paddy "How's about you have the black one, and I'll have the white one."