Geniuses of our time all disagree with your personal opinion.
Geniuses, HH. Geniuses... Themselves used their genius minds to explain the differences of males and females. Arguing with me, is arguing with genius. You are basing everything off of your feelings - I based things off of facts based on diligent analysis and omni-reverence.
Haha, no. That's not what I said. These are spectrums. Meaning, there's a middle, but the end of each spectrum is the last stage of failure or success a male and female can reach. Of course there'a middle. Be honest with yourself, that would be more crazy than Que, JTT and Rosa combined!
Come on now, HH. Be fair.
I stand by my cosmic understanding of females and males. I have science backing me up. What do you have backing you up, besides "I said so"?
Also, I have this... backing me up:
You're talking to someone who has the Universe's Fibonacci Sequence figured out. Still don't get it? Okay, let me help you understand the comparison point. Fibonacci figured out the sequence based on life here on this planet. I figured out the Fibonacci sequence, as well as this person who made this graph, outside of this small world, out there in that vast space that scientists today still cannot figure out anything new about (Tesla, himself, warned scientists of the path they were on), while I'm sitting here and figuring everything out with my brain alone, no tools, coming to the same conclusions as - coincidentally - geniuses.
It would be strange for you to say I could be right about that, but couldn't be right about males and females because you personally think your opinion is better than my knowledge.