farmerman wrote:That's where I got it from.
Bill Bennett has always been one of Daves heros.
HAY! What the hell r u planting, farmer?????
Lemme be clear:
I don t like Bill Bennett. I don t look upon him as a friend,
nor as having been much help to America. I don 't like his personality
and a lot
WORSE I don 't like a lot of his philosophy.
I do
NOT see him as being
anti-authoritarian, as all decent Republicans shud be.
The way I 've seen him present himself (tho I have not seen him recently)
suggests that, in
HIS mind, authoritarianism is
necessarily such a bad thing. I suspect him of
liberal theocratic leanings
(to be historically
conservative, he must adhere to the secular US Constitution)
and for sure, he
opposes freedom of abortion, and he probably
censorship of erotic materials (porn). He is
NO friend of liberty.
I bet he 'd outlaw gambling, if he cud.
OK, I 'll agree that he was a good anti-communist during the 3rd World War
and, if u insist on pressing the point, I guess u might find a few
other issues qua which he was not anathema to liberty,
but as a whole, I have held him in low esteem
and I have not been in a big hurry to attend to his oratory,
but we learn from U, that:
"Bill Bennett has always been one of Daves heros." I take exception
to your
FALSE characterization. I have better heros than that, beginning with George Washington,
James Madison, Patrick Henry and
Barry Goldwater.
Maybe next week, u 'll accuse me of following Karl Marx.