when he spoke his obscene words
Yes, his words were obscenely offensive regarding Gays and African Americans. You don't like it?....Sorry about that!
Hawkeye10 wrote:
leave it to you to label traditional biblical morality obscenity. These fools are supposed to have the decency to remain silent, correct?
Your small-minded skewed view has misconstrued my intended message. I did
NOT "labeled traditional biblical morality obscenity." On the converse, I have much deference for 'traditional bible teachings" [I often quote bible scripture] even though I'm a non-believer in gods. The Bible is a positive format on how to treat one's neighbor....how to forgive one's enemies, etc.
"Biblical morality" or Christian ethics is the branch of philosophy which examines the question of what actions are morally right and I wish more people practiced such. Robertson has yet to prove he follows the high morals laid out in the Bible. In my personal opinion, people are the ones who exploit the bible philosophy for its own use and demean it by trying to hurt others...like Robertson's highly insensitive words against Gays and the gall to say Blacks were happy! I guess, in a way, he was right! Maybe blacks were happy because they were at least getting paid a pittance compared to working as a slave, or being hung from a tree or having a cross burning on their lawns. But not to stray too far from Phil Robertson, the subject, he is the personification of his southern culture.....a culture which stems directly from the antebellum South; this man reeks of this meridional culture. Someone said he's a multimillionaire. Heck, there are many fools who are millionaires, take "honey boo boo."---The media is utilizing the Honey boo boo reality's crudeness......these type redneck shows do bring in the money. There are also many people with Master degrees, but this does not signal an "intellectual thinker." The fact is Robertson is a stark example of the south and its deeply entrenched racism; not only towards blacks but Homosexuality and same-sex marriages and other minorities, like Hispanics and Native Americans. When I heard Robertson's previously explicit tape that was shown on MSNBC I wasn't surprised at the words. Robertson is who he is. Case closed! I'm just glad he's not in my world.
[quoteMoment-in-Time wrote:
It's nearby impossible for someone as old as Robertson to be without deep racial prejudice against blacks and also not have strong visceral feelings against Gays because he comes from a world steeped in Bible lore.[/quote]
And this is axiomatic. These biases/prejudicies are ingrained in the southern culture and the Bible belt. You, Hawkeye, resemble Robertson in spirit and I am hard put to differentiate a difference between you two. You, however, obviously do not comprehend the meaning of cultural racism. White Supremacy's genetic code is more pervasive in the south than in any other national area and although institutionalize racism is alive and well all over the US, racism is not as bad outside the south...it's more nuanced and money/business takes priority. In the south, whites always looked with scorn upon the descendants of slaves; even "white trash" could hold on to their whiteness and think they were special because of their color. Why Robertson even referred to himself as "white trash" working alongside blacks whom society thought were nothing in the southern fields. Here, Robertson defines himself.......
Quote:your prejudice against and hatred for Christians shines brightly.
My disgust is against
IGNORANCE. But I sincerely doubt you will be able to distinguish the difference. People who take the bible LITERALLY and then misuse certain passages to exploit the vulnerable within our society are a menace to society. I have encountered some of the most hateful so-called Christians and even more so when these ministers become political. I have read of monstrous sex crimes against the young in all Faiths including Judaism. In fact, within the US congress, most of the corrupt politicians are the first ones to use Christianity/God in their speeches, yet when it comes to delivering for the poor or extending unemployment benefits, their actions say "screw the poor and needy."