My my Firefly had dare to edit a sentence of mine to change a clearly
sarcastic reply to her question of whether I trade/collect child porn into an admission that I am a child porn trader and that all by itself would be a libel.
Firefly "Do you trade child porn"
My reply " Yes, I trade child porn
with federal judges"
Firefly edit "Yes, I trade child porn"
That is just one example of her being a damn liar and in libeling me.
As far as going to the park to try to find homes for those kittens there is nothing wrong with doing so and it was done at the suggestion of my wife that once held the position of deputy director of child welfare for a major US city/county.
Stating to me that how she had gotten her teenage kids to find homes for puppies in the past in a similar manner.
Nor did anyone kicked me out for being as a danger to children at least not to my face but stated I was not allow to have pets in that park.
It was my assumption that this was the secret motivation to get me to leave the park in question and that would be annoying as I am fairly sure that if either my wife had gone along or by herself the matter would not had come up.
Men as men are view as evil and a danger to children in this sad society until proven otherwise.
Hell it had gone so crazy that adults of either sex in some areas of the US can not even sit in a part of the parks that are design for children to play in unless they have a child with them.
As I had already stated in my childhood and my wife childhood an old man sitting in a park feeding pigeons and interacting with playing children would not had been view as a danger.
Next you and Firefly had attacked me and charge me for being a pedophile for daring to agree with the majority of US Federal judges that in the US that the sentencing guidelines for that crime is too harsh. Note that is where the sarcastic sentence with Federal judges came from.
It always amused me that you had attacked me even when I had taken the position that the laws in your own nation the UK are more sane and the US would be wise to adopt them.
I guess you are of the opinion that your own lawmakers are pedophiles or supporters of pedophiles.
But that is nothing new and not limited to the child porn issue as my position that .1 is too low of a cut off for DUI must mean that I am a drunk driver and my position that we should address the issue of drugs more as a public health matter then a criminal one mean that I am a drug user.
As far as computer security is concern it had always been an interest to me in all areas long before the NSA issue come up.
Firefly have even gone to the point of putting keys words into her own postings so she could then claim that a google search would find my comments on computer security and therefore aid pedophiles.