Can you believe what this idiot GOP Sen. said?

Reply Mon 17 May, 2004 11:57 am
Dear Hobitbob,

Don't bother calling Foxfyre names. Her reputation should speak for itself. She is known to suggest to others that they need a "remedial reading" when she is the one in dire need of it. I have given her the proof she wanted in words even she can understand. We can only hope that it knocks some sense into her. Laughing
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Reply Mon 17 May, 2004 12:03 pm
I have heard that some people are born condescending twits while others work really hard at it.
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Reply Mon 17 May, 2004 12:27 pm
Laughing Who's calling names now? Laughing
Is that the best you can say? It doesn't answer any questions. It doesn't defend any answers. Your statement is meaningless. It only shows your ignorance. Laughing Oh well
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Reply Mon 17 May, 2004 12:31 pm

LOL!!! You learn fast. It took me a hundred posts to have that same insight.
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Reply Mon 17 May, 2004 12:32 pm
fairandbalanced wrote:
Laughing Who's calling names now? Laughing
Is that the best you can say? It doesn't answer any questions. It doesn't defend any answers. Your statement is meaningless. It only shows your ignorance. Laughing Oh well


It was merely a comment. It was not intended to either answer or defend any questions or answers.
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Reply Mon 17 May, 2004 12:33 pm
How hard did you work at it McG? 6-7 years of undergraduate work? Just kidding. We can all be condescending twits. Let's just get over it and move on. Thank you. Nothing to see here. Wink
0 Replies
Reply Mon 17 May, 2004 01:53 pm
Life and Deatherage
It's a big world out there, and I'm part of it

Senator James Inhofe is a dangerous idiot
Lots of emotional words were spilled on and immediately after September 11, 2001. Who could forget Ann Coulter, mourning her friend and equally-rabid Clinton-hater Barbara Olson in a column, when she said, "We should invade their countries, kill their leaders and convert them to Christianity." (Note that it wasn't enough to defeat them -- they had to adopt our beliefs by force, too.) Or Jerry Falwell blaming it on the gays and the ACLU, apologizing to reduce the heat but bragging about it in later fund-raising to arch-conservatives?

OK, try this quote on for size:


"One of the reason I believe the spiritual door was opened for an attack against the United States of America is that the policy of our government has been to ask the Israelis, and demand it with pressure, not to retaliate in a significant way against the terrorist strikes that have been launched against them."

Make sure you got that: the speaker says God allowed terrorists to attack the US on September 11, when previously He would not have, because He is upset about the US's Israel policy.

The speaker? US Senator Jim Inhofe (R-Okla), a homegrown idiot. Like Coulter and Falwell, he hasn't disavowed his remarks in any serious way. Unlike the other right-wingers, he delivered these comments in March 2002, six months after the attacks.

Inhofe is the kind of person who doesn't belong in elected office because he's both ignorant and dangerous. As David Corn's article chronicles, Inhofe has taken the Senate floor and demanded that because his literal reading of the Bible (specifically, Genesis 13.14-17) says that God gave the West Bank to Abraham and his descendants, the US is violating God's law with any policy other than elimination of Palestinians from any territory Abraham could have seen from Hebron 4,000 years ago.

Corn writes, "In Inhofe's mind, these few sentences in the Bible decide the matter, end of story. This is fundamentalism. And not too far a throw from the Islamic fundamentalism used by terrorists who point to the Koran to justify their actions." Other than assuming Inhofe has a mind, he's right. Inhofe and his ilk have absolutely no tolerance for any individual who believes anything other than what they believe about the Bible. Alternate interpretations, even alternate translations, are the work of the Devil, and anyone who uses them must be resisted if not imprisoned.

There is more: http://friends.macjournals.com/mattd/stories/storyReader$236
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Reply Mon 17 May, 2004 02:01 pm
Thanks, cav -- just how did you intend on garnishing that crow?
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Reply Mon 17 May, 2004 07:09 pm
Make no mistake: every regime that tortures does so in the name of salvation, some superior goal, some promise of paradise. Call it communism, call it the free market, call it the free world, call it the national interest, call it fascism, call it the leader, call it civilisation, call it the service of God, call it the need for information; call it what you will, the cost of paradise, the promise of some sort of paradise, Ivan Karamazov continues to whisper to us, will always be hell for at least one person somewhere, sometime.

An uncomfortable truth: the American and British soldiers in Iraq, like torturers everywhere, do not think of themselves as evil, but rather as guardians of the common good, dedicated patriots who get their hands soiled and endure perhaps some sleepless nights in order to deliver the blind ignorant majority from violence and anxiety. Nor are the motives of the demonised enemy significant, not even the fact that they are naked and under the boot because they dared to resist a foreign power occupying their land.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 17 May, 2004 08:56 pm
Mr. Blatham says that he sent in a report( gulp) on my use of "towel heads". He thinks it is a racist comment. I am reporting that Mr. Blatham is wrong.

Racist is defined as: "The doctrine that inherent differences among the various human races determine cultural or human achievement, usually involving the idea that one's own race is superior>"

Since most Arabic-speaking peoples are of the Mediterrean physical type of the Caucasoid race and since I am of the Caucasoid race, it is not possible for me to be a racist in terms of the definition above.

I hope that Mr. Blatham is aware of the full meaning of the adjective "inherent" as used above. I submit that wearing a towel on one's head is not an "inherent" difference.

Mr. Blatham appears to be quite cavalier with his comments. I must be very very careful or he will push the report button to try to destroy me( Is it because he can't cope?). On another thread the all-knowing Mr. Blatham indicated that my referencing of a Time Magazine Article( I cited Oct. 17th 1969) was wrong and that the Article did not exist.

I wish to inform Mr. Blatham that the article about the Montreal Police Strike does indeed exist in Time Magazine on Oct. 17th. 1969. I do not reference non existent sources.

So I must conclude that either Mr. Blatham does not know how to do basic research, or he has made an egregious mistake.

I hope this will not raise his ire and cause him to report me for exposing his erroneous pomposity.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 17 May, 2004 09:40 pm
mporter wrote:
Mr. Blatham says that he sent in a report( gulp) on my use of "towel heads". He thinks it is a racist comment. I am reporting that Mr. Blatham is wrong.

Racist is defined as: "The doctrine that inherent differences among the various human races determine cultural or human achievement, usually involving the idea that one's own race is superior>"

Since most Arabic-speaking peoples are of the Mediterrean physical type of the Caucasoid race and since I am of the Caucasoid race, it is not possible for me to be a racist in terms of the definition above.

I hope that Mr. Blatham is aware of the full meaning of the adjective "inherent" as used above. I submit that wearing a towel on one's head is not an "inherent" difference.

Mr. Blatham appears to be quite cavalier with his comments. I must be very very careful or he will push the report button to try to destroy me( Is it because he can't cope?). On another thread the all-knowing Mr. Blatham indicated that my referencing of a Time Magazine Article( I cited Oct. 17th 1969) was wrong and that the Article did not exist.

I wish to inform Mr. Blatham that the article about the Montreal Police Strike does indeed exist in Time Magazine on Oct. 17th. 1969. I do not reference non existent sources.

So I must conclude that either Mr. Blatham does not know how to do basic research, or he has made an egregious mistake.

I hope this will not raise his ire and cause him to report me for exposing his erroneous pomposity.


Under either this incarnation or your last, you have been both unchallenging and stultifyingly unhumorous. This is the last time I'll address you.

First, the copy of Time you actually cited was Oct, 17, 1999... http://www.able2know.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=23470&postdays=0&postorder=asc&start=270

Second, there was no relevancy in the matter anyway.

Third, your claim that 'towel head' or 'rag head' is not racist is dull-headed enough such that no one would likely wish to debate the point with you. I certainly don't.

Last, I wish you a happy existence.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 17 May, 2004 09:44 pm
do not torture the terrorist
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Reply Mon 17 May, 2004 10:18 pm
Lola Darlin-----I was just wishing you and Blatham would appear to brighten my very dull existence.
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Reply Mon 17 May, 2004 10:26 pm
hi there, perc........where've you been? I've missed you! You doing ok?
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Reply Mon 17 May, 2004 10:36 pm
Lord yes-----If it was any better I couldn't stand it. Since you're an expert on religion!!!!!!!! come join me on the thread about Muslim Silence In America.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 17 May, 2004 10:44 pm
I am very sorry, Mr. Blatham, that I have frightened you so. I apoligize. But you are still wrong. The article I referenced is from the April 17, 1969 issue of Time Magazine- Page 47 to be exact.

I really didn't mean to have you withdraw from the scene, Mr. Blatham. Sometimes, it is exhilarating to point out egregious mistakes.

I really don't understand why you did not read the definition of racist. If you did, your comment on "rag head" is ridiculous.

Again, racism is the belief that one's race is inherently superior to another.

Only someone who can't locate a Time Magazine Article accurately would say such a thing.

I take it you do not believe in dictionary definitions but make up your own meanings.

I am very sorry but I learned from my Jesuit teachers that the first thing one must do in a discussion is to define the terms.

You, apparently, do not agree on definitions.

Your comment on Friday, MAy 14th 2004 on the post_Glorifying Guns was:


"Well, since you reference a Time issue which apparently does not exist"

It does exist. There is a Time Issue on October 17th 1969 which begins:


"CANADA City without cops

Montreal discovered last week what it is to live without policemen. The lesson was costly. Six banks were robbed, more than 100 shops were looted, and there were twelve fires. Property damage was close to $3,000,000 dollars."

end of quote.

Now Mr. Blatham, if you can show that did not appear in Time Magazine on October 17th 1969 you can completely discredit me.

But you can't and your attempt to say that it did not appear just confirms that you can not tolerate the fact that you were egregiously mistaken.

But, again, I must apologize if I frightened you.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 18 May, 2004 04:19 am
McGentrix writes
It was merely a comment. It was not intended to either answer or defend any questions or answers

Like I said his statement was meaningless which is typical of right-wing conservatives. Laughing
0 Replies
Reply Tue 18 May, 2004 04:47 am
mporter writes
Mr. Blatham says that he sent in a report( gulp) on my use of "towel heads". He thinks it is a racist comment. I am reporting that Mr. Blatham is wrong.

Racist is defined as: "The doctrine that inherent differences among the various human races determine cultural or human achievement, usually involving the idea that one's own race is superior>"

Since most Arabic-speaking peoples are of the Mediterrean physical type of the Caucasoid race and since I am of the Caucasoid race, it is not possible for me to be a racist in terms of the definition above.

So I must conclude that either Mr. Blatham does not know how to do basic research, or he has made an egregious mistake.

I hope this will not raise his ire and cause him to report me for exposing his erroneous pomposity.

Calling someone a towel head is racist. It is a prejudice (an irrational attitude of hostility directed against an individual, a group, a race, or their supposed characteristics) which is commonly used by racist people. Those words may not hurt you and I but they are definitely racist words.

Merriam Webster Dictionary

1 : a belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race
2 : racial prejudice or discrimination

1 : injury or damage resulting from some judgment or action of another in disregard of one's rights; especially : detriment to one's legal rights or claims
2 a (1) : preconceived judgment or opinion (2) : an adverse opinion or leaning formed without just grounds or before sufficient knowledge b : an instance of such judgment or opinion c : an irrational attitude of hostility directed against an individual, a group, a race, or their supposed characteristics

Although those words were written by an individual here, I don't think it was directed at anyone here specifically. It may just be an accident or an ignorant mistake. A simple warning or reminder to that individual will suffice.
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Reply Tue 18 May, 2004 05:35 am
mporter writes

Since most Arabic-speaking peoples are of the Mediterrean physical type of the Caucasoid race and since I am of the Caucasoid race, it is not possible for me to be a racist in terms of the definition above.


most Arabic-speaking peoples

Most Arabic-speaking people are of the mediterranean physical type of the Caucasoid race?

mporter's original statement and I quote

How shocking!! I guess that Senator Inhof can be called an idiot, a moron and a whacko but calling Arab murderers, murderers and towel heads is somehow disallowed. I don't understand. People who murder our citizens are to be treated with the utmost verbal courtesy but a US Senator, who expresses his opinion, is an idiot, a moron and a whacko.

Did you specify that these arab murderers have light skin pigmentation?
Did they look caucasian to you or perhaps of European descent?
Did you happen to test their DNA for caucasian genetic markers?
Did you just happen to label all arabs as towel heads?
Which is it exactly?

Did you forget the millions of other arabs in Asia, Africa, and elsewhere?
Your original statement does not go into detail. Do these people all look caucasian to you?

Out of the Arabs that where born and live in Europe, how many of those are of caucasian descent?
Do they all look caucasian to you?
How many of them are actually considered caucasians by their own governments?
What makes these arabic-speaking people part of the caucasian race?
0 Replies
Reply Tue 18 May, 2004 06:03 am
Dear Infowarrior

Hello Smile Thanks for the compliment. I enjoy your posts as well. I try to read through all of them and respond to them accordingly.
0 Replies

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