Boy - you really ARE a doglover, aren't you!!!
Gee, Kelly used to bark...
No, my ex wasn't named Kelly.
He was an irish setter.
No, my ex wasn't an irish setter.
He was irish but he left.
(I can laugh now.)
Boy! This thread is really going to the dogs!!
So we're all agreed, then. Wimmin be evil and mins be stupid. Is that it?
Erm, wrong thread Lola. Let's keep things topical here. As the original topic stated, "How do pets affect your sex life?"
The best part of sex, from an emotional standpoint, is the word "Negative".
I shure missed a lot while I was gone!!! I can't leave you guy's (and girls)lone for a few days with out you turning the sex forum into: do your dogs watch you have sex?
what is the world coming to?
well since we are on this topic... I am seeing a guy it's been about a month and we finally got to it (Wink Wink)
he just got a new german shepard, she is old enough to be fixed... thats not the point.
we were gettin' hot n heavy... and the dog followed us and laid on the bed right next to us... hmmmm it was just wierd, maybe it's just because I am NOT a dog person.
he is way way WAY too much of a dog person...
I prefer cats....
dlowan can agree with me there at least cats don't weigh as much as a german shepard... even a baby one...
Well, my dog is smaller than some cats, but he is clingy (pack animals you know, that's why they want to be a part of any action happening). He isn't allowed in the bedroom when things are going on. I may be a dog person, but I do prefer a nice pussycat, yeah, that's it, cat...
CAV !!!!!
that's a very naughty thing...
Quote:I may be a dog person, but I do prefer a nice pussycat, yeah, that's it, cat...
oh boy
Yes, but not technically graphic. Get your mind out of the gutter!

sorry. I am sex deprived... that is where my mind stays.
hey Cav; that's what 'gutters' are for; to catch all the stray detritous, just before it all hits the 'sewer'!
*Comes back into this thread, waving a banner that states: 'Sex is overrated.'
I am glad, however, that the bunny-ears vote has gone up to three. Go, comrades!
sex is over rated... I said it befor and I will say it again...
give me:
me, my blanky, a colin ferrell movie, and a box of the new orgasmic chocolate and I am happy!
I guess I don't have enough sex to know if it is over rated... the new boy is not like other boys... he seems to not want to have sex all that often... I am going NUTS... we have donr it once...2 weeks ago.
AHHHHH bad thought maybe I am bad in bed... EEEEKKKK