Wed 16 Jun, 2004 04:42 pm
Okay, people, this is for everyone. What's your type, physically? I tend to fall in lust with blondes, in love with brunettes, and for some reason, Redheads are interesting at times, but I don't really have strong feelings about them one way or the other.
How 'bout you?
hey i just met my first redhead,i have never felt so alive
No real pattern, though I suppose redheads have been a little overrepresented. I seem to remember that they taste nice.
But I'm married to a dirty blond...
any look is fine, except for men with gray chest hair.
ha. even one gray chest hair, it's curtains.
I don't have a type, it's just a matter of how everything goes together. But hey, I'm a liberal.

Mostly I'm attracted to dark haired guys. Tough, the whole package is more important than the hair color.
some men have hair?????
On their heads???
i don't care about the hair
it's all about noses for me. one guy didn't make the cut with me cuz his nose was too cute. i like an imperious nose. i like a guy with a profile. yup.
blonde/black/red - it can all be good, as long as the probiscus is impressive
Any guy without backhair would be great!!!
Wow, the brunettes are kicking ass in the poll! I think the blondes are getting skipped over for the same reason that Shaquille O'Neil never wins the MVP award. He's just so obviously the MVP that people don't want to pick him. It's too easy.
I think this "Shaq effect" is definitely in play.
I like hair that looks natural and healthy. That over done, too much gel and the scent of fruity hair spray reminds me of well, Donald Trump. Sorry guys, no woman likes her guy to hog the mirror and use her hair products. :wink:
I'm mostly attracted to tall men with dark hair, pale skin, and glasses, cleanshaven. My husband fits that description.
And for some reason, a nice head of lush steel gray hair catches my eye every time.
Sheesh, can't take the hair into consideration without the eyes. Blonde and blue, nah. The eyes have to be green. Redheads, yeah, if the cuffs and collars match, blue eyes work here, but hazel is better. Brunettes with blue eyes are amazing, but brunettes can work with almost any eye colour. Grey-haired and bald women just don't figure into the picture for me...yet. If I were taller, I might be Cinn's type, not that it matters, as we're both married. Margo, how many footballers are you dating?
Any eye color is good as long as the whites are white, not bloodshot or yellowish.
Well, that would be a sign of alcoholic hepatitis. I don't blame you there Cinn.