Uhh...not too sure how to answer that one.
Don't bother to answer it at all Slap. Just keep living as you were and forget about it.
I'm not nearly as evil as Yucko the Clown.
yes, yucko is hands-down the beelzebub of evil clowns!
sex, clowns, potato, po-tat-o, lets call the whole thing off.
this thread is starting to take on a "Steven King" pallor!
yaeh i am not too fond of clowns...
I've got a clown suit in the van...who wants to go for a ride to find my lost puppy?
eeekkkkk... everyone run it's slappy the scary clown, molester man.
look out Cav; there's a 'clown molester' at large!!
is that sarcasm bo go ??? hmmmmm!
Don't run, kids...I've got some CANDY.
aimeemarie123 wrote:is that sarcasm bo go ??? hmmmmm!

The thought that i might resort to sarcasm is sooo hurtful (nevermind accurate);
and that would be Bo Gone! (under the circumstances

Candy! Get your candy here!
Note the police car conspicuously parked to the right;
I always suspected slappy was a 'plant'
He's a "NARK"!
run everyone!!!
looks like the fire chief to me, there to investigate the fire in slappy's loins.