The best part of sex...when you both want each other so badly that you rip, and kiss, and lick, and pant, and grab, and yell -- until you laugh, and smile, and giggle, and speak softly, and fall into a heavenly slumber. Its also great to wake up the next morning and wonder what in the heck he did with your underwear as you tip toe around the room picking up your clothes all over the floor and the furniture. :wink:
I had sex once in the parking lot of a bar, on an old soiled mattress. The girls was someone I had met in the parking lot a few minutes earlier.
I had been outside taking a whiz, when I heard a voice. She had been sitting on the hood of her car, next to where I was whizzing, and I didn't notice her.
One thing led to another and we ended up on the mattress. By the time we were finished there was a whole crowd of bar patrons cheering us on.
The sex was great and I spent the next several weeks looking for that woman, but my search was in vain. She must've just been passing through.
The mattress remained outside of the bar for several weeks until the owner finally decided to have it thrown away.
How long had you had that mattress there, Gus?
I mean, putting it there connivently and all, was clever enough and I love the part where you stood nearby with your thing out
(Was there a sign too? ....~Check it out~Check it out~)
But how long was it before some dimbulb took the, er, bait?
(and before someone else chimes in, I want to know how long a time it was and not anything else.)
If only clothes and stuff didn't exist the next day to be picked up and all that!
Remember Erica Jong's concept of the unreachable "zipless f#ck"? - where no such realities obtruded.
OCCOM BILL wrote:Politics aside, I'd mount Gus's padlock before 6 months were up.

that's Bill for ya; he'd 'mount' anything!!!
cavfancier wrote:Yikes, I think Sofia is making me horny again....what a great idea! I like it...that has got to be the best marriage saver ever. Bill doesn't understand, he's single and has a trouser issue, judging by the size of his cigar.
Cav's just "full" of compliments, eh Bill!
dlowan wrote:Actually - there were two uf us in the bubbles - and me spa is weeny!
dl; if your spa is "weeny", who the hell is the 'other one'?
ossobuco wrote:ehBeth wrote:ossobuco wrote:YES again., to the person... well, that wasn't how the poll was worded but it is the cruxt, is it not?
Not necessarily.
Um, awash in memories here, re a person - I am so old I have more than one of those indelible memories, what are you saying, that you might remember the sex and not the person?
errrrrr, no
i remember the person and the sex. adored the sex, tolerated the person.
sometimes the sex is just better than the person.
sometimes the most sublime sex is not with the one you love the most
or, at least, that's one of my life lessons
Sofia wrote:Honey PLEASE! Go for it, Diane!!!
We've done the role playing a couple of times--in public, at a bar. We take turns trying to pick one another up. It is a hoot when you say certain things...other people hear it,...the fun is when other guys/women try to get in on the action...Its funny because my husband is so shy. (But it really turned him on.)
Wigs are great, too!
I used to have a lot of fun with this with an ex. I'm a great fan of the wig
I once arranged to meet him at a bar, got there early - wearing a wig - made up - dressed up - sat at the bar, chatting with the bartender - he arrived, sat down at the bar and waited for me - started checkin' me out - didn't know who I was til I laughed - then came over to put the moves on. Great fun!
I had to vote for the bunny ears goin round and round, but after reading all this my little escapades seem tame and that says alot!!
The best... hmmm. Gotta be the first "accidental" touch. How many of those can one have before getting a reputation?
The best part of sex is the cigarette after, a reward from your cellmate for a 'job' well done.
ehBeth wrote:
errrrrr, no
i remember the person and the sex. adored the sex, tolerated the person.
sometimes the sex is just better than the person.
sometimes the most sublime sex is not with the one you love the most
or, at least, that's one of my life lessons
Oh, sure, I agree, but I was referring to the best of the best.. in my opinion.
Re: Cav
BumbleBeeBoogie wrote:Cav, a sig? Ugh!
It's okay BBB. I don't smoke, and I'm not in prison, yet.
Bear thinks it's great when I smoke after sex.... Makes him all happy with himself!
How did Bear get into the room?
Hi, Gus. I let him in now and then. He's a well trained Bear. Does "Sit" and "Beg" extremely well.
squinney wrote:Hi, Gus. I let him in now and then. He's a well trained Bear. Does "Sit" and "Beg" extremely well.
I hope there's a leash involved. That's hot.