This is the oddest combination of political thoughts (?) I've ever read through. Is it the case that the thoroughly investigated William Jefferson Clinton needs still more investigating, or is this just your average ring wing obsession in need of treatment?
        After Starr et al (there were four special prosecutors) looked at every piece of paper, including the matchbook covers at the Rose Law offices, and yes, those terribly important records that went missing for awhile, after authenticating everything and interviewing everyone down to the blind guy who sells shoelaces at the Little Rock Embassy Suites, they found ..... nothing. Still, some here and elsewhere believe that
somehow the Clintons made off with
something, from the S&L's

, or somewhere, the Mena drug cartel

(one of my favorites) or please please jesus please sumpin, but no. Nadda. Nihil. Zilch. Oh no. Wait. Lied about getting a blowjob. boo hoo, that's all?
        So now we given the nasty bits again, but this time -try to follow this- it's to
prevent Clinton
from blocking John Kerry's run for the White House so that later, that's right, after four more years of George Bush, Hillary can be President because the Clintons
like being brutalized by the right and can only get their jollies off on it by being in the White House, the US Senate doesn't do it for her.
        So Bush and Clinton must be in this together, right? So Bush must be pretty upset at someone. If Clinton blocks Kerry then George gets a free ride for four more years, but this nasty bit stuff makes Bill look bad, so that helps Kerry run against Bush. Helping Kerry can't be good for Bush, so the obsessionists are running apparently against everyone which makes sense to them and the other anarchists.
        I hesitate to call them anarchists though, that presumes that they have actual thoughts regarding their statements and actions, when what I think they need is therapeutic psychology treatments. About a year's worth.
        Maybe two.
Joe Nation