OmSigDAVID wrote:izzythepush wrote:You need to delve a bit deeper. Look at the Amanda Knox thread, where he revels in the death of murdered student Meredith Kercher. He is beneath contempt.
It seems
un-likely to me that he 'd agree with that characterization.
Indeed. It is lacking a large amount of necessary context.
First, the Kercher family in general are total scumbags. From the moment that Meredith was killed, they have done nothing but try to frame two innocent people (Amanda and Raffaele) so that they can try to seize Raffaele's inheritance in a civil judgement.
They have so far in their efforts caused Amanda and Raffaele to each spend four years in prison, and they may be on the verge of having Raffaele sent back to prison and even succeeding in their goal of stealing his inheritance.
Second, Meredith herself was not much of a human being. She was screwing practically every weirdo in Europe in exchange for free drugs, and it was actually this activity that led to her being murdered. So when I say she was a whore and it is her own fault that she got killed, I'm merely telling the truth.
And third, there are a number of on-line scumbags who out of sheer personal evilness like to support the Kercher vermin in their vile quest. These scumbags also support Palestinian vermin (it's like once a freak is degenerate enough to support one pack of vermin, they support every pack of vermin).
These scumbags say some unimaginably cruel things about Amanda and Raffaele. But if people return fire against the scumbags by heaping similar hate on the Kercher vermin, the scumbags very quickly stop their hateful attacks.
So yes, in the name of defending innocent people from a sadistic on-line lynch mob, I do indeed say some
very unkind things about the Kercher vermin.
And rightly so. I'm doing a Very Good Thing here. I'm quite proud of myself.