Mon 28 Apr, 2014 10:17 am
Talia Lepson (@tlepthechamp on Twitter) is a Brandeis University sophomore “majoring in Politics and minoring in Peace, Conflict, and Coexistence Studies” who describes herself as an “avid MSNBC viewer.” In case you forgot the recent campus controversy:

What kind of **** are they peddling? Coexistence Studies?

Understanding the radical climate at Brandeis — where a freedom fighter like Aayan Hirsi Ali is unwelcome — what sort of attitude would you expect a left-wing sophomore at this campus to exhibit?

A top J Street leader at Brandeis University harassed a pro-Israel student activist early Saturday morning, calling the student a “**** bag” and telling him that “Jews hate you,” according to those who witnessed the incident.
Daniel Mael was walking to his dorm room on the university’s campus late Friday night when he encountered Talia Lepson, a J Street U Brandeis board member, who purportedly referred to Mael as a “**** bag” and angrily told him “Jews hate you.”
“I don’t feel comfortable on campus knowing people will lob verbal insults at me simply because we disagree,” said Mael, who has filed an incident report with the Brandeis police over what he described at the “uncivil environment that is developing on campus and the attempts to isolate students with differing opinions.”
The incident is just one of several at Brandeis lately in which pro-Israel students have come under fire for their attempts to defend the Jewish state on campus from groups such as J Street.
Mael said that he and a friend were returning to their dorm rooms at around 12:45 a.m. on Saturday when he came across Lepson — who says she currently works as a political intern at the Democratic National Committee (DNC) — and a group of her friends.
“As they approached, Talia Lepson give me a really, really intense stare and then I turned to the students and said, ‘Shabbat shalom,’” said Mael, who is an observant Jew. “I was being serious. I thought that religion and politics are not necessarily intertwined. I thought you could still be nice.”
Lepson “responded by saying, ‘Jews hate you’,” Mael said. “As she continued to walk, she screamed, ‘You are a **** bag.’”

This is a university? This where people learn to hate everything they are taught to hate. And Jews probably top the list.

Cultivating a climate of totalitarian terror on campus is the mission of the academic Left, and the shrieking hatefulness of Talia Lepson is evidence of how well they have succeeded in that mission.

Face it, the left is full of hate. And it is teaching hate.
Hit it taggers.
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Mon 28 Apr, 2014 10:43 am
What a psychotic op.
Please, log off the internet as soon as possible,
else, the Jews may get you.
Mon 28 Apr, 2014 11:18 am
What a psychotic op.
Please, log off the internet as soon as possible,
else, the Jews may get you.

Deal with it. What you see is what you get. Now tell us why this goes where supposedly educated people work?
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Mon 28 Apr, 2014 11:38 am
I see the taggers are at it again. Let's talk about the hate, not me. Why is antisemitism allowed on campuses when conservative speakers are not?

Why does the left consider all whites racist and all blacks and people of color as victims? Have they not seen the cruelty that people of color inflict on each other? Blame is non transferable, not for lack of trying, only avoided for political sake.

The left does not look at individuals or consider the fact that some people, probably most,will act in a civil manner despite their feelings or thoughts. Instead they search out victims or manufacture them. Racism exists and will never go away because the left won't let it. They do not want rule of law they want rule.

The oppression of conservative thought should be an alarm for everyone. The enforcement of PC through the media and politicians should tell everyone how scared the left is of other ideas. And when someone comes forward and says things that are so obvious, there is an uproar.

This forum is a perfect example of narrow minded haters. The new modern bigot who hates ideas. Look at the tags. Case closed.

Mon 28 Apr, 2014 12:09 pm
Banning free speech until the cows come home

The left hates free speech too.

In recent days, an even more hare-brained plan has arisen, courtesy of Sen. Edward J. Markey, Massachusetts Democrat, and Rep. Hakeem Jeffries, New York Democrat. They're sponsoring a bill to have federal researchers comb through broadcast radio and television, cable and public-access TV, "commercial mobile services and other electronic media" and, get this – the Internet – for any communications that may have prompted violent acts and "hate crimes."

Given that our governing elites insist that merely stating that marriage necessarily involves a man and a woman is evidence of "hate," this is scary stuff.

The bill's language assures us that the eventual report on all this data will include recommendations "consistent with the First Amendment."

Remember, this crowd thinks the Constitution is a "living document" constructed primarily of judicial Silly Putty.

The good news is that the Hate Crime Reporting Act of 2014, introduced in early April, is not going anywhere in the current Congress – we hope.
Mon 28 Apr, 2014 12:12 pm
Let's talk about the hate, not me.

I love irony.
Mon 28 Apr, 2014 12:14 pm
I gotta say, I love free speech.

without it, I would never have known that that rancher illegally using that government land was also a worthless racist ass pimple.

priceless in my book...
Mon 28 Apr, 2014 12:47 pm
OMG, conservatives are such victims. Filing a police report because the campus has "an uncivil environment?"

Can we file a police report about Fox News having an uncivil environment?
Mon 28 Apr, 2014 01:21 pm
OMG, conservatives are such victims.

It is not about conservatives. It is about free speech and the hate the left has for Jews.

And as far as Fox goes, it only proves the truth hurts.
Mon 28 Apr, 2014 01:23 pm
I love irony.

You never have anything on topic anyway. Unless it it is so profound no one can understand it. Which I seriously doubt.
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Mon 28 Apr, 2014 01:25 pm
without it, I would never have known that that president illegally using that government land was also a worthless racist ass pimple.

Don't talk about Obama that way.
0 Replies
Mon 28 Apr, 2014 01:34 pm
I'm sure Daniel Mael will have plenty of time to ruminate on the injustice of it all when he's manning a checkpoint in the, illegally occupied, West Bank, and jamming an Uzi in a pregnant Palestinian woman's face.
Mon 28 Apr, 2014 01:45 pm
Coercion and liberalism


For many advocates of gay marriage, liberalism is a holistic, comprehensive ideology with its own distinctive vision of the human good. This vision advocates the autonomy of individuals from received traditions, and their liberation from constraints both external (political, social, cultural, religious) and internal (psychological), which it invariably treats as forms of oppression. Liberalism in this sense denies that sexuality should be subject to moral judgment or evaluation of any kind, beyond the consent of the parties involved in the sexual act. As long consent has been given, anything goes.

In addition to holding out this ideal of individual autonomy, comprehensive liberalism demands that each individual’s choice of how to live be recognized and positively affirmed by everyone else, no matter what it involves (as long as it doesn’t infringe on anyone else’s equally free lifestyle choice). Comprehensive liberals also tend to treat the refusal to grant this recognition and affirmation as an act of illiberalism that ought not be tolerated. Many go so far as to think that liberal governments should force the recalcitrant to comply with the liberal ideal, at least in any area of life that can plausibly be described as public.

Liberalism in this sense is a zero-sum game, since its advance through public life often requires the equal and opposite retreat of non-liberal visions of the good.

Scary bastards.
Mon 28 Apr, 2014 01:48 pm
Uzi in a pregnant Palestinian woman's face.

That is right up there with cutting babies to pieces. You are a jerk. Israel is fighting 1400 years 0f hate. It is called Islam.
Mon 28 Apr, 2014 02:03 pm
ColdDoperino I love seeing ColdDope use the right of Free Speech to demonstrate that ColdDope is a race bigoted moronic hater.

I'm all about Free Speech Doperino. I'm all for letting ColdDope show us how a hater hates.

And how a hater hates any speech that doesn't conform to their speech.

See Doperino I love Doperino speech. It is easy, it is idiotic, it is amusing, it is sophomoric.


0 Replies
Mon 28 Apr, 2014 02:03 pm
Liberal coercion

On Tuesday, Washington residents will vote in a referendum that has national significance because of a controversy about disclosing the names and addresses of those who signed petitions to trigger the referendum. Disclosure threatens the right to privacy, which is under assault by a spreading movement - call it thuggish liberalism - that uses intimidation to suppress political participation.

The referendum is on a new state law that some say establishes same-sex marriage. This is a matter about which people differ. What is, however, unambiguously wrong is the attempt by some supporters of the law to force disclosure of the names and addresses of the 138,000 people who signed the petition bringing about the referendum. This can have no other purpose than to make it possible to harass those signers.


Mon 28 Apr, 2014 02:17 pm
OP's such as the one at the top of this unnecessary thread do not deserve replies from honest, intelligent people. But, hey, if you're bored like I was, you type something snarky and dismissive, and laugh at the backwardness of the author. And, then you post a relevant quotation!

“Anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that 'my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.'”
― Isaac Asimov
Mon 28 Apr, 2014 02:21 pm
In most of the polite conversations I have with people where I can actually discuss the issue I have found that the majority of people rationally agree that a business should not be forced to participate in or have their brand used for a cause or event they strongly disagree with.

This comes in examples such as the tattoo artist who refuses to tattoo Nazi images for a person asking. Gay business owners being required to use their physical location or other services to promote or celebrate Christian events. Advertisers pulling out of networks, shows or radio programs due to content concerns or religious minorities being forced to participate in activities that violate their beliefs.

Most people seem to agree that it would be wrong to require a person to participate in an event or have their brand used for a cause they do not agree with on most issues. Liberalism is fairly defined by its position that businesses with specific religious ties or owners with religious points of view should be boycotted. They spend a great deal of energy on attempting to remove speech or punish businesses they do not agree with.

Colleges have banned conservatives speakers when Republican or Conservative student groups bring them.
Liberals demand radio hosts be removed because they disagree with them.
Religious counseling for gays has been banned in California.
Liberal and Gay groups advocated boycotting Chik Fil A because the owner expressed his views of Traditional Marriage.

Liberals use discrimination against those who hold ideologies they disagree with all the time and are incredibly proud of it. Just browsing the Huffington Post on any given day you will see great celebrations for any legal or social punishment against those who hold positions they believe to be wrong. Haters.

Yet the various bills across the country attempting to protect religious groups from being required to participate in events they disapprove of has created a firestorm of panic throughout the gay and liberal communities.
0 Replies
Mon 28 Apr, 2014 02:23 pm
OP's such as the one at the top of this unnecessary thread do not deserve replies from honest, intelligent people.

Is that why you are replying?
Mon 28 Apr, 2014 02:23 pm
Just like conservative humor, conservative thought is an oxymoron.

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