Quote:The men here mostly talk about radical feminists, which you expect us non rads to agree with so you can keep bellowing.
I don't know your take on that, layman.
Not sure if that's a question, Osso, but I guess I'll take it as one. Personally, I don't talk about feminists of any stripe in this forum, and I am unfamiliar with what others say on the topic (apart from what I just heard Hawkeye say).
In general, I don't expect non-radicals (on any topic) to agree with radicals on the same topic. But, that said, I do think, in terms of "minority" groups especially, non-radicals sometimes feel somehow obligated to present a more "radical" viewpoint than they may actually adhere to. Something along the lines of "peer-pressure," I guess.
Black men (or women) are often accused of not being "black" enough, sometimes even called "Uncle Toms," if they don't adopt the views most prevalent amongst their peers.
Same with gays, I think, who, it seems, sometimes feel obligated to agree (more or less) with the views of "militant gay activists" lest they be accused of not being "truly gay."
So, even though I don't personally "expect" such a reaction from "non-radicals," I have seen it, I think. I find it especially refreshing to encounter a black, a gay, a feminist, etc. who are not ashamed to express their "non-radical" views.
The more radical they come, the less credibility they have, with me, at least.