Here's my 2 cents,...if anyone wants to know
Here are a few of my thoughts:
First off, as a gay man, I have a certain vested interest in this topic.
Marriage is as much a financial contract, as it is an emotional one. I believe that any and all "citizens" should be able to enter these contracts, regardless off their sex. I should be able to set up house with whomever I choose, and have the rights that everyone else does...end of story. That's pretty much it,..I think that sexuality has very little to do with it,...legally.
On the sexuality side of it, I really don't think that it is anybodies business.
I'll never understand "Gay Pride", parades and such,..why have a parade because of who you sleep with,...that's just silly.
If I am part of what has been, and will remain to be 10% of the population, I understand that my lifestyle will never be "the norm", but heck, what can you do?
I don't believe that my preference was a choice,..if it were, I surely would have chosen the easier, more accepted way,...but that's not the case.
I also don't understand why somepeople have such a problem with it,..I mean it's really not something you have to deal with , unless you're part of it. I certainly don't run around, coming on to straight guys (usually

), so why feel threatened, or even think about it?
I think it's very strange!
Promiscuity,..well,..what would you expect,...come on, it's a bunch of guys!!

I personally prefer to be in a relationship, and I know alot of friends who feel the same way!!