Can you believe what this idiot GOP Sen. said?

Reply Tue 18 May, 2004 08:08 am
mporter writes
How shocking!! I guess that Senator Inhof can be called an idiot, a moron and a whacko but calling Arab murderers, murderers and towel heads is somehow disallowed. I don't understand. People who murder our citizens are to be treated with the utmost verbal courtesy but a US Senator, who expresses his opinion, is an idiot, a moron and a whacko.

Senator Inhofe was called an idiot not because he is an American or a US senator. Senator Inhofe is ignorant because most of the prisoners in Abu Ghraib were innocent. 70-90 percent of the Abu Ghraib prisoners were innocent according to coalition military intelligence officers in a 24 page Red Cross report.

MSNBC Article Excerpt
GENEVA - Intelligence officers of the U.S.-led coalition in Iraq estimated that 70 percent to 90 percent of Iraqi detainees were arrested by mistake, the Red Cross said in a report that was disclosed Monday, and Red Cross observers witnessed U.S. officers mistreating Abu Ghraib prisoners by keeping them naked in total darkness in empty cells.

Abuse was, "in some cases, tantamount to torture," it said.

MSNBC - Full Article Link

The following excerpts are from a Guardian Unlimited article

Torin Nelson, who served as a military intelligence officer at Guantánamo Bay before moving to Abu Ghraib as a private contractor last year, says "many of the detainees at the prison are actually innocent of any acts against the coalition and are being held until the bureaucracy there can go through their cases and verify their need to be released."

"One case in point is a detainee whom I recommended for release and months later was still sitting in the same tent with no change in his status."

"There are people who should never have been sent over there. I was involved in the process of reviewing people for possible release and I can say definitely that they should have been released and released a lot sooner,"

"A unit goes out on a raid and they have a target and the target is not available; they just grab anybody because that was their job,"

"The troops are under a lot of stress and they don't know one guy from the next. They're not cultural experts. All they want is to count down the days and hopefully go home. They take it out on the nearest person they can't understand."

"I've read reports from capturing units where the capturing unit wrote, "the target was not at home. The neighbour came out to see what was going on and we grabbed him,"

"Now, whether the detainees are put into the general intelligence holding area, where they rot for a few months until final release, or if they are placed in solitary confinement because their story seems unbelievable is completely in the hands of the interrogator's opinion,"

"It is in solitary that the abuses can be committed. So, in theory it is in fact very possible that purely innocent Iraqis could be placed in an environment where they could be brutalised, abused, "softened up" or even killed."

"At Abu Ghraib there were plenty of detainees talking or wanting to talk, but the leadership was focused on the "hard" targets of high-value,"

"This was mainly because the leadership was almost completely focused on getting the highest ranking Ba'ath party members still in hiding.And many of the interrogators were anxious to "go after" the difficult eggs. They wanted to be the one interrogator who broke the linking detainee and found such and such high value target. They weren't interested in going through the less glamorous work of sifting through the chaff to get to the kernels of truth from the willing detainees, they were interested in "breaking" the tough targets."

"Once you get up to a level of NCO [non commissioned officer] or warrant officer you generally get moved into administration. You are taken out of working as an interrogator,"

"I'd say about of the contractors that it's kind of a hit or miss. They're under so much pressure to fill slots quickly ... They penalise contracting companies if they can't fill slots on time and it looks bad on companies' records,"

"All it takes is the signature of a low ranking NCO to send someone right around the world and have them locked up indefinitely but it takes the signature of the secretary of defence to let them go."

Guardian Unlimited - Full Article Link

NY Times - Red Cross Found Abuses at Abu Ghraib Last Year
0 Replies
Reply Tue 18 May, 2004 08:32 am
fairandbalanced wrote:
Senator Inhofe was called an idiot not because he is an American or a US senator. Senator Inhofe is ignorant because most of the prisoners in Abu Ghraib were innocent. 70-90 percent of the Abu Ghraib prisoners were innocent according to coalition military intelligence officers in a 24 page Red Cross report.

For someone that wants to appear so factual, you need to get your ducks in a row before blasting others.

NO WHERE does it say that 70-90% of the detainees at Abu Ghraib were arrested by mistake. It says that 70-90% of Iraqi's arrested in general were done so mistakingly. It's clever how they manipulate that fact for those that want to believe the worst for the US.

Now, Sen. Inhof is not the only one who looks like an idiot.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 18 May, 2004 09:00 am
mporter, anyone who wants to persuade others of his or her point of view will not use language that is such a turn off that no one will pay attention to the writer or speaker's attempt.

Use of the term "rag head" is such an inflammatory word that its use diverts attention from any points you want to make. A smart writer or speaker will avoid such communication roadblocks. For example, if you had used the term "Arab" instead of "rag head" we would be discussing your point of view instead of a word you used or the issue of definitions.

I was once in an audience before a 60ish aged candidate for state senator in the early 1970s. The candidate kept referring to women as "girls." I could have publically challenged him during the Q and A, but when his speech was finished, I went up to the candidate and privately advised him to start using the term women instead of girls in the same manner as he would not refer to men as boys. When he got defensive and challenged me that women are flattered by being called girls, I offered him an insight. I told him that if 50 percent of the women in the audience are offended by being called girls, he has offended fifty percent of the women. If fifty percent of the women in the audience don't mind being called girls, they won't be offended by being called women. I suggested he do the math. Would he rather not offend fifty percent or one hundred percent of the audience.

The candidate thought about it for a moment and finally apologized and said I was right. He thanked me for the advice. I assume he never called women girls again during his campaign---at least in public.

The same example can be applied to some of the terms you use. If you want to be smart and you want people to respect what you write, then don't piss them off unnecessarily with racial slurs while still being truthful about what you think. It nearly always works.

0 Replies
Reply Tue 18 May, 2004 05:27 pm
McGentrix writes
NO WHERE does it say that 70-90% of the detainees at Abu Ghraib were arrested by mistake. It says that 70-90% of Iraqi's arrested in general were done so mistakingly. It's clever how they manipulate that fact for those that want to believe the worst for the US.

Now, Sen. Inhof is not the only one who looks like an idiot.

The Infamous Senator Inhofe Quote
"These prisoners, you know they're not there for traffic violations," Inhofe said. "If they're in cellblock 1-A or 1-B, these prisoners, they're murderers, they're terrorists, they're insurgents. Many of them probably have American blood on their hands and here we're so concerned about the treatment of those individuals."

Cellblock 1-A & 1-B MSNBC Excerpt
The 372nd company commander was Donald J. Reese, 39, a salesman from New Stanton, Pa. His unit was given perhaps the most sensitive mission: control of Tier 1A, where "high priority" detainees were held for interrogation by civilian and military intelligence officers. The 203 cells of Tiers 1A and 1B were in a two-story cinderblock building known as the "hard site" at Abu Ghraib, so called to distinguish it from the many tent compounds on the prison grounds. 1B held "high risk" or trouble-making detainees.

MSNBC Full Article - Cellblock 1-A & 1-B Link


MSNBC Excerpt

GENEVA - Intelligence officers of the U.S.-led coalition in Iraq estimated that 70 percent to 90 percent of Iraqi detainees were arrested by mistake, the Red Cross said in a report that was disclosed Monday, and Red Cross observers witnessed U.S. officers mistreating Abu Ghraib prisoners by keeping them naked in total darkness in empty cells.

Abuse was, "in some cases, tantamount to torture," it said.

Houston Chronicle Excerpt

GENEVA -- A Red Cross report disclosed today said coalition intelligence officers estimated that 70-90 percent of Iraqi detainees were arrested by mistake and said Red Cross observers witnessed U.S. officers mistreating Abu Ghraib prisoners by keeping them naked in total darkness in empty cells.

Reuters Excerpt


Senator 'Outraged by Outrage' at Prison Abuse
Tue May 11, 2004 11:33 AM ET

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - As others condemned the reported abuse of Iraqi prisoners, U.S. Sen. James Inhofe on Tuesday expressed outrage at the worldwide outrage over the treatment by American soldiers of those he called "terrorists" and "murderers."

"I'm probably not the only one up at this table that is more outraged by the outrage than we are by the treatment," the Oklahoma Republican said at a U.S. Senate hearing probing the scandal.

"These prisoners, you know they're not there for traffic violations," Inhofe said. "If they're in cellblock 1-A or 1-B, these prisoners, they're murderers, they're terrorists, they're insurgents. Many of them probably have American blood on their hands and here we're so concerned about the treatment of those individuals."

Coalition military intelligence officers estimated that about 70 percent to 90 percent of the thousands of prisoners detained in Iraq had been "arrested by mistake," according to a report by Red Cross given to the Bush administration last year and leaked this week.

The report also said the mistreatment of prisoners apparently tolerated by U.S. and other coalition forces in Iraq involved widespread abuse that was "in some cases tantamount to torture."

In heated remarks at odds with others on the Senate committee who took aim at the U.S. military's handling of prisoners at the Abu Ghraib prison outside Baghdad, Inhofe said that American sympathies should lie with U.S. troops.

"I am also outraged that we have so many humanitarian do-gooders right now crawling all over these prisons looking for human rights violations, while our troops, our heroes are fighting and dying," he said.

Inhofe, who visited Iraq in March, is described on his senatorial Web site as a leading conservative voice in the Senate, advocating "common sense Oklahoma values including less government, less regulation, lower taxes, fiscal responsibility and a strong national defense."
Reuters 2004.

Reuters Article Link

Wow, I'm not the only one that made a connection to the Senator Inhofe statement with the Red Cross report. Smile Reuters, which dates all the way back to its foundation in 1851, refers to Senator Inhofe's comments and the Red Cross report back to back. Reuters, a prestigious and credible news agency that spans the globe in 200 cities in 94 countries, seem to concur with my own opinion. Smile You see, my belief and posts are not idiotic. They are common sense to those who can process facts correctly. Laughing
0 Replies
Reply Tue 18 May, 2004 06:36 pm
Let's see. You have completely made my point and only made yourself look more the fool.

Read very carefully what you said and what I said. I will highlight them for you so there can be no mistake.

fairandbalanced wrote:
Senator Inhofe was called an idiot not because he is an American or a US senator. Senator Inhofe is ignorant because most of the prisoners in Abu Ghraib were innocent. 70-90 percent of the Abu Ghraib prisoners were innocent according to coalition military intelligence officers in a 24 page Red Cross report.

McGentrix wrote:
NO WHERE does it say that 70-90% of the detainees at Abu Ghraib were arrested by mistake. It says that 70-90% of Iraqi's arrested in general were done so mistakingly. It's clever how they manipulate that fact for those that want to believe the worst for the US.

Now, read your last post:

fairandbalanced wrote:
Wow, I'm not the only one that made a connection to the Senator Inhofe statement with the Red Cross report. Reuters, which dates all the way back to its foundation in 1851, refers to Senator Inhofe's comments and the Red Cross report back to back. Reuters, a prestigious and credible news agency that spans the globe in 200 cities in 94 countries, seem to concur with my own opinion. You see, my belief and posts are not idiotic. They are common sense to those who can process facts correctly.

Your opinion is just wrong and by your own admission you lack common sense and the ability to process facts correctly.

Read your post and demonstrate where it says "most of the prisoners in Abu Ghraib were innocent. 70-90 percent of the Abu Ghraib prisoners were innocent according to coalition military intelligence officers in a 24 page Red Cross report. "

Your links say:
Intelligence officers of the U.S.-led coalition in Iraq estimated that 70 percent to 90 percent of Iraqi detainees were arrested by mistake,

A Red Cross report disclosed today said coalition intelligence officers estimated that 70-90 percent of Iraqi detainees were arrested by mistake

Coalition military intelligence officers estimated that about 70 percent to 90 percent of the thousands of prisoners detained in Iraq had been "arrested by mistake," according to a report by Red Cross given to the Bush administration last year and leaked this week.


Your little insults and condescending attitude does not serve you well when you are wrong.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 18 May, 2004 09:20 pm
fair and balanced evidently does not understand the meaning of words. Words do mean something. Racism means that "inherent differences among the various races determine cultural or individual achievement, usually involving the idea that one's race is superior"


That would mean, of course, that I would considered myself, as a member of the Caucasian race as superior to ? members of the Caucasian race?

I am very much afraid that fair and balanced is not aware that according to the Encyclopedia Brittanica- "Most Arabic speaking peoples are of Mediterranean physical type of the Caucasian race"

Of course, if fair and balanced can find evidence to contradict that statement, he or she may.

It would appear then that my so called "racism" calling Ababs "towel heads" would be directed at a group which is largely Caucasian.

It appears that it is impossible within the parameters of the definition for my use of the words "towel heads" to be racist since the definition of racism implies that one believes that his or her race is superior to another race. It is clear that there is not another race involved in this case.

However, to put fair and balanced's mind at ease, I will reference another source--

US News and World Report- Editorial- Mortimer Zuckerman- P. 6 8 May 24, 2004


"The video of the beheading of Nicholas Berg adds yet another layer of horror and cruelty to the record of Islamic fanatics. "Pure Evil" headlined the New York Daily News: "Prisoner Abuse, Iraqi Style" wrote the Boston Herald...A culture that glories in the death of innocents thus makes clear whom we are fighting and why. We are up against people who are incited to suppress the most basic human instinct, which is to live, and are willing to kill themselves in their efforts to destroy as many innocent citizens as they can. Our culture, which celebrates life, is utterly mistified."

end of quote.

I know now that I have muted my criticism by using the appelation- "towel heads", I should have imitated Mr. Zuckerman who so aptly identified the enemy as "people who are incited to suppress the most basic human instinct, which is to live, and are willing

to kill themselves

in their efforts to destroy as many innocent civilians
as they can."

My hat is off to Mr. Zuckerman.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 18 May, 2004 09:35 pm
Dear BBB_ I do not believe in Political Correctness.

If you want to use mealy mouth terms, go right ahead. You must really be naive to think that the large majority of the people on these posts could be convinced by any rational argument. I would hope that you would be more perceptive.

No, Mr. BBB, I am not going to adopt the lunacies such as those used at the University of Wisconsin under the chancellorship of the sublime Donna Shalala.

Under her leadership, students were urged to avoid any statements involving color, ethnicity, gender, religion, national origin, physical and mental ability, VietNam veteran status, socioeconomic background and style of dress.

It is a shame that Senator Inhof is not a part time student at Wisconsin. Then, the believers in Political Correctness would be unable to be labeled an "idiot, Moron or a whacko".

The left wing reveals its basic hypocrisy. Demeaning statements can only be directed to those on the right. The left is to be considered as untouchable.

Mr. McGentrix has already ably outlined the reasons why fair and balanced was egregiously mistaken in his comments about the number of prisoners arrested. That fact alone would vitiate fair and balanced's opinion concerning Senator Inhofe's statements.

I would respectfully suggest that fair and balanced do closer and more analytical reading of the posts on this thread.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 19 May, 2004 07:44 am
McGentrix writes

Look, I'm not going to explain it to you again.Laughing If you read the Reuters article, it doesn't get any clearer than that. I'm not going to bend over backwards explaining to you how statistics and estimates work. I'm sure you can find someone here to explain it to you. Rolling Eyes I'm sorry if you can't understand it. I made my point. The facts support me. My posts were meant for intelligent people who are not die hard Bush apologists. It was never intended for you and your friends. The facts simply speak for itself. Try again next time, bud. Laughing
0 Replies
Reply Wed 19 May, 2004 08:05 am
fairandbalanced wrote:
McGentrix writes

Look, I'm not going to explain it to you again.Laughing If you read the Reuters article, it doesn't get any clearer than that. I'm not going to bend over backwards explaining to you how statistics and estimates work. I'm sure you can find someone here to explain it to you. Rolling Eyes I'm sorry if you can't understand it. I made my point. The facts support me. My posts were meant for intelligent people who are not die hard Bush apologists. It was never intended for you and your friends. The facts simply speak for itself. Try again next time, bud. Laughing

Well, at least you can admit when you're wrong. That's very big of you.

Perhaps a third party like Blatham, Craven, Fishin', Occam Bill, etc. can step in here and explain it so we both may know what you mean.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 19 May, 2004 08:22 am
I'm not sure what you two are disagreeing about. Is it the phrase 'by mistake' as opposed to 'innocent'? Or that estimates of overall percentage don't necessarily mean the same would hold true in Abu Ghraib?
0 Replies
Reply Wed 19 May, 2004 08:39 am
F&B claims that 70-90% of the prisoners that were in Abu Ghraib were there by mistake because that's what the Red Cross report says. I am pointing out that that is NOT what the report says, but that it is stating that 70-90% of ALL the prisoners arrested in Iraq were done so mistakingly. The report does not mention who was detained where or for how long.

F&B wants the RC report to tell more than it is. I say that it tells enough without misinterpreting it.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 19 May, 2004 08:52 am
The findings and recommendations of Judge Bernie: (you know, this might be marketable...but I'm still a bit gun shy at the poor reception of my earlier "Naked Celebrity Bowling" idea)

I find the plaintiff plaintiff indeed. The jury however, didn't much care, and threw cheese balls at him every chance they got. Therefore, I have no choice but to find for the defendant. As to who of you is which, please borrow a dime from the baliff and toss it outside my courtroom. Finally, I'd like the court stenographer to join me in my chambers.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 19 May, 2004 09:35 am
To mporter

You misunderstood what I said. I was not calling you a racist. Basically, all I'm saying is that the word 'towel head' is racist. Smile

Race is not confined to genealogy or biology. Today, the meaning of race encompasses the history, nationality, geographic distribution, or the culture of groups of people. Smile

Actually the term you chose 'caucasoid' was commonly used by early Europeans centuries ago in its classification of the caucasian population. They categorized the caucasoid group based on physical characteristics. That definition is widely used today by Americans and Europeans. I doubt most people in these societies will classify Arabs as caucasians. In the real and practical world we live in, the term towel head is racist. There is no denying that. I'll let the facts speak for itself. Very Happy
0 Replies
Reply Wed 19 May, 2004 09:44 am
McGentrix writes
F&B claims that 70-90% of the prisoners that were in Abu Ghraib were there by mistake because that's what the Red Cross report says. I am pointing out that that is NOT what the report says, but that it is stating that 70-90% of ALL the prisoners arrested in Iraq were done so mistakingly. The report does not mention who was detained where or for how long.

If you read the actual Red Cross documents, it does mention Abu Ghraib and the length to which they were detained. Laughing Try again next time, bud. Laughing
0 Replies
Reply Wed 19 May, 2004 09:54 am
fairandbalanced wrote:
McGentrix writes
F&B claims that 70-90% of the prisoners that were in Abu Ghraib were there by mistake because that's what the Red Cross report says. I am pointing out that that is NOT what the report says, but that it is stating that 70-90% of ALL the prisoners arrested in Iraq were done so mistakingly. The report does not mention who was detained where or for how long.

If you read the actual Red Cross documents, it does mention Abu Ghraib and the length to which they were detained. Laughing Try again next time, bud. Laughing

Really? where? show it to me.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 20 May, 2004 01:45 am
No sir- Mr. Fair and Balanced- The use of the term "towel heads" IS NOT racist within the definition of the term Racist.

One of the basics in any debate or discussion is that terms must be defined.

Again, Mr. Fair and Balanced

Here is a definition of Racism--

from William Safire's book- "Safire's new Political Dictionary" c. 1993- Random House Publisher


An assumption that an individual's abilities and potential were determined by his biological race and that some races were inherently superior to others.

I am very sorry but calling some one "a towel head" does not fit under that definition.

If one calls a Frenchman " a cheese eater" is one being "racist"?
If one calls a Texan "a range riding cowboy" is one being "racist"?

Now, it may not be nice to use these terms, but it is not "racist".

In World War II, the Nazis were called "krautheads" and in Vietnam, the enemy were called "gooks"

These terms were utilized more frequently by all Americans as the wars went on.

They were appelations of disdain but they were not

Now, the murderous savages who cut off Mr. Berg's head are labeled "towel heads".

That is a benign description. The restrictions placed on me by the guidelines laid down in this forum forbid a true description, but it suffices to say that those animals who murdered Mr. Berg cannot be labeled harshly enough.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 20 May, 2004 10:05 am
Insensitivity is no excuse - racist remarks are decided by the person receiving them not giving them. A racist is intolerable and a barbaric sloth.

¶ 37 The evidence indicates that Ford employees sometimes referred to their African-Canadian co-workers as "nigger," "little nigger," "lazy nigger," "Black bastard" and "boy." Other employees were variously referred to as "Paki," "Frog," "Polack," "Wop," "Spic," "wet-back," "square-head," "towel-head" and "pull-start" [the latter three terms ostensibly in reference to individuals who wore turbans]. When workers were given a job assignment they didn't like, a common retort was "What am I, your ******* nigger?" Work considered demeaning was often labelled "nigger work;" repairs improperly completed were described as "nigger rigging." A number of witnesses testified that such language was so much a part of the working environment that employees said these things in the presence of supervisors. One supervisor testified that "you never took note" of such terms, "people joked about it and you went about your business." The racial language would "just basically go over my head," he noted, "unless there was some indication that there was some malicious intent and somebody, you know, didn't like it or was being hurt by it". Occasionally some supervisors verbally admonished those involved, but overwhelmingly this sort of terminology was tolerated without adverse comment.

0 Replies
Reply Thu 20 May, 2004 11:02 am
"pull-start" Laughing

Sorry, I hadn't heard that one before...
0 Replies
Reply Thu 20 May, 2004 11:56 am
Niiiiiiice, McG. You just never disappoint.

Here's a little ditty from one of the more eloquent racists over at GOPUSA (my emphasis in red; her emphasis in bold):

Debbie Daniel wrote:
We took 120,000 Japanese Americans - two thirds were citizens of the United States - and locked them up during World War II. We put them inside barbed-wire fencing; we didn't strip them of their clothes - we stripped them of their dignity; took them from their homes; caused many to lose their businesses, because we could not take a chance that any one of them might hurt us. None did, but we still couldn't take that chance . . . we were at war.

Now, one of this forum's most prominent posters actually was in one of those internment camps.

I will leave it to him to describe (if he chooses to do so) what it was like.

Suffice it to say that Debbie Daniel doesn't have a clue.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 20 May, 2004 07:48 pm
To mporter

If the people called you in here a racist, they were right. When you call someone a towel head, a derogatory term describing a race of people, you put those people down. By doing so you elevated yourself and your race superior to their race. Your arrogance and denial only serves to fuel that. I'm sorry to tell you that if you live in the real world, which clearly you do not, you would know that term as racist. You are like any other racist in the past except today the likes of you hide much better.

The Arabs are not caucasians no matter how much you try to delude yourself.

mporter wrote
How shocking!! I guess that Senator Inhof can be called an idiot, a moron and a whacko but calling Arab murderers, murderers and towel heads is somehow disallowed. I don't understand. People who murder our citizens are to be treated with the utmost verbal courtesy but a US Senator, who expresses his opinion, is an idiot, a moron and a whacko.

When you and Senator Inhofe called all those prisoners murderers, both of you didn't know what the heck you guys were talking about. Invoking Nick Berg's tragedy doesn't serve your purpose. It only dishonors Berg's memory and his family. You dishonor honest and good Americans who fight for our nation's integrity. Berg's father was right all along.

This is the last time I will address you in this forum. I do not want to be infected with your racist attitudes and beliefs. Mad
0 Replies

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