In my very humble opinion, sex-- and everything pertaining to the traditionally sexual-- is vastly overrated; the obsession that comes with it for some is even worse. I hate modern society; every where one walks, there is one phallic symbol or another. Life would be better with a different sort of pleasure. I say this not due to what you may perceive as 'she's only saying this because... blah,' as this is a self-induced opinion that I have held since the age of fourteen. Something so animalistic, despite how well done, or how much affection is behind it, or what life is generated, is completely... unneeded. The connection of two hearts and souls without such primordiality; the connection of time with person, one's knowledge and sentiments with another, is far more pleasurable.
dròm_et_rêve wrote:the connection of time with person, one's knowledge and sentiments with another, is far more pleasurable.
Having that and wonderful sex is the best of both worlds, then. Maybe I'm just lucky.
aimeemarie123 wrote:..........AHHHHH bad thought maybe I am bad in bed... EEEEKKKK
In the scientific interest of your well being aimeemarie, i will

offer to give you a proper assessment.
C'mon over and we'll rate you (for your peace of mind - of course! :wink:)
[it will probably render me a little 'piece' too!]
Kicky always surprises me.
uh oh.... now I have done it.
BoGo... I don't think I can be helped... I just need
Quote:sex is over rated... I said it befor and I will say it again...
give me:
me, my blanky, a colin ferrell movie, and a box of the new orgasmic chocolate and I am happy!
that's only if I am allowed to quote myself...
Sex is over rated? That would be according to the individual. It's not over rated for me. I used to say that it was, however. But I don't believe it anymore and I never will again.
you go girl!
you have found inner peace!
I'm no expert on Europe or other countries filled with foreigners, but America, sexually, seems to very orgasm-centered, without any thought to all that goes into sensuality.
I want to add a bottle of pinot gregio to my list too, I might as well get drunk...well giggily if I am going to be alone with colin ferrell... well at least one of his movies.
Anyone who thinks sex is overrated needs a lover who knows what they're doing.
Sex is the most wonderful gift God has given us in all the universe.
aimee sings " I need a lover that wont drive me crazy"
England is just the same, perhaps worse; to paraphrase Wilde, there is nothing to divide England and America except language.
Perhaps if sex were not conceived at 'the goal' or the consummation, at least, of a relationship, things would not be like that.
I think myself, Doglover, that that is rather.... presumptuous. My distaste toward sex is not due to history, but rather due to my own credences. I don't see how one can call a bodily function one of the most beautiful gifts given to us. The most, I should think, is the ability of compassion and thought.
Hmm...I'm miffed nobody pointed out that Europe isn't a country, I thought that was a good joke...otherwise, I agree with drom.
hmmmm.... that's an interesting theory.
Whoops, Cav; I thought that you were referring to Europe (the continent) and other countries... I laughed; but for different reasons.
And thank you. Sex is the very manifestation of dependence; but not in the good sense of that word...
dròm_et_rêve wrote:Whoops, Cav; I thought that you were referring to Europe (the continent) and other countries... I laughed; but for different reasons.
And thank you. Sex is the very manifestation of dependence; but not in the good sense of that word...
I'm not certain I completely agree with your last statement there. It can be, certainly, and often is, but as a blanket condemnation of the act, I would have to say no, that is not true.