So Saying That Folks Should Follow Christian Morals is NOW A Firing Offense

Tue 31 Dec, 2013 09:57 pm

Tue 31 Dec, 2013 10:54 pm

That's really rich coming from IzzytheLiar. Is beanie your sock puppet,

Hell No! Izzy has friends and you do n't. Now shut up you foul mouth punk.
Tue 31 Dec, 2013 11:08 pm
Now shut up you foul mouth punk.

So JTT has no friends to threaten you?
Wed 1 Jan, 2014 01:24 am
coldjoint says:
So JTT has no friends to threaten you?

JTT has no friends, period.
Wed 1 Jan, 2014 02:01 am
MontereyJack wrote:

coldjoint says:
So JTT has no friends to threaten you?

JTT has no friends, period.

you dont know this.
0 Replies
Wed 1 Jan, 2014 02:08 am
Here's a duck dynasty all of us can support! Smile

Wed 1 Jan, 2014 03:36 am
if you live to be 90 you just might be able to deal with reality......
0 Replies
Wed 1 Jan, 2014 05:06 am
As FF has pointed out I never called you a paedophile, I merely pointed out the facts. You were thrown out/asked to leave a park because you were using kittens to attract children. Your cover story of wanting to rehouse them doesn't hold much water in that most right minded people would never contemplate trying to rehouse kittens in such a peculiar way. There are numerous ways of finding home for kittens without going down the park.

Now, all I've done is post the facts about what you did. You have looked at those facts and decided that by acting in that way you were a paedophile. You seem to have had an epiphany in that you're finally seeing your behaviour as others would see it. Seek counselling now, this is a rare moment of clarity, don't squander it.

Neither FF nor I have mentioned your comments on the thread about child pornography, where you spent most of the time talking about computer security, posted links to sites where child pornography could be downloaded, and described people who watched pornography as 'decent, productive members of society.' Not once did you show any sympathy for the victims of child abuse.
Wed 1 Jan, 2014 05:58 am
My my Firefly had dare to edit a sentence of mine to change a clearly sarcastic reply to her question of whether I trade/collect child porn into an admission that I am a child porn trader and that all by itself would be a libel.

Firefly "Do you trade child porn"

My reply " Yes, I trade child porn with federal judges"

Firefly edit "Yes, I trade child porn"

That is just one example of her being a damn liar and in libeling me.

As far as going to the park to try to find homes for those kittens there is nothing wrong with doing so and it was done at the suggestion of my wife that once held the position of deputy director of child welfare for a major US city/county.

Stating to me that how she had gotten her teenage kids to find homes for puppies in the past in a similar manner.

Nor did anyone kicked me out for being as a danger to children at least not to my face but stated I was not allow to have pets in that park.

It was my assumption that this was the secret motivation to get me to leave the park in question and that would be annoying as I am fairly sure that if either my wife had gone along or by herself the matter would not had come up.

Men as men are view as evil and a danger to children in this sad society until proven otherwise.

Hell it had gone so crazy that adults of either sex in some areas of the US can not even sit in a part of the parks that are design for children to play in unless they have a child with them.

As I had already stated in my childhood and my wife childhood an old man sitting in a park feeding pigeons and interacting with playing children would not had been view as a danger.

Next you and Firefly had attacked me and charge me for being a pedophile for daring to agree with the majority of US Federal judges that in the US that the sentencing guidelines for that crime is too harsh. Note that is where the sarcastic sentence with Federal judges came from.

It always amused me that you had attacked me even when I had taken the position that the laws in your own nation the UK are more sane and the US would be wise to adopt them.

I guess you are of the opinion that your own lawmakers are pedophiles or supporters of pedophiles.

But that is nothing new and not limited to the child porn issue as my position that .1 is too low of a cut off for DUI must mean that I am a drunk driver and my position that we should address the issue of drugs more as a public health matter then a criminal one mean that I am a drug user.

As far as computer security is concern it had always been an interest to me in all areas long before the NSA issue come up.

Firefly have even gone to the point of putting keys words into her own postings so she could then claim that a google search would find my comments on computer security and therefore aid pedophiles.

Wed 1 Jan, 2014 06:16 am
Oh you're so hard done by. You were caught trying to entice children in the park with kittens. Your first wife got a restraining order against you for violence which you did not challenge. You described people who watch child pornography as 'decent productive members of society.' You posted links to sites where child pornography could be downloaded. You also advised would be viewers of child pornography about the best types of computer security. You made off colour jokes about the victims of child pornographer. Not once have you shown an ounce of sympathy for the real victims of child pornographers, the abused children, not those caught watching child pornography, who are the only people you've shown any sympathy for.

Those are all facts, present them any way you want, it does not look good.

Btw, it's nothing to do with you being a man. If anyone, regardless of gender, ethnicity, race or religion was caught in a park with a box of kittens trying to get the attention of children they should be arrested. We've spoken at length about your behaviour, not your gender which is irrelevant.

And you volunteered all of this information. When you're in a hole stop digging.
Wed 1 Jan, 2014 06:52 am
My my Izzy you love to take things out of content to paint as false a picture as possible do you not? Taking my complex views on issues and distorted them all out of shape !!!!!

Next Anyone can find my posting concerning my ex-wife and her misused of the legal system if they wish to get a detail picture of that part of my life.

Now the idea that a child rapist can be given a lessor sentence then someone with a picture of that rape is insane and outrageous to me even those I do not have any problem with the level of punishment deal out in the UK concerning the matter.

That mental health treatment and long term monitoring would service the society better then just locking up those men for decades and throwing away all their skills and abilities as in many cases we are talking about research scientists and doctors and others with skills that should not lightly be thrown away. At least that should be the case for those who had not in any way been a direct danger to children other then collecting that sick material.

As I had said I like the UK approach to this matter far better then the US approach.

I do think that the fact that a young man can have sex with a 16 years old girlfriend legally in many areas of the US but both he and his partner are in danger of facing serous criminal charges and being listed as a sexual predator for life if she would dare to send him a sexual picture of herself to him is insane. It is using the law that was sold as a mean of protecting young people as a mean to harm them instead and to no useful purpose.

Wed 1 Jan, 2014 07:06 am
firefly wrote:
In general, I don't think this is a free speech issue, which pertains to actions on the part of the government.

While that is true as a legal matter, many of us also consider the freedom of speech an ethical value---including myself. If you no longer dare to speak your mind because political activists will come after your job if you do, that, too, abridges your freedom of speech, and that, too, is a bad thing. Private organizations are perfectly willing and able to mess with one's political freedoms. And it's part of what happened here.
Wed 1 Jan, 2014 07:59 am
I've listed the facts, you're the one who needs to twist them in order to look semi normal.

Of all the words I would use to describe you man is not one of them, you've whinged and moaned about how terrible things are. Before you complain about how badly you think men are treated you need to man up.
0 Replies
Wed 1 Jan, 2014 08:02 am
BillRM wrote:
Now the idea that a child rapist can be given a lessor sentence than
someone with a picture of that rape is insane and outrageous to me
If this has been true, if that has happened,
then Bill 's point is well taken. (I have not researched it.)
It 'd be illogical to criminally convict Mr. Zapruder
because of his videotaping the Kennedy assassination.

BillRM wrote:
That mental health treatment and long term monitoring would service
the society better then just locking up those men for decades and
throwing away all their skills and abilities as in many cases we are
talking about research scientists and doctors and others with skills
that should not lightly be thrown away. At least that should be the
case for those who had not in any way been a direct danger to children
other then collecting that sick material.
I can see the reasoning
of a photographer being convicted of complicity in rape,
if a rape were committed with his connivance.

BillRM wrote:
I do think that the fact that a young man can have sex with a 16 years
old girlfriend legally in many areas of the US but both he and his
partner are in danger of facing serous criminal charges and being
listed as a sexual predator for life if she would dare to send him a
sexual picture of herself to him is insane. It is using the law that
was sold as a mean of protecting young people as a mean to harm
them instead and to no useful purpose.
Has that happened, Bill ?
Wed 1 Jan, 2014 08:09 am
Did Disney conceive them to be Scotch or Irish?
( I have their names in mind. )

0 Replies
Wed 1 Jan, 2014 08:17 am
Has that happened, Bill ?

Prosecutors had threaten to bring charges of child porn against young ladies that had share such pictures of themselves unless they take part in special programs dealing with the issue and young men who had share such freely given pictures with friends had been charge.

An there been constant statements that both the young women and the young men can be charge with this crime but I would need to do research to see if it had yet to had happen.



American teenagers are increasingly facing prosecution as sex offenders as a result of the rapidly spreading practice of sending explicit photos of themselves by mobile phone — a trend known as "sexting".

In the latest case, three teenage girls in Greensburg, Pennsylvania, who sent nude self portraits, and the three male classmates who received the images, have all been served with child pornography charges.

The girls have been charged with manufacturing and disseminating child pornography while the boys are accused of possessing it.

In Wisconsin, a 17-year-old was charged with child pornography after posting naked pictures of his girlfriend, who is a year younger, on the internet. In Rochester, New York, a boy aged 16 faces seven years in jail for circulating an image of a girlfriend to friends.

"Sexting" is fast becoming a moral and legal headache for school heads and police throughout America. The National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy last month published a study suggesting one in five teens had sent or posted images of themselves in various stages of undress.

Jim Brown, an official at Glen Este high school in the Ohio town of Cincinnati, told the Cincinnati Enquirer: "If I were to go through the cell phones in this building right now, of 1,500 students I would venture to say that half to two- thirds have indecent photos, either of themselves or somebody else in school."

Prosecutors are facing increasing dilemmas because case law has not kept up with the impact of digital media on teenage behaviour. Young adults can face lengthy sentences resulting from relationships with younger teenagers, with penalties varying state by state.

Federal law also requires hefty punishment for teenaged relationships that span the legal start of adulthood at 17. An 18-year-old in their last year of high school who dates a 14-year-old in the first year faces up to 30 years in jail for a first offence.



Legal cases[edit]
In 2007, 32 Australian teenagers from the state of Victoria were prosecuted as a result of sexting activity.[32] Child pornography charges were brought against six teenagers in Greensburg, Pennsylvania, in January 2009 after three girls sent sexually explicit photographs to three male classmates.[33]

In 2008, a Virginia assistant principal was charged with possession of child pornography and related crimes after he had been asked to investigate a rumored sexting incident at the high school where he worked. Upon finding a student in possession of a photo on his phone that depicted the torso of a girl wearing only underpants, her arms mostly covering her breasts, the assistant principal showed the image to the principal who instructed him to preserve the photo on his computer as evidence, which he did. The court later ruled that the photo did not constitute child pornography because under Virginia law, nudity alone is not enough to qualify an image as child pornography; the image must be "sexually explicit". Loudoun County Prosecutor James Plowman stood by his initial assessment of the photo and says he would not have pursued the case if the assistant principal had agreed to resign. Instead, the assistant principal got a second mortgage on his house and spent $150,000 in attorneys' fees to clear his name.[34][35]

In July 2010, Londonderry High School teacher Melinda Dennehy pleaded guilty and received a one-year suspended sentence for sending racy photos of herself to a 15-year-old student.[36]

In Fort Wayne, Indiana, a teenage boy was indicted on felony obscenity charges for allegedly sending a photo of his genitals to several female classmates. Another boy was charged with child pornography in a similar case.[37]

Police investigated an incident at Margaretta High School in Castalia, Ohio, in which a 17-year-old girl allegedly sent nude pictures of herself to her former boyfriend, and the pictures started circulating around after they had a quarrel.[38] The girl was charged with being an "unruly child" based on her juvenile status.[39]

Two southwest Ohio teenagers were charged with contributing to the delinquency of a minor, a first-degree misdemeanor, for sending or possessing nude photos on their cell phones of two 15-year-old classmates.[40]

The American Civil Liberties Union of Pennsylvania filed a lawsuit against Wyoming County District Attorney George Skumanick Jr. on March 25, 2009, for threatening teenage girls who were the subject of allegedly risque photos with prosecution on child pornography charges if they did not submit to a counseling program.[41] The case is[42] Miller, et al. v. Skumanick. Skumanick stated in an interview with Julie Chen on CBS News's The Early Show that his office decided to make an offer of limiting penalties to probation if they attend a sexual harassment program.[43][44] The girls and their parents won a ruling that blocked the district attorney, who appealed. It is the first appeals court case concerning sexting.[45]

Legislative responses[edit]
In Connecticut, Rep. Rosa Rebimbas introduced a bill that would lessen the penalty for "sexting" between two consenting minors in 2009. The bill would make it a Class A misdemeanor for children under 18 to send or receive text messages with other minors that include nude or sexual images. It is currently a felony for children to send such messages, and violators could end up on the state's sex offender registry.[46]

Vermont lawmakers introduced a bill in April 2009 to legalize the consensual exchange of graphic images between two people 13 to 18 years old. Passing along such images to others would remain a crime.[47]

In Ohio, a county prosecutor and two lawmakers proposed a law that would reduce sexting from a felony to a first degree misdemeanor, and eliminate the possibility of a teenage offender being labeled a sex offender for years. The proposal was supported by the parents of Jesse Logan, a Cincinnati 18-year-old who committed suicide after the naked picture of herself which she sexted was forwarded to people in her high school.[48]

Utah lawmakers lessened the penalty for sexting for someone younger than 18 to a misdemeanor from a felony.[49]

In New York, Assemblyman Ken Zebrowski (D-Rockland) has introduced a bill that will create an affirmative defense where a minor is charged under child pornography laws if they possesses or disseminate a picture of themselves or possess or disseminates the image of another minor (within 4 years of their age) with their consent. The affirmative defense will not be available if the conduct was done without consent. It also creates an educational outreach program for teens that promotes awareness about the dangers of sexting.[50]

See also[edit]

0 Replies
Wed 1 Jan, 2014 08:45 am


GREENSBURG, Pa. — The mother of a Greensburg Salem High School teenager involved in an alleged "sexting" scheme is speaking out, saying her son did nothing wrong. Authorities said three teenage girls allegedly sent nude or semi-nude cell phone pictures of themselves to three male classmates. Those involved are facing charges, and the mother, who asked to have her identity concealed, said she is outraged.
Police said the girls are 14 or 15, and the boys charged with receiving the photos are 16 or 17. None are being identified because most criminal cases in Pennsylvania juvenile courts are not public.
"This is going to ruin his life," the boy's mother said. "My son did not know this girl. He had seen her around school, and it was texted to him. He did not take the picture."
The picture that prompted the arrests of six of the high school's students is of a female student. It was a self portrait in which she appeared completely nude, police said. The photo was discovered in October when a teacher confiscated a student's activated phone in class, which is a school violation.
During the police investigation, other phones with more pictures were seized.
"I could see if my son took the picture of the girl," the boy's mother said. "My son just received this as a text message, which by the way, the principal said the whole school had it on their phones."
The Greensburg Salem School District issued a statement on Tuesday saying there was “no evidence of inappropriate activity on school grounds or during the school day other than the violation of the (school's) electronic devices policy.”
Police said the girls are being charged with manufacturing, disseminating or possessing child pornography while the boys face charges that include sexual abuse of a child.
Wed 1 Jan, 2014 08:48 am
None of which excuses your behaviour.
Wed 1 Jan, 2014 09:01 am
None of which excuses your behaviour.

There is no bad behaviors to be excuses of any kind as far as I am concern.

I did not lied to the courts under oath as my first wife did and I was the only person hit in that marriage.

Trying to find homes for kittens so they could enjoy long and happy lives in homes instead of short and unpleasant lives as humanless outside cats need no excuses on my part either.

I can still remember the happy look on a young girl face as she walked out of Pet Smart with the last kitten I gave away held tightly in her arms.

Agreeing for the most part with the criminal laws of the UK instead of my own nation concerning the proper level of punishments for having sickening child porn material need no excuse either.
Wed 1 Jan, 2014 09:18 am
BillRM wrote:
Agreeing for the most part with the criminal laws of the UK instead of my own nation concerning the proper level of punishments for having sickening child porn material need no excuse either.

What a load of old bollocks, you never miss an opportunity to slag off the UK. You also argued that the state of Texas should be allowed to execute a man without examining DNA evidence that could exonerate. You only want to change the laws that you may fall foul of.

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