The question is how long would this abuse have gone on if no photos had been taken? The fact that photos were taken and sent out also speaks volumes about the people that took them and sent them out.
No matter what the excuses or "isolated events" spin, the perception of widespread abuse of Iraqi prisoners is reaching millions of Muslims. It's too late for spin.
(AGI) - Rome, Italy, Apr. 30 -
"The Italian government has to formally ask the American government for explanations on what happened, the measures taken against those responsible for the torture of Iraqi prisoners," said Quercia party Chamber of Deputies group leader Luciano Violante. "This violence is comparable to that which the Saddam Hussein's regime inflicted on its prisoners and which place Italian soldiers and hostages at risk. The entire situation is shameful and doesn't mesh with civil and democratic life. Freedom of information in the United States has allowed the entire world to hear of these horrors. Now it's up to our country, which has a long history of humanity and civility and which has the third largest amount of soldiers in Iraq after the United States and Britain, to visibly and effectively - said Violante - to guarantee the respect for human rights in Iraq. On these issues, the government must quickly address the proper Chamber of Deputies and Senate in order to obtain decisions from their respective presidents". (AGI)
Iraq: Torture not isolated -- independent investigations vital
Related documents
Iraq: One year on the human rights situation remains dire
Press release, 30/04/2004
There is a real crisis of leadership in Iraq -- with double standards and double speak on human rights, Amnesty International said today.
"The latest evidence of torture and ill-treatment emerging from Abu Ghraib prison will exacerbate an already fragile situation. The prison was notorious under Saddam Hussein -- it should not be allowed to become so again. Iraq has lived under the shadow of torture for far too long. The Coalition leadership must send a clear signal that torture will not be tolerated under any circumstances and that the Iraqi people can now live free of such brutal and degrading practices," Amnesty International said.
"There must be a fully independent, impartial and public investigation into all allegations of torture. Nothing less will suffice. If Iraq is to have a sustainable and peaceful future, human rights must be a central component of the way forward. The message must be sent loud and clear that those who abuse human rights will be held accountable.
"Our extensive research in Iraq suggests that this is not an isolated incident. It is not enough for the USA to react only once images have hit the television screens".
'The liberators are worse than the dictators'
By Paul Majendie
London - Photos purporting to show American soldiers abusing Iraqi prisoners drew international condemnation on Friday, with Arabs saying the United States campaign to win the hearts and minds of Iraqis was now a lost cause.
"This is the straw that broke the camel's back for America," said Abdel-Bari Atwan, editor of the Arab newspaper al Quds al Arabi. "The liberators are worse than the dictators."
"They have not just lost the hearts and minds of Iraqis but all the Third World and the Arab countries," he said.
'The liberators are worse than the dictators'
The CBS News programme 60 Minutes II on Wednesday aired photos taken at the Abu Ghraib prison last year apparently showing US troops abusing Iraqis held at what was once a notorious centre of torture and executions under ousted president Saddam Hussein.
The pictures showed US troops smiling, posing, laughing or giving the thumbs-up sign as naked, male Iraqi prisoners were stacked in a pyramid or positioned to simulate sex acts.