I was reading the "Mothers and Adult Daughters" thread and thought I'd ask you guys' opinion. It's something I'm really see-sawing on -- absolutely, absolutely not, absolutely -- and hubby has said that while he has preferences (which also see-saw), he sees it as ultimately my decision.
I planned the sozlet pretty thoroughly -- wanted to get some substantial work experience in before getting pregnant (created and directed my own agency for 3 years), wanted to have a kid before 30 (sozlet born when I was 29 and 11/12ths), wanted to be able to stay home (saved half of my salary for a year to do so) -- but my planning just went up to having her. I'm an only child, and vaguely assumed I would have just one kid, while leaving the door open.
My husband's the oldest of 4, and his sister was born 4 years after him, and they have a TERRIBLE relationship. He did NOT do well with going from being an only child to a sibling. Tempermentally, my daughter is very much like him in terms of how much attention she requires (a lot), how much stimulation she requires (a lot), etc. She's very curious and very smart and doesn't go for sitting in one place playing with one toy for a long stretch of time. Unless it's something mechanical that she can take apart.
She's also very very sweet, though, and she got a life-sized baby doll for Christmas that she is being incredibly tender and nurturing with.
Also, my hubby is an academic, about to be tenure-track, works ridiculous hours, and I am not tempermentally suited to being a stay-at-home mom for an infinite amount of time. I also feel fairly strongly about avoiding childcare, though.
I'd love to get some straight talk like what I'm seeing on "Mothers and Daughters" about having one vs. having more, not just from my perspective, but from hers (the sozlet.) Also time intervals if I were to have another.