Quote:sounds like a soundbite from a classic fire and brimstone sermon....what is your point?
No, this isn't classic fire and brimstone rhetoric..
Quote:“They’re full of murder, envy, strife, hatred. They are insolent, arrogant, God-haters. They are heartless, they are faithless, they are senseless, they are ruthless. They invent ways of doing evil"
It's a slanderous and offensive diatribe against homosexuals, that reflects "traditional Biblical morality" about as much as the
crosses the KKK burned on people's lawns, including the lawns of anyone who did not share their religious affiliation, reflected "traditional Biblical morality".
In terms of accuracy it's in a class with his view that blacks were happier in pre-civil rights Jim Crow Louisiana, picking cotton in the fields, than they are now .
If a Muslim fundamentalist, and reality TV icon, gave a magazine interview, or a speech in a mosque, describing Christian "infidels" in the same way this man describes homosexuals, people, particularly the right-wing religious groups supporting Robertson, and his "religious freedom" would be going wild if the network didn't get rid of that Muslim fundamentalist, and they wouldn't give a damn about his religious freedom.
And you're such an alleged defender of "religious freedom" you didn't even want to see a mosque/community center built in lower Manhattan near the World Trade Center site--something, that under their religious freedom, Muslim Americans had every right to do, in peace, without having to put up with any irrational crap or bigotry or Islamophobia about it.
As long as the groups that get slammed fit in with those you agree should get slammed, you're all for defending the "freedom" to do that.
But when Moment-In-Time makes a statement about how those in the Bible Belt, of a certain generation, tend to think, your immediate comeback was
Quote:your prejudice against and hatred for Christians shines brightly
You're pretty fast to label others as bigots too, Hawkeye. What's the matter, you had no defense to what Moment-In Time said, so you accused her of being anti-Christian? Does everyone have to be pro-Christian?
So, it's all right by you for Christians to hate, but just don't criticize them for that, because that's part of their "traditional Biblical morality"?

But it's all right to criticize and hate Muslim fundamentalists for the things they say because they're waving the wrong Holy Book in their hands?

Is that your garbled thinking? And, of course, you know which religious text is the right one, don't you?
Funny you can't see the prejudice and hatred in Robertson's comments--and just because he's waving a Bible doesn't make his remarks any less prejudiced and hateful, or acceptable. Except you don't seem to have much regard for those folks you call "the fags", so why would what he said even bother you, or even seem hateful to you? And you don't seem too fond of blacks either, so his comments about them wouldn't bother you either.
If you had any interest in freedom of expression, or any real integrity, you'd be applauding all the activists who spoke out condemning Robertson's remarks, because no one should remain silent in response to prejudice and hate, regardless of who is promoting it, and you supposedly advocate speaking out.
I repeat, as long as the groups that get slammed fit in with those you agree should get slammed, you're all for defending the "freedom" to do that.
Your hypocrisy "shines brightly".