I would like to try a thought experiment.
This is a
thought experiment. This does not mean that I either agree or disagree with any of this. "A thought experiment is a device with which one performs an intentional, structured process of intellectual deliberation in order to speculate, within a specifiable problem domain, about potential consequents (or antecedents) for a designated antecedent (or consequent)".
Being that society (specifically feminists, and even more specifically gynocentrists) continually change the definition of rape to whatever suits their ideological ends, including things like defining a woman who gets drunk and has sex with a man and then regrets it after the fact as having been "raped"; I think it's time that men were allowed to define "rape" as they see fit also. At least in the confines of this thought experiment.
A man's sexual needs are his biggest weakness. Any woman who benefits from providing sex to a man is exploiting him. Whether it's a hooker or a housewife. Both hookers and housewives are sex workers, because both are using men's chronic addiction to vagina as a bartering tool. Having a vagina gives a person an unfair advantage in the realm of sexual dynamics. When a man is horny, he is as in control of himself as a woman that's too drunk to stand on her own two feet.
If a woman gives a horny man sex, but she did it to take something from him such a money, or resources, or a promotion, or whatever it might be, then that man has been raped. A horny man is not in his right state of mind, not enough to handle things like money. When women take advantage of this, that is rape. Just like how when a woman has too much to drink and regrets the sex she had the next day that is rape. These things are both rape because the people involved were not in their right minds when the sex took place.
Men are slaves to their dicks. Women know this and use it to their advantage. How many men out their have done something because they were horny, and
immediately after orgasming then thought to themselves "Oh god, this was such a bad idea", and wished they hadn't done it. Because you see, sex is like a drug to men. Men are chronic vagitarians. And because sex is like a drug, men are not in their right mind when they are horny because of the hormonal intoxication of sexual arousal. Women who take advantage of horny men are rapists, just like how women who regret having sex when they were drunk are rape victims.
These people can't be expected to be accountable for their own actions while they are in these states being.
To any men who have ever spent a lot of money on a woman, or on yourself in order to impress a woman; or even to any men who have ever hired a hooker, or spent money on a live cam girl; would you have done this kind of thing if you weren't horny???
That's the same kind of question as when someone asks a woman "That sex you gave that guy last night, would you have done that had you been sober?"
And she answers "No!" and then society says "Then you were raped!"
Women who use their sexuality to obtain something, anything from a man are sexual predators. They prey on men's libidos and coerce money out of men, exploiting their power dynamic just like a pedophile coercing a child with gifts and candy.
A sober man and a drunk woman are on equal social levels. A sober man is so under women's sexual power that women have conscious cognitive control over him. Any taking of this man's money or using him in
any way is rape and exploitation.
In reference to "rape culture", we live in a culture that normalizes men buying things for women and supporting them for life (via marriage). We normalize, glorify, and glamorize this exploitive rape dynamic.
Hookers, sex workers, porn stars, etc. are all horrible exploiters of male weakness. A house wife is a long term hooker, and a hooker is a short term rent-a-wife.
What Tiger Wood's ex-wife did to him was rape.
Now, as I stated this is merely a thought experiment.