I bet somebody gets this one right away.
Spring Byington. Name the show.
December Bride- One of my faves!
On what show did "Snooky" Lanson star?
Who was the star of the radio series "Pete Kelly's Blues"? It was also a movie and a TV series, but I want the star of the radio version.
Jack Webb did everything else having to do with Pete Kelly's Blues. Wasn't he the star on the radio too?
Who did Junior "the mean widdow kid" trap in his closet every season for at least two or three years?
Yes, Pete Kelly was Jack Webb. He did the radio and movie, someone else did the TV show, although Webb was a producer.
Mean widdow kid- I don't know. I'll guess Santa Claus?
Not Santa. Red Skelton did this for probably three years.
I remember his mean widdow kid, but I don't remember the closet. (woulda been funny if it was Fibber McGee) Was this a human character like his father, or a legendary character, like the boogie man?
Maybe it was Red himself? A 'skelton' in the closet?
need clue
It's hard to give a clue without giving it away. Let's say it's a being who ordinarily could not be contained by a closet.
Near the end of radio's golden age, Don Knotts appeared as Windy on which series?