Frank Apisa
Reply Wed 15 Jan, 2014 03:36 pm
Lordyaswas wrote:

Ah, people like you make me proud to be British.

You never fail to prove to the Americans here on A2K that our little island has its fair share of morons.

Lordy...I lived for two years on that Island of yours...two of the most enjoyable and memorable of my life. I am an unabashed Anglophile...and I easily understand the crap someone like Romeo spews. I also realize it is not indicative of the normal, sane Briton.

By the way...nothing I am saying here should be construed to be an attack on any other world power of a previous day. I am merely trying to put the position of the US in a slightly different perspective than we see day after day here.

Reply Wed 15 Jan, 2014 03:52 pm
@Frank Apisa,
Yeah, you are.

During the American Revolution, Washington sent General Sullivan into the Mohawk Valley in New York to destroy the Iroquois Confederacy, which had remained loyal to their allegiance to the British monarchy. Those who survived fled to Canada, where they remain to this day.

Andrew Jackson won his military reputation in the Creek War of 1813. (That's Creek as in the Indian tribe.) As President, Jackson deported the Indians living east of the Mississippi, in the tragedy known as the Trail of Tears.

Have you ever heard of the Blackhawk War? Have you ever heard of the Seminole Wars? Do you know about the troops Lincoln sent to fight the Sioux in 1863? Have you ever heard of Phil Sheridan? You know, they guy who said the only good Indians he had ever seen were dead? Do you know why the Indians were so eager to kill Custer? Od you know anything about his career in the West before the Battle of the Greasy Grass (what white boys call Little Bighorn)? Do you know what was done to the Apaches? Do you know what was done to the various small, impoverished Indian bands of California?

Let's skip a head a little, to the Spanish War. There's an excellent small volume of essays by Samuel Clemens entitled A Pen Warmed Up in Hell. There are a couple of good essays in there about U.S. Troops using artillery with high explosive shells against the villages of the natives of the Philippines, and then giving themselves medals for it. I highly recommend Clemens' essay To the Person Sitting in Darkness. I'm sure you have heard about the Sadinistas and the Contras in Nicaragua. Are you aware that U.S. Marines occupied Nicaragua from 1912 to 1933? I'm sure you've heard about Blackjack Pershing invading Mexico in 1916 (at least i think you ought to know that). Did you know that U.S. Marines and soldiers landed at Veracruz in 1913 and seized the customs house? (Douglas MacArthur disobeyed his commander and took of on his own into the countryside. He was recommended for the Medal of Honor, but it was quietly buried because he had disobeyed his commander.)

I'm barely getting warmed up here, Frank. Yes, you are very ignorant is you are willing to claim that the United States has acted with more restraint than other major powers.
Romeo Fabulini
Reply Wed 15 Jan, 2014 03:55 pm
Let's also pay tribute to the American frontiersmen who stepped up to the plate to continue civilising America after the British showed them how to do it!
For example here's Gary Cooper civilising the Florida Seminoles in 'Distant Drums' so that Frank Apisa could move in and settle on their land..Smile
0 Replies
Reply Wed 15 Jan, 2014 03:58 pm
You were trying to pull your usual bullshit of taking the moral high ground. The only reason your silly little country is not acting the way they did in the past is because you're no longer a world power. I have no use for tu quoque arguments as i pointed out at the beginning. I also have no use for the kind of ignorant hypocrisy you display when you don't even know the history of your own nation. You tried to claim that your nation ended slavery before the Untied States--and you were wrong, wrong, wrong. Being wrong, though, is somthing you can never admit.
0 Replies
Frank Apisa
Reply Wed 15 Jan, 2014 04:01 pm
Setanta wrote:

Yeah, you are.

During the American Revolution, Washington sent General Sullivan into the Mohawk Valley in New York to destroy the Iroquois Confederacy, which had remained loyal to their allegiance to the British monarchy. Those who survived fled to Canada, where they remain to this day.

Andrew Jackson won his military reputation in the Creek War of 1813. (That's Creek as in the Indian tribe.) As President, Jackson deported the Indians living east of the Mississippi, in the tragedy known as the Trail of Tears.

Have you ever heard of the Blackhawk War? Have you ever heard of the Seminole Wars? Do you know about the troops Lincoln sent to fight the Sioux in 1863? Have you ever heard of Phil Sheridan? You know, they guy sho said the only good Indians he had ever seen were dead? Do you know why the Indians were so eager to kill Custer? Od you know anything about his career in the West before the Battle of the Greasy Grass (what white boys call Little Bighorn)? Do you know what was done to the Apaches? Do you know what was done to the various small, impoverished Indian bands of California?

Let's skip a head a little, to the Spanish War. There's an excellent small volume of essays by Samuel Clemens entitled A Pen Warmed Up in Hell. There are a couple of good essays in there about U.S. Troops using artillery with high explosive shells against the villages of the natives of the Philippines, and then giving themselves medals for it. I highly recommend Clemens' essay To the Person Sitting in Darkness. I'm sure you have heard about the Sadinistas and the Contras in Nicaragua. Are you aware that U.S. Marines occupied Nicaragua from 1912 to 1933? I'm sure you've heard about Blackjack Pershing invading Mexico in 1916 (at least i think you ought to know that). Did you know that U.S. Marines and soldiers landed at Veracruz in 1913 and seized the customs house? (Douglas MacArthur disobeyed his commander and took of on his own into the countryside. He was recommended for the Medal of Honor, but it was quietly buried because he had disobeyed his commander.)

I'm barely getting warmed up here, Frank. Yes, you are very ignorant is you are willing to claim that the United States has acted with more restraint than other major powers.

No, I really do not think I am ignorant, Setanta.

I think that comment of yours has more to do with this insatiable need you have to denigrate and heap scorn upon almost everyone who disagrees with you in this forum.

I want you to know I understand your problem. You apparently live an incredibly unhappy life…filled with disappointments…and it is easy for people like you to lash out the way you do.

None of that anger and acting out, however, will do anything to make you any more attractive as a human being…nor any warmer…nor any slimmer.

You ought to try to contain that kind of thing.

Good luck with it.

And continue to warm up…because I will be here for you. Ya know…since you want to be warmer, I’ll try to send some heat your way. Wink Wink

Reply Wed 15 Jan, 2014 04:05 pm
This from the guy who takes every opportunity to call me names. You don't make me angry, you're not that important. I said nothing negative about you until you came out with that bullshit about the United States not having been as brutal as other world powers. (Yet you want to claim that you're not putting anyone else down.) Then i called bullshit. I have called you ignorant because of the obvious ignorance you display. Ignorance is not a character fault, and it is not denigrating you to point out your ignorance. Ignorance is a preeminently curable condition. I suspect you won't take the cure, though.

By the way, yelling about it won't change anything, Mr. Civility.
Frank Apisa
Reply Wed 15 Jan, 2014 04:13 pm
Setanta wrote:

This from the guy who takes every opportunity to call me names. I said nothing negative about you until you came out with that bullshit about the United States not having been as brutal as other world powers. (Yet you want to claim that you're not putting anyone else down.) Then i called bullshit. I have called you ignorant because of the obvious ignorance you display. Ignorance is not a character fault, and it is not denigrating you to point out your ignorance. Ignorance is a preeminently curable condition. I suspect you won't take the cure, though.

By the way, yelling about it won't change anything, Mr. Civility.

Setanta...I'm telling you...all this anger is going to get you nowhere...and will probably only lead to greater health problem.

Look...yeah, there are occasions where I refer to you as Jabba. But that is only because Jabba the Hutt is a morbidly obese, revoltingly ugly, mean-spirited, quick to anger cartoon you are.

So any insult you might perceive in the comparison truly does not exist...and even if it did, you certainly will not see me apologizing to Jabba. He is a fictional character, for Heaven's sake.

Anyway...I am not ignorant...although if it makes that crappy life of yours any more bearable...please continue to think I am.

I'll be here to respond if you decide to post about it. Wink Wink Wink
Romeo Fabulini
Reply Wed 15 Jan, 2014 04:43 pm
English, the first language spoken on another world..Smile
0 Replies
Reply Wed 15 Jan, 2014 04:59 pm
@Frank Apisa,
You're the one who is shouting. You seem to be the one with the anger management problems. You're trying all your school yard tricks, aren't you? Like claiming my life is crappy. It's sad that you can't deal with contradiction without recourse to insults and name-calling. Try to get a grip and calm down, Frank. You're not doing yourself any good. You could do more good by devoting some time to curing your ignorance. Then you might no longer say silly things such as the United States has not been brutal.
Frank Apisa
Reply Wed 15 Jan, 2014 05:12 pm
Setanta wrote:

You're the one who is shouting. You seem to be the one with the anger management problems. You're trying all your school yard tricks, aren't you? Like claiming my life is crappy. It's sad that you can't deal with contradiction without recourse to insults and name-calling. Try to get a grip and calm down, Frank. You're not doing yourself any good. You could do more good by devoting some time to curing your ignorance. Then you might no longer say silly things such as the United States has not been brutal.

Jabba...c'mon...we're just having a bit of fun here.

Nice try though. You really made it sound convincing. I admire a good try...and I am willing to acknowledge that you are taking the lessons to heart.

But you are playing in the big game now...and I don't think you have what it takes to last.

We'll see.

Just take it nice and slowly...breathe carefully while typing...and read over what you have written before pushing the "reply" button.

I don't think you're gonna make it though! Wink
Reply Wed 15 Jan, 2014 05:24 pm
@Frank Apisa,
I'm doing fine Frank. You really need to get some new material, that **** y ou've been using for years got old long ago. You display an appalling ignorance when you try to claim that the United States has shown more restraint than other world powers and that they haven't been as brutal. That's the important thing here, Frank, curing your ignorance. With your stubbornness, though, i don't hold out much hope.

Big game? Ah-hahahahahahahahahahahaha . . . what a bullshit artist.
Frank Apisa
Reply Wed 15 Jan, 2014 06:09 pm
Setanta wrote:

I'm doing fine Frank. You really need to get some new material, that **** y ou've been using for years got old long ago. You display an appalling ignorance when you try to claim that the United States has shown more restraint than other world powers and that they haven't been as brutal.

That is not what I claimed, Setanta...but realizing that would require that you actually quote what I did say...something you apparently are not willing to do.

That's the important thing here, Frank, curing your ignorance. ignorance to cure.

By the one of the future lessons I am going to mention that you should avoid derogating the intelligence of an opponent. If you win an argument with the guy, people will just think you beat someone stupid. And if he out-shines will look like a guy who was beaten by a chump.

C'mon...think about this stuff without the lessons. You gotta work toward sharpness.

With your stubbornness, though, i don't hold out much hope.

Ahhh...well, don't worry about "hope." I've got that all covered.

Big game? Ah-hahahahahahahahahahahaha . . . what a bullshit artist.

Oh, just don't have the staying power for this, Setanta. You allow the Jabba side of you to take control. Oh well...maybe you can make a decent recovery. I'm rooting for ya. I always want my opponents to be top-notch.
Wink Wink Wink Wink
0 Replies
Reply Wed 15 Jan, 2014 06:18 pm
Take your pick Frank:

Frank Apisa wrote:
I am simply saying here that we have been relatively less savage and barbaric than other prior world powers have been.

. . .

They showed much less restraint than we are...although I acknowledge that we have been buffoons at times.

Frank Apisa wrote:
But right is my opinion that our exercise of power is relatively restrained compared with what others have done while they were at the top of the power heap.

These statements can only be the product of an appalling ignorance. The nasty personal remarks you like to sling around are just an attempt to deflect the valid criticism of your statements. You're getting your ass kicked here and you can't handle it. As i've already pointed out, pointing out your ignorance is not "derogating" your intelligence,and ignorance is preeminently curable condition. The problem is that you prefer your opinions to reality. What's that bullshit you like to peddle? The reality is what it is? The reality contradicts your claims about the restraint of the United States.
Reply Wed 15 Jan, 2014 06:20 pm
@Frank Apisa,
Yes, The United States is a bully. It isn't alone by any means, but it's probably the biggest bully on the block right now.

It's had plenty of predecessors and it'll have plenty of successors.
Reply Wed 15 Jan, 2014 06:47 pm
The only thing I can say to "is america a bully" is: are you kidding me, that you ask?
Reply Wed 15 Jan, 2014 07:04 pm
er, not you, dlowan
0 Replies
Finn dAbuzz
Reply Wed 15 Jan, 2014 08:18 pm
@Frank Apisa,
I agree with you Frank
0 Replies
Finn dAbuzz
Reply Wed 15 Jan, 2014 08:19 pm
@Frank Apisa,
I don't agree with you Frank
0 Replies
Finn dAbuzz
Reply Wed 15 Jan, 2014 08:23 pm
@Frank Apisa,
I agree with you Frank
Frank Apisa
Reply Wed 15 Jan, 2014 08:52 pm
Setanta wrote:

Take your pick Frank:

Frank Apisa wrote:
I am simply saying here that we have been relatively less savage and barbaric than other prior world powers have been.

. . .

They showed much less restraint than we are...although I acknowledge that we have been buffoons at times.

Frank Apisa wrote:
But right is my opinion that our exercise of power is relatively restrained compared with what others have done while they were at the top of the power heap.

These statements can only be the product of an appalling ignorance. The nasty personal remarks you like to sling around are just an attempt to deflect the valid criticism of your statements. You're getting your ass kicked here and you can't handle it. As i've already pointed out, pointing out your ignorance is not "derogating" your intelligence,and ignorance is preeminently curable condition. The problem is that you prefer your opinions to reality. What's that bullshit you like to peddle? The reality is what it is? The reality contradicts your claims about the restraint of the United States.

No, no, no, no, no, Jabba. You have to go slower. You can't try for the kill...or claim victory this soon...or you look like a buffoon.

C'mon gotta work with me.

Truly, I am not ignorant...and the thought that I am "getting my ass kicked here" is farce.

But have to clean up your act...or this is going nowhere.

We'll take this up again tomorrow.

Jabba...get some food in yourself. You are exceptionally nasty when you are off your feed.

Wink Wink Wink Wink Wink

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