They certainly could remove the PKK pebble from their shoe by at least some sort of recognition of some form of Kurdistani state. The Kurds and Turks have a lot in common that could help stability in the region if not just in Turkey and "Kurdistan". Neither the Turks nor the Kurds are anything less than supurb fighters.
ISIS no challenge to Turkey at any rate. And ISIS seems to be overly spead out and bogging down.
The Iraqi army is at 330,000 active and 550,000 reserves. This isn't over yet. This is mainly about speculation in the oil market.
Turkey plans to double its 270,000 active duty troops by the end of this year. There could always be an accommodation, Turkey did finally appologize for the Armenian genocide. Nobody saw that coming. There hasn't been any serious PPK violence though the events in the park in Istambul last year have promised to repeat themseves again this year.
Has it been happening and the press here isn't reporting it?
ISIS is more rabble than movement. How does the RW deny this?