hmmm.... this is kinda off topic...
I just think sex is overrated in the sense that people focus way too much on it. It's not the most important thing in a relationship. The connection, the companionship, the closeness . . . these are the real important things.
Maybe that's just me.
If I go several days without sex I start getting cranky....that's all I know.
I can lie quietly with my arms around squinney and feel the endorphins leaving my brain and flowing through my body like the rush of a warm and calming stream right after......muscles relaxing, tension melting away, and a bonding feeling of love like no other....that's what sex as a part of love does for me.
Sex without love, not even in the same ballpark.....but still pretty damn cool.
I think I'm just sick of my current sex partner.
I think I'm going to become an asexual.
mine isn't coming near me, he is like we are all kissy kissy, touchie touchie,
then he says ok i gotta go. i am way wierded out by it...
me and you kicky mine wont (maybe he's sick of me) and your sick of yours
we can get together.... but you have to love me first! :wink:
Oh ya, makes me want to take Wiyaka's hand and lead her...
You are absolutely right sex with the one you love is beyond description. Sex without love, I don't even bother. When you've had the best everything else is a waste of time.
Okay, why don't we fall in love then. I'm up for it. Except I am not moving to Massachusetts! Let's buy a little bungalow on a tropical island somewhere and frolic naked on the sand for the rest of our lives.
I have no comment... I don't love the new guy but I don't not love him... I am in the beginning stages. maybe he respects me to much... I dunno.
Aimee, maybe he is just nervous.
And by the way, I love you with a passion uncontested.
asimee sings "I don't care who you are, what you did, as long as you love me"
well kicky, I have to say that is a very tempting offer... I need some naked frolicing time... don't forget the sun screen... I am a very light skinned girl. IRISH and FRENCH... fair fair skin... sunburn...on the breasts or bum.... ouch.
if kicky, it is truly with passion; the 'uncontested' is redundant!
[more likely, i suspect, 'no contest'

well it is kicky after all...
you really think he is nervous?? or do you think he is scares of seeing me naked again? or I am bad in bed, or he is scared I will see him naked again... or..... HELP!
It's hard to say. You'll have to tell me how long you've been doing it first. Sometimes at the beginning, it's a little bit awkward, until you get to know what the other person likes.
we have been together about two months we did it once, I thought it was great... now it's been three weeks, and every time we get close he says I gott go, lets slow down... you know that kind of stuff...
This is how I see my current situation. Having sex with her is like eating Chinese food. After it's over, I'm hungry again in a little while, but not for that same leftover chinese food.
kicky it sounds like it is time to move on maybe you could just be friends...
You might be right, but I can't move on until I find somebody new to satisfy my animal urges! Why don't you hop a flight out here and help me out?
new york city is only 3 hours from here by train... I will see you in three hours.
well maybe no I have senior week activities I have to attend this week. how about two weeks from thursday.