Then you agree with my prediction.
The Dems think that all they have to do his get his mug shot printed in the paper and he's done for 2016. I'm not a huge fan of Perry and I don't think the Clark Kent look is going to erase the residue of his debate gaffe, but with this, it's way too easy to not only explain away the indictment in a manner which make his opponents look like the ones abusing power, but Perry's supposed victim is a nasty drunk.
It worked with DeLay because he was oily and a nasty piece of partisan work and people could believe that he played fast and loose with campaign finance laws. And while his conviction was overturned, the damage was done. There also wasn't a target for DeLay. Ronnie Earle is a sleazeball who spent more time using his office as a political weapon then fighting crime, and his political aspirations fell through the floor after he left the DA job, but he wasn't the "victim," the "people" arguably were.
Perry on the other hand cuts a much better figure than DeLay, and while he's not hugely popular in Texas, outside of a few sparsely populated blue counties in West Texas, The Valley, and Travis County, Democrats as a whole are very unpopular here. He doesn't have an exaggerated reputation as a bully which is what this current play is all about, but he does have a very large target in Rosemary Lehmberg.
As expected, Perry was ready for his closeup and whatever anyone thinks of him, he's a good looking, photogenic guy.They were never going to get a Nick Nolte mugshot unless they could have pulled him out of bed or a bar at 2:00am, and
that was never going to happen. This was all they were ever going to get: