Bergdahl Prisoner Swap:Obama Obeys ONLY the Laws He Wants To.

Reply Tue 3 Jun, 2014 04:17 pm
Let me see if I can state this so you understand what I am thinking. You are a slimy, gutless, yellow prick because you dont have the morals to give a solder who was in the front lines of combat and might have been suffering from mental overload. Have you ever been on the front lines where someone was trying to blow your head off? My brother spent a year in vietnam on the front lines. When he went over there his head was screwed on straight, but when he came back he was mentally screwed up. He refused to talk about it and I never got to find out what his problem was because of a car wreck in which he dies. Than I had two uncles who were in the second world war and neither of them would talk about it unless they had a littlt too much to drink. Mental problems caused by actually being involved in shooting and seeing campanions and friends die before your eyes and than a slimy prick like you who probably hasent served a second on the front lines comes here and starts in on this ultraconservative BS of condemning someone on the word of a few who may not have even been there. I have less use for someone like you than Hitler.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 3 Jun, 2014 04:21 pm
Parados has my complete agreement about your lack of character.
Reply Tue 3 Jun, 2014 06:32 pm
Drussel said many of the calls are cancelling trips to the town of about 8,000.

"Well, number one is, how dare we as a community support someone who in their mind they’re thinking of as a 'deserter,' a traitor. That they had plans to come here on their vacation, they’re no longer coming, they’re cancelling their reservations.

"I just find that shocking," she said. "You know, we’re Americans, and we need to act like Americans, and to me that’s un-American. Let things play out, and if there needs to be action taken, I’m sure it will be taken. But that’s not the city of Hailey’s responsibility."

She said the staffers at the Chamber of Commerce, and at a store she runs, don't know how to deal with the vitriol.


This is resonating...Obama best do something that is not normal for him, get out of the way and let DOD decide through normal process if this guy needs to be charged. Obama is already skating on very thin ice with the military.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 3 Jun, 2014 06:36 pm
@Finn dAbuzz,
Do you have a source for any official investigation surrounding Bergdahl's capture?
Reply Tue 3 Jun, 2014 06:47 pm
revelette2 wrote:

Do you have a source for any official investigation surrounding Bergdahl's capture?
it is common knowledge...sec def has said so publicly, was in the can years ago, but sealed till release. He knows what it says, so does obama.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 3 Jun, 2014 06:55 pm
So far I haven't had much luck. I found couple of articles, the best was from the AP. There was not an official criminal investigation into the matter. Also, his health was kept up with by intelligence and spies. So I guess they would know.

Questions persisted, too, about the circumstances of Bergdahl's 2009 capture. Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel declined to comment on earlier reports that the sergeant had walked away from his unit, disillusioned with the war. Such matters "will be dealt with later," Hagel said.

But the former Pentagon official said it was "incontrovertible" that he walked away from his unit.

The military investigation was broader than a criminal inquiry, this official said, and it didn't formally accuse Bergdahl of desertion. In interviews, members of his unit portrayed him as a naive, "delusional" person who thought he could help the Afghan people by leaving his army post, the official said.

U.S. military and intelligence agencies had made every effort to monitor Bergdahl's location and his health, the official said, through both signals intelligence and a network of spies.


Even if he did desert his posts, or just was out walking for some strange reason, he is still a US solider and deserved to come home. If there is enough merit in the accusation, he should be tried in a US military court, not languish in an enemy prison on heresy without a chance to defend himself in a court of law.

Finn dAbuzz
Reply Tue 3 Jun, 2014 07:19 pm
Not his capture, I never said there was an investigation into how he was captured.

There was a Pentagon investigation into the circumstances surrounding his leaving the base.

Apparently it remains classified and I heard earlier tonight that the Pentagon may be having difficulty locating the report which is said to be around 30 pages or so.

However you need only google "Pentagon Investigation Bergdahl" to for quite a few links to New Sources which have reported on the investigation and its results. The reporting is unanimous.

Here's a link you won't reflexively disregard because the sources is "conservative"

BTW - Somewhere in this thread, coldjoint has provided a link to an AP report on the investigation.

Finn dAbuzz
Reply Tue 3 Jun, 2014 07:54 pm
Apparently you found the very article I just provided a link to.

It had to be "an official criminal investigation?"

You are really going to great lengths to by-pass the evidence.

Fair enough, it now appears unlikely that the Pentagon will be able to avoid a further investigation of the matter, and there are reports that they are already interviewing the ex-servicemen who were at his base.

From all accounts so far it does seem that Bergdahl had the unfathomable notion that he could best provide humanitarian assistance to the people of Afghanistan by joining the US Army and being sent there to fight the Taliban. Why he didn't first try to join a NGO working in the country is a mystery as is why he tried to join the French Foreign Legion. The French Legionnaires are hardly legendary for their humanitarian efforts. Maybe he watched reruns of that very old TV series starring Buster Crabbe.

It also appears that while Bergdahl enjoyed the "hearts & minds" assignments he received, he was not fond of the primary duties of a soldier. And the things he wrote to his father about the army and fellow soldiers are not the words of someone who simply regrets he joined because he learned he was a pacifist.

I'm sure that Bergdahl was a troubled young man who was living in an environment hardly conducive to developing a well-adjusted outlook on life, but according to his fellow soldiers (one of whom had at one time counted him his friend) he violated the spirit of brotherhood which is a crucial aid to these young men in making it home in one piece and less psychologically harmed then they might otherwise be. You can imagine how they felt knowing that they and others were risking their lives to find a soldier who had deserted them.

Apparently the Pentagon is refuting assertions that six soldiers were killed while searching for Bergdahl. They should be able to prove they are right. Let's see.

Does it give you cause to wonder why the military would send forces out to find and rescue Bergdahl early on; when they didn't know where he was, but then did not mount a rescue mission when "spies and intelligence signals" gave them his precise location?

Deserting did not justify his being left to rot in a Taliban prison, and, in point of fact he wasn't. It also didn't justify the fanfare the Administration tried to gin up for political purpose.
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Finn dAbuzz
Reply Tue 3 Jun, 2014 07:55 pm
RABEL222 wrote:

Parados has my complete agreement about your lack of character.

How will gerogeob1 ever recover?
0 Replies
Reply Wed 4 Jun, 2014 03:50 am

This article is the best expose I have seen of the circumstances Bergdahl and his unit found themselves in.

Here speaks a concerned human being:

Berghdal told his parents. "These people need help, yet what they get is the most conceited country in the world telling them that they are nothing and that they are stupid, that they have no idea how to live." He then referred to what his parents believe may have been a formative, possibly traumatic event: seeing an Afghan child run over by an MRAP. "We don't even care when we hear each other talk about running their children down in the dirt streets with our armored trucks... We make fun of them in front of their faces, and laugh at them for not understanding we are insulting them."

Read more: http://www.rollingstone.com/politics/news/americas-last-prisoner-of-war-20120607page=4#ixzz33f7qvKDG
Follow us: @rollingstone on Twitter | RollingStone on Facebook
Reply Wed 4 Jun, 2014 05:09 am

This is the link I read, not the one in the post above:

0 Replies
Reply Wed 4 Jun, 2014 05:33 am
@Finn dAbuzz,
I disregard coldjoints post in general, I have read that article. I have also just read the latest on CNN. There was an investigation, but not a criminal one and no charge of desertion was determined because there couldn't have been without talking to Bergdahl. Moreover, no one actually saw him leave, apparently he was set to go on guard duty when it discovered he was missing, he left behind his weapons, but had his knife and compass and diary. There have been reports that he left voluntarily and that he was snatched from the latrine, but a criminal investigation has not been made yet.

CNN:Official: Army will review freed soldier Bergdahl's case -- but it's not first priority

If at some point, he is tried in a US military court (rather than from heresy and internet people and left to die in an enemy prison)and found guilty, then he still deserved to come home to the US and defend himself from the charges with a lawyer. Or if in the end, there is not enough to charge him, then he deserves to be at home with his family and live his life however he sees fit.

Reply Wed 4 Jun, 2014 06:12 am
I will accept your conclusion that every soldier needs to be brought home.

Yet, at best a deserter (at worst traitor??) why this solder, at this precise time for 5 Gitmo detainees?

I find it disgusting that State Department Spokesperson Hahn dismisses the comments from Bergdahls fellow soldiers as being false and stating that THEY did not know what happened. I find most of Obama's "spokespeople" to be amateurish, wey too inexperienced and ignorant. Starting with Jay Carney.
Reply Wed 4 Jun, 2014 06:44 am
You do not know if he was "at best a deserter" you do not know if those saying he deserted was telling the truth, because none of them saw him leave, so they don't know for sure themselves which would make what they are saying false. What they should have said in interviews was that the circumstances seem murky and he might have deserted or something like that. They are only guessing because of what they perceived to be his attitude and some things he left behind.

Like I said, this was the only US solider in a Taliban prison, so what other one should have been released? Soon, the war is going to end, the Taliban is going to be let free in any case then we would have lost any chance to get him out, plus his health was getting bad. Plus the ones who were exchanged were not let free period, but turned over to Qatar.

I am not surprised you find the spokesmen for the administration to be anything negative, I would only be surprised if anything anybody at the administration or their spokespeople said at any time was liked by any of you.

Reply Wed 4 Jun, 2014 09:19 am
This "event" did not happen yesterday. It happened 5 years ago !!! If the "State Department" did not know the circumstances surrounding "the event" then they should have investigated BEFORE they make statements!!

For this ding-bat form the State Dept to suggest those who were there have less credibility then those who post on Google is embarrassing.

For you to just "believe anything" this administration, or any administration says is disturbing.
Reply Wed 4 Jun, 2014 09:25 am
I've served in the Army, I've been to Afghanistan. I can tell you that battle buddies do not turn on each other for no reason. If they say Bergdahl walked away and wasn't captured then I'm going to believe the guys who were there with him. The govt has an interest is keeping things under the rug, the guys he served with get nothing from talking out against him. They are the ones with no agenda. They want to US to know the truth about Bergdahl from their perspective.

If they say he deserted and walked away, I believe them. They gain nothing from this.
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Reply Wed 4 Jun, 2014 10:42 am
I don't believe everything this administration says, but if it pleases you think so, go right ahead. Those who are saying he deserted did not see him walk away so they do not for certain, so they can't call him a deserter so their statement is false. Its that simple. They should have said something like, it appears he deserted rather than making it a statement of fact so the state department did not say wrongly when they said their statement was false.

There was no definitive finding Bergdahl deserted because that would require knowing his intent -- something Army officials couldn't do without talking to the soldier. The investigation included interviews with members of Bergdahl's unit, none of whom reported seeing him go, the official said.

link at my previous post.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 4 Jun, 2014 11:02 am

I 'm not clear on WHEN Bowe first decided
to unite with the Moslems.

Is he a Moslem? Was he always one of them?
Are his family Moslems??

Is there a reason that his father speaks Moslem ?
Finn dAbuzz
Reply Wed 4 Jun, 2014 12:19 pm
I don't understand the significance of the investigation not being a criminal investigation. Does it make the findings any less accurate?

With rare exception I don't know anyone who is arguing that he should have been left to rot.

Since you seem to want to repeat your opinions, I will too.

People who consider him a deserter are not trying him in court. Innocent until proven guilty is a requirement not placed on people who are not serving on his jury. OJ was actually found not guilty of murdering his wife and her boyfriend. Does that mean that all of the people who believe he was guilty are unreasonable in their opinion or somehow legally bound not to voice it?

There may not be enough evidence to prove he deserted, but that doesn't mean he didn't. You seem to be satisfied on the question of Bergdahl's health because spies and intelligence signals agents "should know." I'm satisfied that his fellow servicemen "should know" and they say he deserted.

Fortunately, for Mr. Bergdahl, I will not be on any jury that may hear his case.
Finn dAbuzz
Reply Wed 4 Jun, 2014 12:31 pm
Calling him a deserter is "false" only if he didn't desert, not because they didn't see him leave or couldn't read his mind. Your own argument is that the Army could not designate him a deserter because they didn't talk to him, so no final determination has been made (by the Army at least) as to whether or not he is a deserter.

You can argue that they do not have sufficient evidence to consider him a deserter, but anyone who says the charge is "false" has already concluded that he was not a deserter, something even the Army won't do.

Again, the Taliban detainees were classified unlawful-combatants. Unless you know the Obama Administration reclassified them as POWs, there would have been no obligation to release them at the end of hostilities (whenever that could be determined to have occurred)

It is, frankly, incredible that you keep placing such emphasis on the fact that these detainees have been released to Qatar. Well, yes they technically have not been "set free" but they will not be restricted from communicating with their fellows in Afghanistan or elsewhere over the next year, and this time next year they will truly be set free. How is their almost guaranteed actions against America and its Afghan allies delayed only a year a sufficient security guard? At least you seem to have given up the argument that the US didn't negotiate with the Taliban.


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