Yeah, well, i tolerate idiocy well, which is why i'm still talking to you. When you say you can make the trip in five hours, i think you're lying. That would be an average speed of almost 80 mph, without any stops. Try to keep your bullsh*t plausible, 'K, Max?
I've driven in New York dozens of times, too. I've seen lots and lots of people pulled over, both on the Thruway, and on other roads. I've been pulled over twice, myself. The first time was for doing 65 in a 55, which is how i learned that the state's default speed limit is 55. I got a lecture and was let off. I was also pulled over on the Thruway for doing 80 in a 65. The state trooper came up and asked me if i knew why he had pulled me over. I looked at him as though he were crazy and said: "Because i was driving at an excessive rate of speed." He took my license and registration and went back to his cruiser. When he came back and handed me my papers he said he was going to let me off because, and i quote: "Traffic is light and when i asked you if you knew why i had pulled you over, you didn't try to bullsh*t me."
Frankly, Max, i think you're lying because you are constitutionally incapable of ever admitting that you might be wrong.