You seem bound and determined to ignore the fact that A&E didn't have to take any action, irrespective of what group demanded it do so.
Granted, the efforts of the gay activisit group(s) was an exercise in bullying, but A&E could easily have told them to fly a kite.
If, however, you are objecting to engineer's characterization of Roberstson as a racist and bigot while implying that the gay activists were paladins of decency and justice, I agree with you.
However, the gay activists aren't trying to shut down Free Speech. Anything but, as I am sure they would come to the aid of any homosexual who publically recounts his or her sexual activity in the basest of terms, but disguised as "art."
What they are trying to do is shut down speech with which they disagree and which they don't like. It's an entirely unpleasent effort, but within their rights as long as they don't threaten violence and such.
It only works on people who are weak, much the way any bullying does.
There must be something, if said or advocated, would drive you to register a protest with medium that published the offending words. Would that be you trying to shut down Free Speecch? And if you threatened to take your commerce elsewhere because of the offense, would that constitute an attempt to shut down Free Speech?
If the offense is great enough (to you) would you want the offender to profit from it? If, somehow, I can make a living from advocating (even tangentially) that children with blue eyes should be impaled, would you worry about my livelihood?
I am, of course, using extreme examples to make my case, but that is the way we have to look at issues like Free Speech.
If A&E's (possible) capitulation to gay activists offends you, you can register your offense with them by communicating with them and refusing to access their product.
I can assure you that your's will not be the only protest.
If, for ideological reasons, the Main Gazains at A&E suspended Phil, then it's hard to imagine how they can relent in the future. If they don't then we can say that they are at least prepared to sacrifice profit for principle I don't, for one second, believe this is the case.
Instead I believe their reaction was either:
1) A knee-jerk response to bullying tactics
2) A cynical means to attempt to drive up ratings and revenues.
I think both are equally likely.
Either way, they have pissed off a financially very important group to mollify a far less influential one.
Fortunately, the Robertson family isn't relying on A&E for their livlihood. They are not making anything close to what A&E is making on this series. There is no reason for them to swallow what they might consider a betrayal so that their little ones might go to college. A&E needs them more than they need A&E.
Hopefully, they will tell A&E to stick it and take their money making franchise to another network.