Quote:if homosexual acts are ugly then using ugly language to describe them is appropriate. If you dont think that homosexuality is ugly then make your case.
This isn't about the aesthetic values of various types of sex acts. As far as sex acts go, there isn't anything homosexuals do that many heterosexuals don't also do.
And it is about blatantly
bigoted and defamatory statements made about an entire group.
Is Phil Robertson free to make such statements? Yes.
Are homosexuals free to feel offended by such statements? Yes.
Is A & E, or any other network, free to fire, or suspend, or to disagree with statements, made by any of their employees? Yes.
Can the general public dictate who a cable network should put on the air? No.
Can the general public dictate who a cable network can't take off the air? No.
Then these are private decisions made by networks according to their own rules and standards and business interests? Yes.
Does anything about the Duck Dynasty/A & E fracas violate anyone's
legal rights--either the rights of the network to hire and fire, or those of the DD employee to voice opinions? No.
So, no outside parties have any standing to dictate what either the employee or A & E should do? Yes.
So the entire Duck Dynasty /A & E situation is a private matter between an employer and employee? Yes.
And, regardless of what A & E decides what to do, regarding the future of Duck Dynasty,
both sides trying to influence their decision will just have to suck it up? Yes.
Are many people just using this situation to air their usual gripes, against their usual targets, that have nothing to do with this particular situation? Yes.
Could A & E, and the Duck Dynasty clan, and pressure/political groups on both sides, all be using this situation merely for publicity? Yes.
Is it all a tempest in a teapot? Yes.
Why doesn't everyone just leave A & E to work out their private differences of opinion with their employees, if there even are such differences, and focus on something more important than a TV reality show? That's a good question.