You called me a sexist and accused me of saying anything remotely close to beating a female.
Nothing else needs to be said. Your attitude is a representation of your practice.
I want nothing to do with you, as long as you continue to lie to yourself and deny the scientific facts that differentiate females from males. Just because we're different doesn't mean anybody should treat anyone unfairly. The same applies to people's skin color, but that's not what you care about, now is it? You're so emotionally committed to this, that you forget about every other problem!
I remember every problem because I don't get sucked up by my emotions and my hatred. I am always on top of social issues day in and day out. You couldn't say the same! You are too personal to comprehend the universal. You are too emotional to comprehend the reasonable. You don't care about this world like I do. Do not even think about pretending you do, because your ignorance towards the difference between a male's heart and a female's heart makes you a borderline murderer. Do not ever become a doctor - this doctrine will kill women. Then if you say "well we just won't treat the heart differently, but everything else should be equal!", you have admitted to the scientific fact that the female body and the male body are physiologically designed differently based on universal purposes and roles. You lose either way - step down from the podium now!