So Saying That Folks Should Follow Christian Morals is NOW A Firing Offense

Sat 28 Dec, 2013 04:02 pm
God-fearing, hard-working, likeable sorts of folks

God fearing mean folks who are not approving of sinners who go against god words in the bible and are hell bound.
Sat 28 Dec, 2013 04:49 pm
i see that the Duck Commander Cruise people claim zero cancellations. It has been sold out since OCT, looks like a couple of thousand fans will be celebrating a victory for a few days this summer.
Sat 28 Dec, 2013 04:53 pm
hawkeye10 wrote:

i see that the Duck Commander Cruise people claim zero cancellations. It has been sold out since OCT, looks like a couple of thousand fans will be celebrating a victory for a few days this summer.

More like a coupe thousand rednecks.
Sat 28 Dec, 2013 05:15 pm
More like a coupe thousand rednecks

LOL and how is the label redneck an insult any more then the label gay?

Hmm lot of ports of calls had have problems with the landing of cruise ships full of thousands of gays but no port of call have had a problem with a similar invasions of rednecks that I ever hear of.
Sat 28 Dec, 2013 08:51 pm
God fearing mean folks who are not approving of sinners who go against god words in the bible and are hell bound.

Apparently these folks aren't really mean, and there is a big disconnect between the way Phil Robertson thinks and the way he actually treats people.

That's his own private issue to sort out.

He's not the one who has been carrying on about his "freedom of speech" or his "right" to say the sorts of things he did in GQ. And, good businessman that he is, he knows he was misguided to generate the sort of acrimony and controversy that's at odds with Duck Dynasty's image, and that put his employer in the uncomfortable position it did, and that got blown out of proportion by becoming a political football that was getting out of control.

It's nitwits like you that are trying to cast this as some big Constitutional or religious freedom issue, when that's not what it's about.

It's much more an employer/employee conflict--because the employee made ill-considered inflammatory and offensive comments that his employer could not support or agree with, and even his sons, who are also his business partners, disagreed with the manner in which he expressed himself, and all parties had to find a damage control strategy to avoid harming their mutually beneficial, and highly lucrative, reality show business venture.

Phil Robertson knew he had to let A & E handle this in their own way, because he had put them in this pickle, and he wasn't about to turn himself into a martyr, just to satisfy folks like you. He apologized for his comments, and he accepted his sham suspension, and he likely agreed to anything A & E wanted from him, which may have included curbing his future publicly stated opinions, or meeting with representatives from LGBT organizations.

If A & E had wanted to fire him, they would have done that, just as Food Network did with Paula Dean. They didn't want to fire him, the show is too profitable to them, and Robertson didn't want to be fired, the show is too profitable, not only to him, but to his entire family, and he was not about to throw any more fuel on this firestorm, he had ignited, and that had opposing forces, on both sides, busily fanning the flames.

But A & E and Robertson both wanted those flames put out--the publicity for Duck Dynasty was great, the acrimony and controversy wasn't. They've resolved their issues, and they're going back to business.

The larger social issue, of legalizing same-sex marriage in all 50 states, and of treating homosexuals with full legal equality and acceptance, deserves a much more serious platform, and arena for debate, than people angrily taking sides about what some reality TV star, in an off-beat program about a family of redneck millionaires living in backwater Louisiana, says about the matter in a magazine interview.

Phil Robertson isn't just against homosexual sex, he's against all sex outside of a "traditional" marriage--and that includes pre-marital sex, extra-marital sex, adultery, and all sexual acts he personally finds distasteful. Asking Robertson if sex is sinful, is like asking Snooki, of Jersey Shore fame, if she supports keeping alcohol legal, the answers of both really shouldn't come as a surprise to anyone, they could be predicted in advance. And they both speak only for themselves, and I wouldn't elevate their importance beyond that. I'm far more concerned about the way that Palin, Cruz, and Jindel, those with real political influence, deliberately distorted this situation as a "free speech" matter, and a Christian values under attack matter, totally ignoring the offensive nature of Robertson's remarks, for their own self-serving reasons, than I am concerned about anything Phil Robertson actually said. I don't expect enlightened attitudes from religious fundamentalists, I do expect elected government officials not to rush to endorse blatantly ignorant views of our country's racial history, and views that amount to defamatory speech directed toward fellow citizens and members of the electorate.

A & E, and the duck clan, have worked things out, and put the matter to rest between them. They've opted to continue providing light-hearted entertainment and not controversy. And the network will engage in a campaign to promote tolerance and acceptance. Hopefully that will be enough of an olive branch to all sides.

A & E found a way to split the baby, they've gotten enormous publicity for an already popular show, and they've now pulled the plug on all the contentious voices, on both sides, by making a final decision, that the show would go on, before their comedic family show, and cash cow, became significantly tainted by the anger and animosity swirling around it. I think they've scored a real victory by simply taking control of the situation and calling a halt to the controversy about Duck Dynasty's future. They let the controversy rage long enough to sell lots of Duck Dynasty merchandise over Christmas, and for viewers to tune in to their Duck Dynasty marathon, but, as the new season approaches, letting it fester and mushroom any longer, would have been counter-productive. They are in the entertainment business, so are the Robertson clan, at least in terms of Duck Dynasty, and that was the business they both had to get back to, rather than continue to let their hit show get caught up in other people's agendas.

0 Replies
Sat 28 Dec, 2013 09:08 pm
BillRM wrote:

More like a coupe thousand rednecks

LOL and how is the label redneck an insult any more then the label gay?

Hmm lot of ports of calls had have problems with the landing of cruise ships full of thousands of gays but no port of call have had a problem with a similar invasions of rednecks that I ever hear of.

So when is the last time you went on on a cruise?
Sat 28 Dec, 2013 09:17 pm
God fearing mean folks who are not approving of sinners who go against god words in the bible and are hell bound.

Apparently these folks aren't really mean, and there is a big disconnect between the way Phil Robertson thinks and the way he actually treats people.

That's his own private issue to sort out.

He's not the one who has been carrying on about his "freedom of speech" or his "right" to say the sorts of things he did in GQ. And, good businessman that he is, he knows he was misguided to generate the sort of acrimony and controversy that's at odds with Duck Dynasty's image, and that put his employer in the uncomfortable position it did, and that got blown out of proportion by becoming a political football that was getting out of control.

It's nitwits like you that are trying to cast this as some big Constitutional or religious freedom issue, when that's not what it's about.

It's much more an employer/employee conflict--because the employee made ill-considered inflammatory and offensive comments that his employer could not support or agree with, and even his sons, who are also his business partners, disagreed with the manner in which he expressed himself, and all parties had to find a damage control strategy to avoid harming their mutually beneficial, and highly lucrative, reality show business venture.

Phil Robertson knew he had to let A & E handle this in their own way, because he had put them in this pickle, and he wasn't about to turn himself into a martyr, just to satisfy folks like you. He apologized for his comments, and he accepted his sham suspension, and he likely agreed to anything A & E wanted from him, which may have included curbing his future publicly stated opinions, or meeting with representatives from LGBT organizations.

If A & E had wanted to fire him, they would have done that, just as Food Network did with Paula Dean. They didn't want to fire him, the show is too profitable to them, and Robertson didn't want to be fired, the show is too profitable, not only to him, but to his entire family, and he was not about to throw any more fuel on this firestorm, he had ignited, and that had opposing forces, on both sides, busily fanning the flames.

But A & E and Robertson both wanted those flames put out--the publicity for Duck Dynasty was great, the acrimony and controversy wasn't. They've resolved their issues, and they're going back to business.

The larger social issue, of legalizing same-sex marriage in all 50 states, and of treating homosexuals with full legal equality and acceptance, deserves a much more serious platform, and arena for debate, than people angrily taking sides about what some reality TV star, in an off-beat program about a family of redneck millionaires living in backwater Louisiana, says about the matter in a magazine interview.

Phil Robertson isn't just against homosexual sex, he's against all sex outside of a "traditional" marriage--and that includes pre-marital sex, extra-marital sex, adultery, and all sexual acts he personally finds distasteful. Asking Robertson if sex is sinful, is like asking Snooki, of Jersey Shore fame, if she supports keeping alcohol legal, the answers of both really shouldn't come as a surprise to anyone, they could be predicted in advance. And they both speak only for themselves, and I wouldn't elevate their importance beyond that. I'm far more concerned about the way that Palin, Cruz, and Jindel, those with real political influence, deliberately distorted this situation as a "free speech" matter, and a Christian values under attack matter, totally ignoring the offensive nature of Robertson's remarks, for their own self-serving reasons, than I am concerned about anything Phil Robertson actually said. I don't expect enlightened attitudes from religious fundamentalists, I do expect elected government officials not to rush to endorse blatantly ignorant views of our country's racial history, and views that amount to defamatory speech directed toward fellow citizens and members of the electorate.

A & E, and the duck clan, have worked things out, and put the matter to rest between them. They've opted to continue providing light-hearted entertainment and not controversy. And the network will engage in a campaign to promote tolerance and acceptance. Hopefully that will be enough of an olive branch to all sides.

A & E found a way to split the baby, they've gotten enormous publicity for an already popular show, and they've now pulled the plug on all the contentious voices, on both sides, by making a final decision, that the show would go on, before their comedic family show, and cash cow, became significantly tainted by the anger and animosity swirling around it. I think they've scored a real victory by simply taking control of the situation and calling a halt to the controversy about Duck Dynasty's future. They let the controversy rage long enough to sell lots of Duck Dynasty merchandise over Christmas, and for viewers to tune in to their Duck Dynasty marathon, but, as the new season approaches, letting it fester and mushroom any longer, would have been counter-productive. They are in the entertainment business, so are the Robertson clan, at least in terms of Duck Dynasty, and that was the business they both had to get back to, rather than continue to let their hit show get caught up in other people's agendas.

This was always about the MONEY, any loftier values, on the part of both A & E, and the duck clan, definitely took a backseat. Neither of them was willing to sacrifice that golden duck for a matter of principle.

Sat 28 Dec, 2013 09:35 pm
So when is the last time you went on on a cruise?

Why are you inviting me on a cruise?

In any case, it been four or five years since my last cruise as I prefer Cancun to cruising.
Sat 28 Dec, 2013 09:36 pm
firefly wrote:
Apparently these folks aren't really mean,
and there is a big disconnect between
the way Phil Robertson thinks and the way he actually treats people.
I can relate to that.
I resent what the Moslems did on 9/11/1,
but if I meet a Moslem, I don t wish him ill,
nor do I give him a hard time.

0 Replies
Sat 28 Dec, 2013 09:39 pm
BillRM wrote:

So when is the last time you went on on a cruise?

Why are you inviting me on a cruise?

In any case, it been four or five years since my last cruise as I prefer Cancun to cruising.
How did u choose Cancun?
Sat 28 Dec, 2013 09:45 pm
How did u choose Cancun?

My wife before she was my wife fell in love with Cancun and purchase time shares there.
Sat 28 Dec, 2013 09:58 pm

DAVID wrote:
How did u choose Cancun?
BillRM wrote:
My wife before she was my wife fell in love with Cancun and purchase time shares there.
I 've never been there.
What is the best thing about Cancun ?
( Other than alcohol; I m not a big drinker. )

Sat 28 Dec, 2013 10:15 pm
Really wonderful first class resorts with employees that tend to your every whim in a reality nice setting. Ocean on one side bay on the other.

I just love going there to relax but if you have more energy there are activities involving being at an ocean and bay resort and of course seeing the Mayan Ruins is interesting and there is even a few miles long underground river you can float through.
Sat 28 Dec, 2013 10:50 pm
BillRM wrote:
Really wonderful first class resorts with employees
that tend to your every whim in a reality nice setting.
Ocean on one side bay on the other.

I just love going there to relax but if you have more energy
there are activities involving being at an ocean and bay resort
and of course seeing the Mayan Ruins is interesting and there is
even a few miles long underground river you can float through.
That sounds good. My Spanish is not too good, for Mexico.
Do u speak Spanish ?

Sat 28 Dec, 2013 11:19 pm
David, please PM BillRM if you want to chat about things totally unrelated to the topic of the thread. That's what PM's are for.
0 Replies
Sun 29 Dec, 2013 01:19 am
Return of Phil Robertson a win-win
By Dean Obeidallah
December 28, 2013

CNN) -- "Duck Dynasty" star Phil Robertson is back on A&E after a short suspension over controversial remarks he made about gays and black people. While the right is congratulating itself on winning this battle, it's actually losing its war on marriage equality. But both developments are good for America.

What do I mean? Simple: While I completely disagree with Robertson's view on gays, he has the right -- which I defend -- to practice his faith and advocate his political and religious beliefs. The debate that erupted after his comments is healthy for our nation. If a person espouses views that others find offensive, they should be countered -- not silenced.

And the right losing its war on marriage equality is also good for our nation because we must eradicate discrimination in all forms. To those who don't understand (or refuse to understand) how opposing marriage equality is discrimination, all you need to do is check out three court decisions announced, coincidentally enough, during the same time period that the Robertson controversy raged.

First, the New Mexico Supreme Court ruled on December 19 that marriage equality would be the law of that state. The court declared that "barring individuals from marrying and depriving them of the rights, protections, and responsibilities of civil marriage solely because of their sexual orientation violates the Equal Protection Clause."

Then on December 20, Federal District Judge Robert Shelby struck down both Utah's statutes and an amendment to the Utah Constitution that had been approved by voters in 2004 banning same-sex marriage. Shelby found that the state's "prohibition on same-sex marriage conflicts with the United States Constitution's guarantees of equal protection and due process under the law."

Shelby also interestingly noted that the lawyers opposing same-sex marriage were making arguments that were "almost identical" to those offered by opponents of interracial marriage in the 1960s -- including that each was a "threat to society." While the decision is on appeal, currently gay couples are free to marry in Utah.

And then on December 23, federal Judge Timothy Black ruled that Ohio public officials must recognize same-sex marriages when issuing death certificates. Consequently, gay couples married legally in other states would have the same rights as straight couples under Ohio law. As Black instructively noted, "The question is presented whether a state can do what the federal government cannot -- i.e., discriminate against same-sex couples ... simply because the majority of the voters don't like homosexuality (or at least didn't in 2004.) Under the Constitution of the United States, the answer is no."

Let's be honest: These court decisions are vastly more important than whether multimillionaire Phil Robertson returns to his reality TV show. And keep in mind, while A&E lifted Robertson's suspension, it also announced it would "use this moment" to air public service announcements "promoting unity, tolerance and acceptance among all people."

Putting partisan fighting aside, marriage equality will be the law of the land in the future -- it's just a question of when. The U.S. Supreme Court in June struck down the Defense of Marriage Act. Currently, 18 states and the District of Columbia recognize marriage equality. That's up from 12 just six months ago.

And despite what some on the right will tell you, opinion polls are clear that a majority of Americans now support marriage equality. Astoundingly, adults younger than 30 support marriage equality by a whopping 81%. Indeed, the generational divide on this issue couldn't be more apparent than when you compare the views of two self-described rednecks on gays: Phil Robertson versus Honey Boo Boo. While Robertson likened gays to those who commit bestiality, the much younger Honey Boo Boo stated last year: "Ain't nothin' wrong with bein' a little gay. Everybody's a little gay."

The fact that our nation is moving to embrace marriage equality cannot come as a surprise to anyone with a sense of our country's history. We are by our nature a progressive nation -- it's one of the reasons we are an exceptional country. True, It may take a great deal of blood, sweat and tears, but we move forward. We have seen this from the fight for women's right to vote, to ending segregation, to striking down laws that banned interracial marriage.

Until the day marriage equality is recognized, we can expect to see a vibrant, healthy -- and hopefully respectful -- debate on this issue. And that is something we should treasure, because that, too, is one of the reasons our nation is exceptional.
Sun 29 Dec, 2013 01:43 am
Return of Phil Robertson a win-win

aka, what this piece is alleged to be about.

let's examine, shall we?

And the right losing its war on marriage equality is also good

the assertion has nothing to do with Phil

First, the New Mexico Supreme Court ruled on December 19 that marriage equality would be the law of that state.

the assertion has nothing to do with Phil

Shelby also interestingly noted that the lawyers opposing same-sex marriage were making arguments that were "almost identical" to those offered by opponents of interracial marriage in the 1960s

the assertion has nothing to do with Phil

And then on December 23, federal Judge Timothy Black ruled that Ohio public officials must recognize same-sex marriages when issuing death certificates.

the assertion has nothing to do with Phil

And despite what some on the right will tell you, opinion polls are clear that a majority of Americans now support marriage equality.

what has this issue got to do with Phil? I cant find a single quote to indicate that he even has an opinion on gay marriage.

Until the day marriage equality is recognized, we can expect to see a vibrant, healthy -- and hopefully respectful -- debate on this issue

doubtful, but that would be great. Again, what has your gay marriage hobby horse got to do with Phil?
wait, this is CNN!......the equivalent of Cartoon Network on matters of substance.

Firefly is showing her desperation.
0 Replies
Sun 29 Dec, 2013 01:52 am
firefly wrote:

Return of Phil Robertson a win-win
By Dean Obeidallah
December 28, 2013

CNN) -- "Duck Dynasty" star Phil Robertson is back on A&E after a short suspension over controversial remarks he made about gays and black people. While the right is congratulating itself on winning this battle, it's actually losing its war on marriage equality.
I ' m a rightist.
I worked n voted for BARRY GOLDWATER.
Homos are perfectly welcome to marry, according to ME.
I protest "the right" being characterized as being against it.

Sun 29 Dec, 2013 02:01 am
back to what Phil actually said rather than other peoples agenda

What do ‘Duck Dynasty’ star Phil Robertson and 45 percent of Americans have in common?
December 20 at 6:30 am
“Duck Dynasty” star Phil Robertson called homosexuality a sin and compared it to bestiality in a GQ profile, stoking widespread controversy and earning a suspension from the television network that puts on his popular show.
What may surprise some people is that his viewpoint — the part about homosexuality being a sin — is espoused by nearly half the country.


Sun 29 Dec, 2013 02:49 am
hawkeye10 wrote:
back to what Phil actually said rather than other peoples agenda

What do ‘Duck Dynasty’ star Phil Robertson and 45 percent of Americans have in common?
December 20 at 6:30 am
“Duck Dynasty” star Phil Robertson called homosexuality a sin and compared it to bestiality in a GQ profile, stoking widespread controversy and earning a suspension from the television network that puts on his popular show.
What may surprise some people is that his viewpoint — the part about homosexuality being a sin — is espoused by nearly half the country.


My sense of the situation,
from my observation of ambient conversations in another century,
in NY, Arizona, and California was that a lot more than half
of the population used to have anti-homosexual feelings.
At the time, I did not pay much attention to it
( except that if someone were called "a queer"
I anticipated the imminent outbreak of retributive violence ).

As of now, I generally support the freedom of homosexuals of both genders
including marriage and divorce. I 'd make marriage un-limited in law,
defined only by the contracts of parties thereto; e.g., any number
of agreed members thereof is OK with me. "Consensus facit legum."

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