Frank Apisa
Reply Thu 23 Jan, 2014 06:46 am
izzythepush wrote:

Why don't you show something one of the others powers did and argue it's something America wouldn't do?

So far you've not provided proof of anything. You have an idea of how you'd like things to be, you've stated it but have been unable to demonstrate it's anything other than wishful thinking.

I already have, Izzy.

When England was the preeminent nation...they used all the weaponry they had in their fights. We haven't.

When England was the preeminent nation...they fought and moved in...and ruled. The place became a part of the British the sun would never set on it. We do not do that.

I've never argued that we are saints...we most assuredly are not. But we have shown greater restraint than other preeminent nations when they were the top dog...and the world could be doing a hell of a lot worse if other people were top dog.

Reply Thu 23 Jan, 2014 07:02 am
@Frank Apisa,
"they used all the weaponry they had in their fights. We haven't."

This cannot be in doubt, as the USA obviously has far worse things to use, but chose to draw the line at Nuclear bombs, napaalm, Agent Orange and drones.
Frank Apisa
Reply Thu 23 Jan, 2014 07:18 am
Lordyaswas wrote:

"they used all the weaponry they had in their fights. We haven't."

This cannot be in doubt, as the USA obviously has far worse things to use, but chose to draw the line at Nuclear bombs, napaalm, Agent Orange and drones.

We have got worse to use...and we haven't. We could simply have occupied and attached countries that we conquered or helped to conquer...but instead we efforted to help make them whole again.

I can think of no other preeminent power that has shown that I am saying that in my opinion, we are showing more restraint than they did.

Once again...I am not arguing that we are saints.

But some of the scorn and indignation heaped on the US (whether by citizens of other countries or citizens of this country) over the top...IN MY OPINION.

If you or any of the others are of another opinion...that is your right.

Reply Thu 23 Jan, 2014 07:34 am
@Frank Apisa,
Who says I was arguing?
Frank Apisa
Reply Thu 23 Jan, 2014 07:59 am
Lordyaswas wrote:

Who says I was arguing?

Not I!

I did say, "IF you or any of the others are of another opinion (from the one I gave as mine)...that is your right."

Frankly, I was not sure if you were agreeing with me...or being sarcastic...with your comment.

As you have probably noticed, there are a lot of people who are uncomfortable that I will not go along with the opinion that my country is one of the most horrible, evil entities that has ever existed on the planet.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 23 Jan, 2014 08:15 am
@Frank Apisa,
Lol. I never said I had a list, but I can think of a few, such as France under the early years if Napoleon: we freed the entire European continent, giving them constitutions and equality and the likes. E.g. Jews were emancipated and homosexuals freed from legal pursuit in many countries as a result...

There's also Darius' case : the Hews calked him Messiah - chosen by God - because he was so wise and magnanimous that he allowed all the people enslaved by Babylon to go back to their lands and populate them again, including Canaan.

The Roman republic / early empire was capable of restraint, forgiveness and respect. That's basically how they won most of the East from not-so-political Greek rulers.

Frank Apisa
Reply Thu 23 Jan, 2014 08:32 am
Olivier5 wrote:

Lol. I never said I had a list...

Actually, you said there were many...and suggested I knew little about history since I was not able to name them myself.

...but I can think of a few, such as France under the early years if Napoleon: we freed the entire European continent, giving them constitutions and equality and the likes. E.g. Jews were emancipated and homosexuals freed from legal pursuit in many countries as a result...

Dream on. If you for one second consider what Napoleon did as showing are in a fantasy land.

Tell me, for instance, what weapons he had that he did not use?


There's also Darius' case : the Hews calked him Messiah - chosen by God - because he was so wise and magnanimous that he allowed all the people enslaved by Babylon to go back to their lands and populate them again, including Canaan.

The fact that Darius did one thing that you can mention that seems to you to be benevolent...does not make him a preeminent power showing restraint, Olivier.

The Roman republic / early empire was capable of restraint, forgiveness and respect. That's basically how they won most of the East from not-so-political Greek rulers.

The Romans came...and conquered. They then occupied and owned what they conquered and claimed it as part of their territory.

They showed no restraint whatsoever.


There should be a list first...and then an "etc."

Nice try...but what a laughable attempt.

America HAS shown restraint...more than any preeminent world power has ever shown.
Reply Thu 23 Jan, 2014 08:51 am
@Frank Apisa,
In a way,I agree with you Frank.

America, eventually, made a massive contribution towards world freedom when they entered WW2, with all its equipment, industrial power and fighting forces sent around the world.
The world would look a whole lot different today if the USA had kept out of the fight.
Hitler's goose was cooked at Pearl Harbour, as that committed him to supporting Japan, his ally. He immediately declared war on the USA.

In turn, that limited Stalin's ambitions, as he now had to share European territory with an equally powerful 'ally', as opposed to a little Island, whose inhabitants were down to their last round of metaphorical ammunition.
Stalin couldn't give a toss about Britain, but HAD to take the USA seriously.

When people slag off America, they should first remember that without them, we in most of Europe would not have had the freedom we enjoy today. The European war would probaly have gone on for many years after Hitler was fried, but with Uncle Joe as the new baddy.

In the southern hemisphere, the British Empire came to a rude and sudden end when the facade of our so called superiority was shattered by the ease with which the Japanese army swept them aside. The Gin and Tonic Polo playing Officers could not believe the impertinence of these inferior orientals trying it on with the British army.
Most of our posh idiots at the time, both at home and abroad in the 'empire' still lived in the 1800's. They soon shat themselves when faced with humiliating defeat.
The great British Empire crumbled virtually overnight, and was the last groans of the 'old' world order.

So, in much of what you say you are correct, Frank. The USA pretty much packed up and went home at the end of the war, apart from the defences installed in each 'western' country, because of the new cold war.
They certainly didn't do a Russia and rule the gained territories with an iron fist, or make them unwiloing sattelite states for a new, bigger regime.

The USA basically ran Japan for a good while after the war, with MacArthur as their virtual king, but even there they proved to be quite magnanimous, helping them get back on their feet and guiding them towards modern democracy as opposed to the pre war bushido culture they had in place.

In my mind, up until about the awful Bush era, America was widely seen as the main 'benevolent' power in the world, despite all the cold war shenanigans going on behind the scenes between them and the 'commies'.
Ordinary people had no idea of what chess games were being played, and the Iron Curtain was an obvious enough threat to keep all us westerners in line and happy with America's actions, certainly for a good few years after the war.
Things started getting fuzzy when Vietnam came along. For a start, instant worldwide communication was now the norm, so people could get a good daily dose of horror on their front pages and through their TV's.
Who can't conjure up the image of that poor naked child running towards the camera? You know the one.
Another factor that complicated things was that the generation gap had arrived, along with Elvis, Little Richard, The Stones, Beatles and Bob Dylan.
The young were now different from their parents. They were no longer conformists. They had a voice and were organising themselves.
Whatever America got up to from then on, its young would immediately make their presence felt if it was deemed unacceptable.
Britain and its Empire builders never had that natural handbrake. Nor did any other Empire from the old, do as you're told and don't argue, world.

America got out of Vietnam and was humiliated in the process. That would never have happened if the likes of Dylan and co hadn't evolved. Those despised long haired pot smoking hippies who burnt their draft cards, were about as effective a red stop light to America's foreign intervention as you could get.
If your young refuse to fight, how the hell do you even think about foreign campaigns?
Do you think that for one minute, the young from any other 'old' empire would have been allowed a say, even if they dared speak up in the first place?

If you want to praise anyone for restraint in your dealings with the world, then surely you should be thanking people like Dylan, Lennon and all those who got high and sang protest songs at Woodstock.

Going back to my original post on this haven't changed my mind.
I repeat. If the USA had the wherewithall and the technonlogy to build their own empire at the time of the British Raj etc., then you would no doubt have been as successful, ruthless and profitable as the British were.
You proved it time and time again within your own boundaries, what with the Indian clearances, the slaughtering of the buffalo, the slave plantations. It seemed to be the done thing in the 'old' order, and you certainly did plenty of it. The only difference being that you did not have the word 'empire' tacked onto the end.
Because it was technically your own country where all the comparable 'empire style' exploitation happened, it doesn't make it any more palatable.

The USA gained a lot of street cred around the time of Woodstock and the Vietnam withdrawal, and you seemed to be going along the nice guy superpower route agsin until the moron Bush was puppeteered into invading Iraq, taking the poor relation moron Blair with him.

Who knows what will happen next in the world. The baddy has changed yet again, and we now face religious fanatics whilst all the while China is quietly coasting along in the background, buying up the world's bonds and getting to a position where they can hold even the mighty over a barrel.

But to say that the upper echelons of the USA are nice guys who show humane and considered restraint because they choose to do so is just plain wrong, imo.
For a start, we know only about 1% of what really goes on behind the doors of power. Take the revelations from the idiot Snowden and that albino who's currently shut up in that Tinpot Embassy in London.
What they revealed is bad enough, and you can guarantee that it is just the tip of an enormous iceberg.

We're all just as bad as one another in the end. You **** on them there, they **** on you somewhere else. The only difference is that at this precise time, nobody around the world has the stomach or the concensus to sort out fanatical Islam once and for all, and even if they did they would no doubt go about it the wrong way.
So America blows up wedding parties and funerals with their drones, Russia stokes up Ukraine and the police take to the streets, Argentina get flatulent about the Falklands and we beat our chests and go find a sabre to rattle, China gets another African oil deal sorted out and moves in its engineers. Same ol' same ol'......all building or holding on to empires past, present and future.

So, in conclusion.....if anyone thinks that Frank is right and America does show more restraint than any other countries ever did in the past, then thank four boys from Liverpool who taught the world how to be psychadelic and sing about peace.

Reply Thu 23 Jan, 2014 09:05 am
Best post I've read in a very long time!
0 Replies
Reply Thu 23 Jan, 2014 10:27 am
We're all just as bad as one another in the end.

Hear Hear
And we all make jingoistic statements and we all make excuses for our nations excesses and we're only human.
Good thread, good posts.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 23 Jan, 2014 10:37 am
izzythepush wrote:

You, being a moron, have a moron's command of English.

If we're talking English you're the foreigner. I'm English, you're not.

Only if I was transported to England would I be a foreigner. No chance of that though. You are the foreigner when you post to my screen name, regardless of how many diverse nationalities are on the forum.

[Foofie sings "I'm a Yankee doodle-dandy."]

Reply Thu 23 Jan, 2014 10:45 am
You are a foreigner in your own backyard, the friendless weirdo people increase their step to get past, the tedious little tit no one wants to talk to.
Walter Hinteler
Reply Thu 23 Jan, 2014 10:48 am
I also think that in any time period, you can find quite a few countries, which were bullying: some on the level of the (at that time) known world, others just regionally and even some more locally.

When you read some posts of some posters on A2K - you can easily get the idea that at least from 1942 onwards, God granted the USA e.g. air superiority. And He gave them his one and only world police badge.

The problem with viewing America as an international bully is that there's some truth to it.
And this "some" is viewed differently again - from which side you look on it.

Similar like some might say that a teaspoon is concave,others say it is convex: you get a totally different view of it.

Even more: a different view of what is mirrored in this teaspoon
0 Replies
Reply Thu 23 Jan, 2014 10:48 am
izzythepush wrote:

They were no different from the Nazis in that respect. Fortunately Good triumphed over Evil and the brave Vietnamese triumphed. As a child I remember giving my pocket money to a trade unionist collecting for the Vietnamese...

American troops did not commit genocide on their own citizens, like the Nazis. Plus, some of the American troops in the military likely had relatives that died in concentration camps. The universal military draft did not give exceptions for children of Holocaust survivors. You us the word "Nazi" too loosely, in my opinion.

Since I've been to more than one Vietnam War memorial (with the names of the American military personnel that died), I can only think you are lacking in some common decency, since on this forum, that uses the English language, there can be more than one relative of a slain American from the Vietnam Era.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 23 Jan, 2014 10:58 am
Olivier5 wrote:

On the latter issue, however, Setanta rightly pointed out that the French did not carpet bomb Vietnam. You guys did that, with your amazing oh-so-American restraint.

No. It was done with B-52's. A much better aircraft for such assignments than a Mirage.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 23 Jan, 2014 10:59 am
Setanta wrote:

Don't forget napalm and agent Orange . . . both vital parts of the American policy of restraint.

Correct, since we didn't go nuclear.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 23 Jan, 2014 11:04 am
Setanta wrote:

What is most pathetic about this disgusting display of chauvinism, this entire thread, is the attempt to whitewash or ignore the shameful chapters.

What is most pathetic about this disgusting display of criticizing America, this entire thread, is the attempt to blacken and de-emphasize the heroic chapters.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 23 Jan, 2014 11:11 am
izzythepush wrote:

You're the one who favours slavery, slavery by a ruling oligarchy of the mega rich taking an ever more increasing share of the World's resources and leaving the other 99% to argue over the crumbs.

I value genuine freedom.

The percentages are false assumptions. After the wealthiest 1% is taken out of the equation, there is at least another 50 percent that utilize the current system well enough to live a very comfortable existence. To let the underclass live comfortably, the said 50 percent would have to be taxed into a shanty lifestyle. In other words, the wealthiest 1% just allows the next 50 percent to work at decent jobs. Taxing the wealthiest 1% just turns the society into a poor socialist country where everyone lives a little better than shanty.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 23 Jan, 2014 11:19 am
Setanta wrote:

Eat **** an die, you scum-sicking low-life.

Considering Catholics live so comfortably in a Protestant country (aka, the U.S.A), wouldn't you think that deserves a little less criticism of the U.S.A.? Or, do you think that Catholics have "arrived" in American society, and can criticize, without concern, the hand that fed them, so to speak?
0 Replies
Reply Thu 23 Jan, 2014 11:25 am
@Frank Apisa,
Frank Apisa wrote:

When England was the preeminent nation...they used all the weaponry they had in their fights. We haven't.

So Hiroshima and Nagasaki don't count.

="Frank"]When England was the preeminent nation...they fought and moved in...and ruled. The place became a part of the British the sun would never set on it. We do not do that.

New Mexico, Arizona, California, Texas, all once part of Mexico. At least we gave our empire back.
Frank wrote:
But we have shown greater restraint than other preeminent nations when they were the top dog

I doubt that the Vietnamese, Chileans, Hondurans, Salvadorians etc. etc. would appreciate the distinction. You've not demonstrated anything other than wishful thinking.

0 Replies

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