Phew! For a minute there I thought I ticked you off!

Peeving Set enough for him to come back and tell me off was the plan from the onset :wink: ... That and reminding him about all the wonderful people he left behind. Thank you so much for forwarding the messages!
I didn't even know he was making an effort to cut back smoking... that's wonderful. Definitely push the circulation effect as that one shows up on like day 2... and makes a huge difference. And I do mean
HUGE! :wink:
Worry not about not voting me positive... I really wasn't that serious. If I hadn't started this stupid thread, I probably wouldn't have quit at all. It was a whim, but I figured the habit is so moronic, I better run with it. It ain't easy, but it really ain't that hard either. Tedious would be the best word I could put on it. It just keeps gently poking at me.
If it will help; I'll start smoking again and 2 days before Set is ready to quit, so he doesn't have to do it alone.

Looking forward to Pictures...
And what became of Squinney and Heeven, damn it?