How do I put this. Religion is manmade and has no relation to God or the supreme being, if indeed there is one.
As for Christianity it's basis is beyond doubt Judaism. Jesus was a member of a Hebrew sect as were many of his disciples. The last supper was a Passover seder. It is quite understandable when you borrow from a religion you will make changes if not it remains the same religion. Should also note the Jesus died a Jew. Christianity and it's many laws and rituals evolved with time as did Judaism. It did not exist at the time of Jesus.
au1929 wrote:Tres
How do I put this. Religion is manmade and has no relation to God or the supreme being, if indeed there is one.
As for Christianity it's basis is beyond doubt Judaism. Jesus was a member of a Hebrew sect as were many of his disciples. The last supper was a Passover seder. It is quite understandable when you borrow from a religion you will make changes if not it remains the same religion. Should also note the Jesus died a Jew. Christianity and it's many laws and rituals evolved with time as did Judaism. It did not exist at the time of Jesus.
au - How do I put this...
Seriously, I'm not sure why you think I need the history/
religion 101 lesson, or why you seem to think I don't know this stuff already, but thanks, I guess. ????
I did not get that from what you wrote. Anyhow you are welcome.
There is, I insist quite unhumbly, rather more going on in any faith and faith community than simple true/false claims can accomodate. I think Tres' notion of profound differences between the earlier Judaism and later Christianity to be a far more defensible position than to argue for sameness. Judaism is, of course, an outgrowth of something earlier too, and is not the same thing as its predecessor(s).
King Lear is many things, but in part it is the most profound portrayal I've ever bumped into of differences between Christianity and Stoicism - and Stoicism comes out badly wanting by that comparison. I'm an atheist, but I do not hold that Christianity is a mere basket of tricks and delusions.
ci and's a very good argument you make. I would augment it with a view to the social import of sexual unions. Where 'handedness' or hair color or other such physical features, if rare in a population, may tend to place the bearers in some risk of being singled out, sexual unions are something rather more important to a social group. Power structures and family aspirations and values are often solidified by directing unions of the youthful. Likewise, sexual attraction and activity are frequently constrained (wrong side of tracks stuff). This is a big conversation, if an incredibly interesting one.
I voted in support of same sex marriage but really I support the government noseing out of peoples bedrooms and personal lives in general. I don't think its up to the government or society to decide what it is I should be doing in personal life with another consenting adult.
Hey ^_^ okay then, I just need my interview..I don't suppose there's anyone around here that could be considered/is and expert who'd be willing to answer my 4 questions, perhaps?
faegirl :wink:
I don't know if there is such thing as an expert on same-sex marriages.
What are the 4 questions?
I don't either, but if there are, I'll bet they know about as much as the experts on "opposite sex" marriages.
In the latest edition of Boston's Jewish Advocate newspaper, several Rabbis have come out in support of same sex marriages.
I am against these marriages and I'm not a Rabbi.
Only 3 respondents against same sex marriage. Wonder why!
Read the thread, New Haven. The answer to your 'Wonder why' might be found here - many of the voters provided comments.
This is a legal issue, property rights etc. and I don't see anything wrong with it.
there should be a gay couple in every neighborhood-might keep out the religious fanatics.
dys, I've got it even better, a gay couple bought the place upstairs from my apartment.
Men should marry women and have children. Buy a house and pay off the mortage. This keeps the world going round and round!
Imagine a world, where there were no heterosexual marriages, only same sex "unions". Consequence?
Only 3 against same sex marriages, because there are only 3 conservatives posting on this thread.
The liberals are ruining life and civilization !