CodeBorg, I have previously written of a friend who was a hermaphrodite. At the age of thirteen he was made into a man. He was an accomplished artist, married and father 3 lovely daughters.
He told me that a part of him was missing and lost forever. It ruined him when they preformed the operation on him, especially without his consultation. Unfortunately, today he is dead - but he was a very caring person whom I miss.
If god created the hermaphrodite, how can he at the same time denounce homosexuality? I just don't get it, I guess. c.i.
Denouncing is a human error atributed to God; or else (those that believe in a higher power

), we would have to say - "God makes mistakes sometimes". How many problems does that put into the stew - which is an error and which is perfection - which is so/so?
Little by little, we get there. This was a nice step.
bravo for sanity...bravo for equal treatment...bravo for celebrating human variation.
Notice how thrilled Cauchon was to be writing up this sort of liberating legislation. Perhaps we ought to write him and suggest he does it more often.