On Bernie Ward- KGO Radio
A frame by frame analysis by a scientfic crew determined it to be fake.
Theres a frame in it where a guy with a us military cap sticks his head out real quick--only can be noticed in slow motion frame by frame-
For the sake of discussion let's say the beheading and the video are fakes.
They've gotten away with it because the majority of people will want to believe its real because the thought of their own government and people doing something so horrific right out in the open is more than the general public can process and stand. Even if they smell a rat in their heart of hearts they will never actually admit it.
This is a weapon that costs nothing and is highly effective.
As I stated earlier. The majority of Americans never question what the mass Media reports. Bush and Right Wingers are using this event for their purposes.
Black Ops and Psy Ops have been used many times by the CIA and other agencies and they have gotten away with them, as far as I am aware of.
That's true. Psy Ops are masters of deception.
Just the picture of the group before the behead looks staged. Sort of like the cover of The Inquirer or The Star and other tabloid mags who mislead us by putting the face of a famous person on the body of another in a compromising situation.
It was staged. By them. They were posing for the camera while reading their statement. Then they murdered Berg.
Joanne, deecups, pistoff:
I read a short piece a week ago that claimed devout Islamics don't wear gold rings. In fact, they're forbidden by Allah to do so.
Anyway, one of Berg's captures can clearly be seen wearing what appears to be a gold ring.
Just more oddities in an already odd story.
Infowarrior, It has been demonstrated time and again that devout Islamics don't murder innocent civilians either.
infowarrior wrote:I read a short piece a week ago that claimed devout Islamics don't wear gold rings. In fact, they're forbidden by Allah to do so.
Anyway, one of Berg's captures can clearly be seen wearing what appears to be a gold ring.
Just more oddities in an already odd story.
What's this guy doing wearing gold rings?
He's Ayatollah Mohammed Baqer al-Hakim, assinated leader of the Supreme Assembly of the Islamic Revolution in Iraq (SAIRI) and formerly Iraq's best-known Shiite Muslim politician.
There are several references on the web about not wearing jewelry being a part of Islam but there are also a number of pics of Ayatollahs doing just that. Apparently the hard abd fast rule goes away when you've made your way up the food chain.
...or this guy?
BTW, it's Grand Ayatollah Sayyid Ali Husaini Sistani
Re: !
pistoff wrote:
A frame by frame analysis by a scientfic crew determined it to be fake.
Pistoff, The Berg media was a video as I think you have mentioned several times. How then do you do a frame by frame analysis of a video, which is a continuous stream reproduction, as your source claims? Only film is reproduced by frame (discrete individual pictures). If you try and limit video to a short time segment, say 1/16 of a second or 1/32 of a second, which are the time segments for most film frames, all you get is a blur. I would suggest that it is more likely that your source is a fraud as the "scientific crew" seem unaware of the crucial distinction between video and film.
A streaming media video can't be broken down to individual frames but a standard videotape can be.
MPEG videos can also be examined frame by frame but as it's compressed there isn't sufficient detail.
Hey Fishin, the rings worn are silver not gold. It is permissible for men to wear silver rings and for women to wear silver and gold rings, but with the condition that it does not resemble a wedding ring. They will also be worn on the small finger and NOT on the western "ring finger".
The Berg film was a gold wedding ring.
Al Q. has usually sent their Videos and tapes to Al Jazrea Media, not posted them on the Net. I have seen still shots of this Video and am becoming more convinced that this Video was produced by amateurs mercs.
Re: !
pistoff wrote:Al Q. has usually sent their Videos and tapes to Al Jazrea Media, not posted them on the Net. I have seen still shots of this Video and am becoming more convinced that this Video was produced by amateurs mercs.
Yes, its true Pistoff...
The heavyset one on the right is actually Elvis. Also present are Jim Morrison, Rambo and Sasquatch (after a severe Nair treatment)
[Look for this article in the Enquirer next week

Some people will believe anything.
I think you're a valuable forum member, but sometimes, the things that come out of your mouth! I like some raunchy exchanges, but TMI, TMI!
Re: !
Acquiunk wrote:pistoff wrote:
A frame by frame analysis by a scientfic crew determined it to be fake.
Pistoff, The Berg media was a video as I think you have mentioned several times. How then do you do a frame by frame analysis of a video, which is a continuous stream reproduction, as your source claims? Only film is reproduced by frame (discrete individual pictures). If you try and limit video to a short time segment, say 1/16 of a second or 1/32 of a second, which are the time segments for most film frames, all you get is a blur. I would suggest that it is more likely that your source is a fraud as the "scientific crew" seem unaware of the crucial distinction between video and film.
While it might not be strictly accurate to refer to it as frame-by-frame, you can certainly take digital video in either MPEG1 or MPEG2 format and move through it at the appropriate rate (1/30th of a second for example) which is analogous to frame-by-frame examination. I do tons of digital video and do it all the time and there is no blur (unless the blur exists in the original video feed). I can pick out precise points in the video where scenes change, etc.
Beheading suspects 'led by Saddam's nephew'
Beheading suspects 'led by Saddam's nephew'
Luke Harding in Baghdad
Saturday May 22, 2004
The Guardian
The mystery of who killed Nick Berg, the freelance contractor beheaded on video, took a new twist last night when Iraqi police claimed they had arrested four suspects with links to Saddam Hussein's family.
Iraqi security officials said Berg's alleged killers were part of a group led by a close relative of Saddam - his nephew Yasser al-Sabawi.
The men were seized a week ago after a tip-off, they said. All were former members of the Fedayeen Saddam, the para military group notorious for its loyalty to Iraq's ex-president.
But last night the US military spokesman, Brigadier General Mark Kimmitt, said American forces had arrested four men linked to the Berg case after a raid in Baghdad. Two had been released and two were still being questioned.
He said: '"I don't know their prior affiliations or prior organisations. We have some intelligence that would suggest they have knowledge, perhaps some culpability."
It was not clear whether the two raids were related. The contradictory revelations add to the confusion in the circumstances surrounding the kidnapping and execution of Berg, who disappeared after checking out of his Baghdad hotel on April 10.
In a video released last week Berg is shown sitting in an orange jumpsuit in front of five masked and armed men. One of them declares that his killing is in revenge for the abuse of prisoners by US guards at Abu Ghraib. The same man then draws a long knife and cuts off Berg's head.
The CIA claimed there was a "high probability" that Abu Musab al-Zaqawi, a Jordanian extremist with links to al-Qaida, was the masked man who beheaded Berg in a murder recorded and broadcast over the internet.
Yesterday, however, the trail appeared to lead instead to Saddam's hometown of Tikrit. Iraqi officials said the men had been arrested in Salaheddin province, which includes Tikrit, shortly after Berg's headless body was dumped last week near a Baghdad flyover.
Al-Sabawi was not among those arrested, the Iraqi official said. Police intelligence agents seized the men as they arrived to "plot other major operations", the officer told the Associated Press, without elaborating.
Four suspects had arrived early for the 7pm meeting and were inside the house, waiting for a fifth associate who escaped arrest, he said.
The Iraqi police appear to have done a poor job of protecting their informant, who was killed by unidentified gunmen the following day, the official admitted. Police seized weapons and explosives at the scene. Last night the suspects were believed to be still in Iraqi hands.
The case is extremely sensitive, with news of the apparent arrests leaking after days of rumours.
The uncertainty surrounding Berg's kidnapping intensified after US officials confirmed the FBI had questioned him three times after his arrest in the northern city of Mosul.
US occupation authorities have denied he was ever in American custody during his two weeks in detention there. But this week Berg's parents released an email from an American diplomat which confirmed he had been held by the US military and was "safe".
Amazing news if it holds up to scrutiny.