What do we do with you foxfyre?
Quote:I'm very sorry you [Mesquite] find any references to God or religion as offensive.
Of course, Mesquite didn't say that. To attribute the remark to him is deceitful.
Quote:I am much encouraged that GWB wants judges who understand the principles of the Declaration and the Constitution.
That's deceitful too. What you more correctly ought to have said is "I am much encouraged that GWB wants judges who believe as I do regarding how the constitution ought to be interpreted." You pretend, and it is a false pretence, that there is but one proper interpretation of constitutional law. Very simply, that is not held to be so by many constitutional scholars and SC members, as I pointed out earlier.
Quote:Our founding fathers were in no way offended by nor did they shy from references to God
Fine. Neither are/do any of us. I am entirely unoffended by references to god.
Quote: as 90% plus of Americans report that they believe in a supreme being, I think you are probably in the minority here.
What a majority think doesn't tell us anything other than what a majority think. A majority of Tibetians would think what? A majority of southern Americans not long ago thought interracial marriage was obscene. A majority of Europeans think George Bush is a dangerous fool.
Quote: Mesquite, when GWB references "God given rights" he is referencing the 'inalienable' rights which all freedom loving people value.
Are you contrasting those people to some 'bondage loving peoples' elsewhere? More importantly, Bush is doing rather more with the quote Mesquite gave than what you suggest. Mesquite quotes Bush as saying..."judges that understand that our rights were derived from God".
Many judges, many theologians, and many moral philosophers don't share Bush's or your notion that all such rights derive ONLY from god. That's a notion SOME theists hold, and you are such a one. Nor did all the founders of your nation. It's easy enough to find very many Christians and Jews and Buddhists etc who are entirely in disagreement with the claim that all rights derive from god, or that the constitution ought to be interpreted as you wish it to be.