It's worrisome when; ""Toward the end of the news conference, Bush was asked what lessons he had
taken away from events since the Sept. 11 attacks. He stopped, shook his head, looked quizzical and then came up empty, although it was the kind of
question he must have been told to prepare for. 'I'm sure something will pop into my head here in the midst of this press conference, all the
pressure of trying to come up with an answer,' he said. 'But it hasn't yet.' "
From The Washington Post, 14 April 2004
"The strangest of the president's conditions [in agreeing to face the 9/11 commission] is that he will testify only in concert with Vice President
Dick Cheney. The White House has given no sensible reason for why Mr. Bush is unwilling to appear alone. (When asked at his recent press
conference, the president gave one of his patented non-responses: 'Because it's a good chance for both of us to answer questions that the 9/11 commission is looking forward to asking us, and I'm looking forward to answering them.')"
From The New York Times, 29 April 2004
I'm just wondering if any member of the commission saw Dick Cheney move his mouth while he had his hand on Bush's back while (the puppet was) talking. Since the commission was not allowed to record or film this proceeding, we'll never know.