Why men are turning their backs on women

Sat 6 Dec, 2014 10:00 pm
I came across this article today and I had to share it. Does anyone have any thoughts about this?


"My generation of boys is f**ked," says Rupert, a young German video game enthusiast I've been getting to know over the past few months. "Marriage is dead. Divorce means you're screwed for life. Women have given up on monogamy, which makes them uninteresting to us for any serious relationship or raising a family. That's just the way it is. Even if we take the risk, chances are the kids won't be ours. In France, we even have to pay for the kids a wife has through adulterous affairs.

"In school, boys are screwed over time and again. Schools are engineered for women. In the US, they force-feed boys Ritalin like Skittles to shut them up. And while girls are favoured to fulfil quotas, men are slipping into distant second place.

"Nobody in my generation believes they're going to get a meaningful retirement. We have a third or a quarter of the wealth previous generations had, and everyone's fleeing to higher education to stave off unemployment and poverty because there are no jobs.

"All that wouldn't be so bad if we could at least dull the pain with girls. But we're treated like paedophiles and potential rapists just for showing interest. My generation are the beautiful ones," he sighs, referring to a 1960s experiment on mice that supposedly predicted a grim future for the human race.

After overpopulation ran out of control, the female mice in John Calhoun's "mouse universe" experiment stopped breeding, and the male mice withdrew from the company of others entirely, eating, sleeping, feeding and grooming themselves but doing little else. They had shiny coats, but empty lives.
"The parallels are astounding," says Rupert.
Never before in history have relations between the sexes been so fraught with anxiety, animosity and misunderstanding. To radical feminists, who have been the driving force behind many tectonic societal shifts in recent decades, that's a sign of success: they want to tear down the institutions and power structures that underpin society, never mind the fall-out. Nihilistic destruction is part of their road map.

But, for the rest of us, the sight of society breaking down, and ordinary men and women being driven into separate but equal misery, thanks to a small but highly organised group of agitators, is distressing. Particularly because, as increasing numbers of social observers are noticing, an entire generation of young people—mostly men—are being left behind in the wreckage of this social engineering project.

Social commentators, journalists, academics, scientists and young men themselves have all spotted the trend: among men of about 15 to 30 years old, ever-increasing numbers are checking out of society altogether, giving up on women, sex and relationships and retreating into pornography, sexual fetishes, chemical addictions, video games and, in some cases, boorish lad culture, all of which insulate them from a hostile, debilitating social environment created, some argue, by the modern feminist movement.

You can hardly blame them. Cruelly derided as man-children and crybabies for objecting to absurdly unfair conditions in college, bars, clubs and beyond, men are damned if they do and damned if they don't: ridiculed as basement-dwellers for avoiding aggressive, demanding women with unrealistic expectations, or called rapists and misogynists merely for expressing sexual interest.

Jack Rivlin is editor-in-chief of student tabloid media start-up The Tab, a runaway success whose current strap-line reads: "We'll stop writing it when you stop reading it." As the guiding intelligence behind over 30 student newspapers, Rivlin is perhaps the best-placed person in the country to observe this trend in action. And he agrees that the current generation of young men find it particularly difficult to engage with women.

"Teenage boys always have been useless with girls, but there's definitely a fear that now being well-intentioned isn't enough, and you can get into trouble just for being clumsy," he says. "For example, leaning in for a kiss might see you branded a creep, rather than just inept."

The new rules men are expected to live by are never clearly explained, says Rivlin, leaving boys clueless and neurotic about interacting with girls. "That might sound like a good thing because it encourages men to take the unromantic but practical approach of asking women how they should behave, but it causes a lot of them to just opt out of the game and retreat to the sanctuary of their groups of lads, where being rude to women gets you approval, and you can pretty much entirely avoid one-on-one socialising with the opposite sex."

"There are also a lot of blokes who ignore women because they are scared and don't know how to act. It goes without saying that boys who never spend any time alone with women are not very good at relationships."

Rivlin has noticed the increased dependence on substances, normally alcohol, that boys are using to calm their nerves. "I've heard a lot of male students boast about never having experienced sober sex," he says. "They're obviously scared, which is natural, but they would be a lot less scared and dysfunctional if they understood 'the rules.'"

The result? "A lot of nice but awkward young men are opting out of approaching women because there is no opportunity for them to make mistakes without suffering worse embarrassment than ever."

Most troublingly, this effect is felt more acutely among poorer and less well educated communities, where the package of support resources available to young men is slight. At my alma mater, the University of Cambridge, the phenomenon barely registers on the radar, according to Union society president Tim Squirrell.

"I don't think I've really noticed a change recently," he says. "This year has seen the introduction of mandatory consent workshops for freshers, which I believe is probably a good thing, and there's been a big effort by the Women's Campaign in particular to try and combat lad culture on campus.

The atmosphere here is the same as it was a year ago - mostly nerdy guys who are too afraid to approach anyone in the first place, and then a smaller percentage who are confident enough to make a move. Obviously women have agency too, and they approach men in about the same numbers as they do elsewhere. There certainly haven't been any stories in [campus newspaper] The Tab about a sex drought on campus."

"I think that people are probably having as much sex as ever," he adds. At Cambridge, of course, that may not mean much, and for a variety of socioeconomic and class-based reasons the tribes at Oxford and Cambridge are somewhat insulated from the male drop-out effect.

But even at such a prestigious university with a largely middle- and upper-class population, those patronising, mandatory "consent" classes are still being implemented. Squirrell, who admits to being a feminist with left-of-centre politics, thinks they're a good idea. But academics such as Camille Paglia have been warning for years that "rape drives" on campus put women at greater risk, if anything.

Women today are schooled in victimhood, taught to be aggressively vulnerable and convinced that the slightest of perceived infractions, approaches or clumsy misunderstandings represents "assault," "abuse" or "harassment." That may work in the safe confines of campus, where men can have their academic careers destroyed on the mere say-so of a female student.

But, according to Paglia, when that women goes out into the real world without the safety net of college rape committees, she is left totally unprepared for the sometimes violent reality of male sexuality. And the panics and fear-mongering are serving men even more poorly. All in all, education is becoming a miserable experience for boys.
In schools today across Britain and America, boys are relentlessly pathologised, as academics were warning as long ago as 2001. Boyishness and boisterousness have come to be seen as "problematic," with girls' behaviour a gold standard against which these defective boys are measured. When they are found wanting, the solution is often drugs.

One in seven American boys will be diagnosed with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) at some point in their school career. Millions will be prescribed a powerful mood stabiliser, such as Ritalin, for the crime of being born male. The side effects of these drugs can be hideous and include sudden death.

Meanwhile, boys are falling behind girls academically, perhaps because relentless and well-funded focus has been placed on girls' achievement in the past few decades and little to none on the boys who are now achieving lower grades, fewer honors, fewer degrees and less marketable information economy skills. Boys' literacy, in particular, is in crisis throughout the West. We've been obsessing so much over girls, we haven't noticed that boys have slipped into serious academic trouble.

So what happened to those boys who, in 2001, were falling behind girls at school, were less likely to go to college, were being given drugs they did not need and whose self-esteem and confidence issues haven't just been ignored, but have been actively ridiculed by the feminist Establishment that has such a stranglehold on teaching unions and Left-leaning political parties?

In short: they grew up, dysfunctional, under-served by society, deeply miserable and, in many cases, entirely unable to relate to the opposite sex. It is the boys who were being betrayed by the education system and by culture at large in such vast numbers between 1990 and 2010 who represent the first generation of what I call the sexodus, a large-scale exit from mainstream society by males who have decided they simply can't face, or be bothered with, forming healthy relationships and participating fully in their local communities, national democracies and other real-world social structures.

A second sexodus generation is gestating today, potentially with even greater damage being done to them by the onset of absurd, unworkable, prudish and downright misandrist laws such as California's "Yes Means Yes" legislation—and by third-wave feminism, which dominates newspapers like the Guardian and new media companies like Vox and Gawker, but which is currently enjoying a hysterical last gasp before women themselves reject it by an even greater margin than the present 4 out of 5 women who say they want nothing to do with the dreaded f-word.
The sexodus didn't arrive out of nowhere, and the same pressures that have forced so many millennials out of society exert pressure on their parent's generation, too. One professional researcher in his late thirties, about whom I have been conversing on this topic for some months, puts it spicily: "For the past, at least, 25 years, I've been told to do more and more to keep a woman. But nobody's told me what they're doing to keep me.

"I can tell you as a heterosexual married male in management, who didn’t drop out of society, the message from the chicks is: 'It's not just preferable that you should **** off, but imperative. You must pay for everything and make everything work; but you yourself and your preferences and needs can **** off and die.'"

Women have been sending men mixed messages for the last few decades, leaving boys utterly confused about what they are supposed to represent to women, which perhaps explains the strong language some of them use when describing their situation. As the role of breadwinner has been taken away from them by women who earn more and do better in school, men are left to intuit what to do, trying to find a virtuous mean between what women say they want and what they actually pursue, which can be very different things.

Men say the gap between what women say and what they do has never been wider. Men are constantly told they should be delicate, sensitive fellow travellers on the feminist path. But the same women who say they want a nice, unthreatening boyfriend go home and swoon over simple-minded, giant-chested, testosterone-saturated hunks in Game of Thrones. Men know this, and, for some, this giant inconsistency makes the whole game look too much like hard work. Why bother trying to work out what a woman wants, when you can play sports, masturbate or just play video games from the comfort of your bedroom?

Jack Donovan, a writer based in Portland who has written several books on men and masculinity, each of which has become a cult hit, says the phenomenon is already endemic among the adult population. "I do see a lot of young men who would otherwise be dating and marrying giving up on women," he explains, "Or giving up on the idea of having a wife and family.
This includes both the kind of men who would traditionally be a little awkward with women, and the kind of men who aren't awkward with women at all.

"They've done a cost-benefit analysis and realised it is a bad deal. They know that if they invest in a marriage and children, a woman can take all of that away from them on a whim. So they use apps like Tinder and OK Cupid to find women to have protected sex with and resign themselves to being 'players,' or when they get tired of that, 'boyfriends.'"

He goes on: "Almost all young men have attended mandatory sexual harassment and anti-rape seminars, and they know that they can be fired, expelled or arrested based more or less on the word of any woman. They know they are basically guilty until proven innocent in most situations."

Donovan lays much of the blame for the way men feel at the door of the modern feminist movement and what he sees as its disingenuousness. "The young men who are struggling the most are conflicted because they are operating under the assumption that feminists are arguing in good faith," he says, "When in fact they are engaged in a zero-sum struggle for sexual, social, political and economic status—and they're winning.

"The media now allows radical feminists to frame all debates, in part because sensationalism attracts more clicks than any sort of fair or balanced discourse. Women can basically say anything about men, no matter how denigrating, to a mix of cheers and jeers."

That has certainly been the experience of several loose coalitions of men in the media recently, whether scientists outraged by feminist denunciations of Dr Matt Taylor, or video gamers campaigning under the banner of press ethics who saw their movement smeared as a misogynistic hate group by mendacious, warring feminists and so-called "social justice warriors".

Donovan has views on why it has been so easy for feminists to triumph in media battles. "Because men instinctively want to protect women and play the hero, if a man writes even a tentative criticism of women or feminism, he's denounced by men and women alike as some kind of extremist scoundrel. The majority of "men's studies" and "men's rights" books and blogs that aren't explicitly pro-feminist are littered with apologies to women.
"Books like The Myth of Male Power and sites like A Voice for Men are favourite boogeymen of feminists, but only because they call out feminists' one-sided hypocrisy when it comes to pursing 'equality.'"

Unlike modern feminists, who are driving a wedge between the sexes, Men's Rights Activists "actually seem to want sexual equality," he says. But men's studies authors and male academics are constantly tip-toeing around and making sure they don't appear too radical. Their feminine counterparts have no such forbearance, of course, with what he calls "hipster feminists," such as the Guardian's Jessica Valenti parading around in t-shirts that read: "I BATHE IN MALE TEARS."

"I'm a critic of feminism," says Donovan. "But I would never walk around wearing a shirt that says, "I MAKE WOMEN CRY." I'd just look like a jerk and a bully."

It's the contention of academics, sociologists and writers like Jack Donovan that an atmosphere of relentless, jeering hostility to men from entitled middle-class media figures, plus a few confused male collaborators in the feminist project, has been at least partly responsible for a generation of boys who simply don't want to know.

In Part 2, we'll meet some of the men who have "checked out," given up on sex and relationships and sunk into solitary pursuits or alcohol-fuelled lad culture. And we'll discover that the real victims of modern feminism are, of course, women themselves, who have been left lonelier and less satisfied than they have ever been.

Sat 6 Dec, 2014 10:55 pm
It was almost 6 years ago now that I began to say that black men checking out was a warning to us all, that if this could happen to this large subcommunity that it could happen to us all. The story that black men tell is the black women because angry bossy bitches, would not let them have any space and would not let them be equal parents, that it got to the point that there was no reason to stick around.

There have been claims that young white men are increasingly checking out, that the reason they dont work and sit around in the basement playing xbox and viewing porn rather than going out and doing something is that they are convinced that they are not wanted and see no point in trying to become wanted.

I have not yet spent much time looking into this, however even if it is true I expect the documenting this at this point will be very difficult. This societies approach to young men is to preach to them and then ignore them if they are not causing any problems. Guys sitting in the basement of their parents house online are not causing any problems, so their entire existence would normally be ignored.
Sat 6 Dec, 2014 10:56 pm
typical breitbart bullshit
Sat 6 Dec, 2014 11:03 pm
I will also say that for sure a lot of todays young men have been raised in female dominated homes where the father was not only a spineless wimp but also taught the sons that being a spineless wimp is a requirement to keep the peace. Never having a strong male role model it is difficult to know how young men ever stood a chance to overcome the male bashing that they were indoctrinated with at school for all of those years.

However, I dont know that the preceding black male abdication of the home and society in general (lets face it, large numbers of them are in our jails) was set up by fathers that were still in the home but were submissive to the woman.
0 Replies
Sat 6 Dec, 2014 11:04 pm
MontereyJack wrote:

typical breitbart bullshit

is the absent black male also bullshit? You might want to find out how many current black adults were raised without males in the picture.
Sat 6 Dec, 2014 11:45 pm
Yes hawkeye, I've seen this first hand in the black community. For the longest time I was convinced that black women were more berating of men, but now I'm convinced that white women hold more contempt for men. I live in a largely white community now, and I see it everywhere. But all you really have to do is take a look around the media. Men are treated as second class citizens. But this is a much bigger problem than even something like racism. This is a species wide phenomenon. It's something that's hardwired into our collective reptile hind brains.

I think men have just had enough. They can't win, and things like that Rolling Stone debacle and the "yes means yes" law are just tiny stones in a monolith that's peering down at men as whole with scorn and contempt.

I think this is a healthy response to our gynocentric culture. Women are constantly bitching about how horrible men are, so men are waking up and saying "You hate us? Fine, **** you. We're outta here.", and taking their skills and resources with them.

And this is powerful. This will eventually cause social change. The problem is that most men are so brainwashed that they don't realize that women treat them like this. The more men that wake up, the stronger the effect. If enough men engage in this behavior eventually women will HAVE to take notice and eventually women will be forced to adjust their self centered and hateful behavior. Just because gynocentrism is hardwired into our collective hind brains doesn't mean we can't make a conscious effort to be aware of it, and to correct our faulty behavior.

Some men call this phenomenon MGTOW (Men Going Their Own Way). Some call it "Ghosting". I prefer "Ghosting". I would consider myself a Ghost. And I'm happier for it.
Sun 7 Dec, 2014 01:53 am
. But all you really have to do is take a look around the media.

I read the blog of a slave from india who is in the USA currently married to a corporate executive, she says that Frozen is completely anti male, she is stunned that we americans approve of this male bashing, and marketed to kids no less. She did a few thousand words comparing frozen to a Bollywood movie she had just watched, where the bollywood move has strong male characters and showed women treating them with the same respect that they expected to be treated with where as Frozen had pretty much none . a real eye opener.

I forgot that you are black.....was there a generation of weak submissive men in the home before we got to a generation of men that decided to take a hike?

If enough men engage in this behavior eventually women will HAVE to take notice and eventually women will be forced to adjust their self centered and hateful behavior

If they want a man around, but black women seem pretty fine with no men around to contradict them, and women dont need men for money or babies anymore, so we will see. It looks clear that there are a lot more dykes then their used to be, but the observers are very unsure why this is happening. Who knows how far it will go too.
Sun 7 Dec, 2014 02:35 am
Back to the OP. Whoever wrote that seems to have a pretty slanted, cynical view of things. I've given up on marriage, but not women or sex. I don't interpret his examples in the same way he does, and don't see some grand anti-male scheme behind the way society is going. I could be wrong, but I'd need it pointed out to me (with evidence) who is doing the scheming to control society and how they're accomplishing such a feat.
Sun 7 Dec, 2014 02:53 am
but I'd need it pointed out to me (with evidence) who is doing the scheming to control society and how they're accomplishing such a feat.
So before you can say that you are looking at a victim you need to know who the abuser is and have a complete understanding of how they conducted the abuse?

I think you are being unreasonable here.
Sun 7 Dec, 2014 02:58 am
hawkeye10 wrote:

but I'd need it pointed out to me (with evidence) who is doing the scheming to control society and how they're accomplishing such a feat.
So before you can say that you are looking at a victim you need to know who the abuser is and have a complete understanding of how they conducted the abuse?

I think you are being unreasonable here.

Even if it's a case of a housewife with a black eye, asking for evidence that a particular individual is the culprit is appropriate. I need to see some evidence of the victimization of men, yes, and no, that's not unreasonable. If you've got something, I'll give it a look. I don't see it, but I admit that I haven't been looking for it, either.
0 Replies
Sun 7 Dec, 2014 03:27 am
Suddenly, you believe in victims. I'm not requiring a conspiracy; just noting the sudden turnaround.
0 Replies
Sun 7 Dec, 2014 03:52 am
Never turn your back on the wimmins . . . they're dangerous enough as it is.
Sun 7 Dec, 2014 03:54 am
Setanta wrote:

Never turn your back on the wimmins . . . they're dangerous enough as it is.

You never know when she might be sportin' a strap-on. Shocked
0 Replies
Sun 7 Dec, 2014 04:15 am
Never turn your back on the wimmins . . . they're dangerous enough as it is.

Haha! I've missed you Setanta
0 Replies
Sun 7 Dec, 2014 04:20 am
I forgot that you are black.....was there a generation of weak submissive men in the home before we got to a generation of men that decided to take a hike?

So, basically what I would say is that valuing a man purely for his wealth (hypergamy), is more prevalent amongst black women. But It's like by a tiny discrepancy. Pretty much it's a common thing across all races.

I don't consider men to be weak. Unfortunately, most men are still living in a dreamworld, but that doesn't make them weak.
0 Replies
Sun 7 Dec, 2014 06:18 am
nononono wrote:
"My generation of boys is f**ked," says Rupert, a young German video game enthusiast I've been getting to know over the past few months.

Wow it must be true, because video game enthusiasts are normally such a big hit with the ladies.

Congratulations, you managed to find another bunch of sad sacks who are almost as pathetic as you.

Leave the conversation about men to men, and stick to what you do best.

0 Replies
Sun 7 Dec, 2014 11:01 pm
What Can Pussy Buy You?

Have you ever heard a woman complain that she couldn’t get any action?

It’s a more common problem than you’d think. In fact, it’s more common that women say this than men do. That seems strange doesn’t it? After all, it is men who are the most overt seekers of sex, and women who are the arbiters of who is getting some and who isn’t.

But men rarely make the “I cant get any” complaint. Rarely because it is an admission of failure. It is a statement of lowered social status.

But isn’t a woman admitting to social ineptitude as well?

Not exactly.

It’s not a secret that men are the pursuers in sex, while women are the pursued. But while this is true, it can be a misleading to description of the social dynamic in effect. Men are the competitors in sexual pursuit, and women are the selectors of those who compete. Describing women as the pursued plays into the female victim narrative. A false narrative. There is power in being the selector. It’s a power that men, other than those few at the top of social and economic hierarchies don’t have. By comparison to most men, almost all women have this power. And all they have to do to keep it is not be physically disgusting.

But we return to the female complaint. I can’t get laid. Often said by an attractive woman.

When we hear those words, we are not hearing the same message that would be conveyed by a man. We are not hearing – I’ve been pursuing sexual attention and getting no positive result.

When an attractive woman says I can’t get any action in my fluffy lady bits, what what she is actually saying is this.

The men who are vying for my sexual attention are below the social or economic threshold that I have set as my price for sexual access.

A woman who says I cant get any dick is actually saying – the price I demand for sex is higher than the men in my social circle are willing to pay.

And it is true is that men who have sexual lives beyond hand-o-sexual almost all do pay. That does not mean to say that it’s all a direct exchange of cold hard cash. But for almost all women, sexual access is a tool of social exchange. That’s why for all women, male status is primary marker of sexual attractiveness.

High profile athlete? Yes please.

Janitor? No thanks, you’ll pass on that one.

What kind of guy is the athlete? What kind of guy is the janitor? Such evaluation requires men’s consideration as complete human beings. But the feminine sorting algorithm is far too efficient to bother with that level of detail. So what kind of guy is he? So it doesn’t matter.

Returning to the chick who complains that she can’t get any action. Yes, she can. What she’s saying is that she can’t get the price she wants in the market for pussy.

She is treating her sexuality as a commodity. In fact, NAWALT aside, women commoditize their sexuality in a way that men do not.

Male sexuality has no competitive market value. Because of this, few men can use their sexuality as a tradable resource. When a man observes that he cant get any, he’s saying he can’t give it away. But aside from there being little market value to male sexuality, men do not approach sex as a commercial activity. For most men, sex is a doorway to intimacy and human connection.

Can we repair the growing rift between men and women? For men, it can by dis-engaging from commoditized sexual transit. This does not mean men should stop objectifying women or viewing them as sexual objects. Men are not the controlling class in sexual matters. Dis-engagement from those who commoditize their sex is one of the few tools they have.

But it is women who are the gatekeepers of sex. Recognizing this brings a realization of just who is using who, and what they can do about it.

Does it need to be spelled out? Not, I expect, to women. And the vast majority of women will not stop trading sex for access, advantage, provision and male service. Nor will most ever admit to the ongoing exchange. Plausible deniability is a woman’s best friend. Fortunately, women are not my readership.

Men, are you still picking this up?

Your sexuality has no value in the current market. By contrast, women’s sexuality does.

And as much as this uneven playing field screws you, it’s you guys who keep the system of your own exploitation running. You continue to participate in the sexual marketplace, where your lives are devalued. Do you necessarily pay for it in cash. Not most men, at least not directly. But those who do, while frowned on by polite society might even be moving in the right direction. The openly transactional nature of sex is at least clearly visible when utilizing the services of a sex trade worker.

Gentlemen, your participation in the transaction model of sexual interaction creates the culture of disposable men.

Some men will be baffled by this. And those who can see the transactional character of sexual relations will deny, evade and spin their personal hamster wheels at light speed. They will do almost anything avoid the reality that puts an unavoidable personal challenge right in their laps.

Gentlemen, you do the work of running it, but you do not rule the world. The world, like all other enterprises is run not through direct control, but indirectly by proxy.

Public mythology states that because men sit at the heads of corporations and governments, the whole world is a patriarchy. Run by men, for men. But this is an infantile and foolish conception of the way the world works. But unless have it clear in our minds just how stupid the myth is, we will be harassed by people who do not want anything to change ever.

And why would anybody promote that false and stupid model as reality? Because they benefit by men keeping to their role as draft horses, walking wallets, violence and resource dispensers, and disposable humans. In other words, Real Men [tm]. And if you’re one of these esteemed protector provider servitors whose value depends on female approval, then you are part of the problem.

You gentlemen, real men and good men are propping up social rule by a leisure caste who manage their servants by telling them that they’re real men, good men and so on.

And the woman complaining she can’t get any is telling the males around her they’re not providing enough benefit in exchange for access to her magic vagina. She’s complaining about low financial achievers. But she’s also complaining about guys capable of being her provisioning tool but with the self esteem to reject the exchange of female supplied identity for their self sacrifice.

Do not be one of the sleepers underlying the rails that the trains run on.

For men, this means rejecting the normal interface between men and women where male identity is traded in sexual transaction for the provision of women .

That all has to go. Flush it right down the shitter.

What does she want in exchange for sexual access. If it’s anything except the same human intimacy and connection you want – then it’s nothing but a transaction. A bad deal for you. No matter how it is hidden, men trade their humanity for approval from the self-serving prehistoric instincts of a breeding female’s uterus.

And one of the problems is that most men do not believe they are capable of doing anything except conforming. That is, conforming to the allowed role of a controlled servant given positive identity based on continued utility. Stepping outside that path takes will power and self knowledge that does not come without hard work.

This is not complicated. But saying it is simple does not mean it is easy.

It’s also, at the present beyond most men’s and women’s ability to grasp. Not because they aren’t capable, but because it is new and unknown.

And there are fraudsters in this game playing for mainstream appeal try to co-opt the identity of men forging a new path for themselves. But a tiny minority are cutting this new path. And difficult as it seems to conventional thinkers, the path becomes increasingly easy as more people adopt it.

And that good looking girl who cant sell her kooch for a high enough price, maybe eventually she’ll figure it out too.

Sun 7 Dec, 2014 11:06 pm
Economics is a powerful explainer. I find it hard to disagree with anything there.
0 Replies
Sun 15 Mar, 2015 09:30 pm
Do any of the men posting here truly believe their mothers hated them or thought they were worthless because they are male? What about your grandmothers, aunts, sister, were they terrible people as well?

This stuff makes my head spin, I love my sons, nephews, a wonderful husband that no one would accuse of being a wimp, I loved my father, grandfather, maybe not each and every uncle but not because they were male. This whole women hate men and men have no use for women fantasy is crazy talk.

People who wallow in imaginary misery are doomed to live in misery. I would never tell anyone to completely trust everyone they meet, male or female, but holy **** folks, can you only see the hole in the donut? Nononono sounds like one of those survivals nut cases, only he's not worried about nuclear annilation, his big fear is the imaginary men-hating club.

It has to suck not to have any joy in your life.

(by the way, I know many of the guys here have mothers who loved them, with the possible exception of hawkeye)
Sun 15 Mar, 2015 09:34 pm
Do any of the men posting here truly believe their mothers hated them or thought they were worthless because they are male?
the more important thing is how many were brought up by their mommas to do what ever women say? How many little boys were taught the lesson over and over again " if momma ain't happy nobodies happy"?

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