Quote:Bullshit it is another example of PC running amok and a small minority trying to dictate what people can say in the public square without fear for doing so.
Oh, please, this is not "PC" running amok. This has nothing to do with being "PC".
All groups have the right to be protected from unfair discrimination and from becoming targets of hate. The ADL was originally founded in 1913 to confront anti-Semitism, it now fights to protect the civil and human rights of all groups--including homosexuals.
Quote: The Anti-Defamation League was founded in 1913 "to stop the defamation of the Jewish people and to secure justice and fair treatment to all." Now the nation's premier civil rights/human relations agency, ADL fights anti-Semitism and all forms of bigotry, defends democratic ideals and protects civil rights for all.
There is nothing unique to the gay community about how they respond to defamation when are unfairly characterized by people like Phil Robertson. All minority groups have an advocacy to respond to such assaults. There is nothing new about any of this.
There was the Italian-American Civil Rights League...
Quote:The group then turned its attention to what it perceived as cultural slights against Italian-Americans, using boycott threats to force Alka-Seltzer and The Ford Motor Company to withdraw television commercials the league objected to, and also got United States Attorney General John Mitchell to order the United States Justice Department to stop using the word "Mafia" in official documents and press releases. The league also secured an agreement from Al Ruddy, the producer of The Godfather, to omit the terms "Mafia" and "Cosa Nostra" from the film's dialogue, and succeeded in having Macy's stop selling a board game called The Godfather Game. The IACRL boycotted the Ford Motor Company because of its sponsorship of the television show The F.B.I. and its negative references to Italian-Americans as gangsters. Alka Seltzer was boycotted for its "Dat's a Spicy Meatball" ad campaign....
Consider what Phil Robertson accuses homosexuals of. He's just not saying he doesn't approve of a gay lifestyle, or he doesn't support same-sex marriage, he goes way beyond that and vilifies everything about them.
Gay rights groups should react to crap like that, just the same way the ADL would react if he said those same things about Jews, or the black civil rights groups would react if he characterized all blacks in that way, and just as Italian-Americans did when they didn't want to all be thought of, or portrayed as being, mobsters and murderers.
And actually, the most I heard that G.L.A.A.D. asked for was an apology from Robertson--which he has refused to do.
And, you are clearly over-looking the fact, that on the other side, there are anti-gay groups, like the Family Research Council, that are very much trying to dictate, not only what can be said, and taught in schools, but the kind of research that can be funded, what people can do in the privacy of their bedrooms, and they have even advocated for the criminalization of extra-marital sex and homosexual sex.
And, in furtherance of their objectives they not only put forth distortions, they promote outright rights--particularly about homosexuals.
Quote:Politics, policies and positions
The Family Research Council opposes efforts to make a vaccine for human papilloma virus (HPV), a virus that causes cervical cancer, mandatory for school attendance. It defends this on the basis of rights of parents and because of its support for abstinence prior to marriage.
It supports a federal conscience clause, allowing medical workers to refuse to provide certain treatments to their patients, such as abortion, blood transfusion or birth control. It also advocates for abstinence-only sex education, intelligent design and prayer in public schools, and the regulation of pornography and other "obscene, indecent, or profane programming" on broadcast and cable television. It opposed, but failed to defeat, the introduction of a .xxx domain name, and it lobbied for an increase in indecency fines from the Federal Communications Commission.
The FRC also holds that hotel pornography may be prosecutable under federal and state obscenity laws. It opposes the expansion of civil rights laws to include sexual orientation and gender identity as illegal bases for discrimination.
The Family Research Council is also fiscally conservative and wants to increase the child tax credit. The FRC supports the requirement of a one-year waiting period before a married couple with children can legally get a divorce so that they can receive marital counseling, unless the marriage involves domestic violence. Permanently eliminating the marriage penalty and estate taxes are also issues FRC supports.
The Family Research Council opposes legalized abortion, stem-cell research which involves the destruction of human embryos and funding thereof (instead advocating research using adult stem cells), legal recognition of same-sex domestic partnerships in the form of marriage or civil unions, and
all forms of gambling. The Family Research Council has questioned the idea that humans are mainly or completely responsible for climate change, and has opposed other evangelicals who have affirmed their belief of global warming.
Statements on homosexuality
According to the Family Research Council, "homosexual conduct is harmful to the persons who engage in it and to society at large, and can never be affirmed" and it is "by definition unnatural, and as such is associated with negative physical and psychological health effects." The Council also asserts that "there is no convincing evidence that a homosexual identity is ever something genetic or inborn".
An amicus brief was submitted by the Council jointly with Focus on the Family in the U.S. Supreme Court case Lawrence v. Texas, the case that overturned sodomy laws on privacy grounds. The summary of the amicus curiae brief declares that "States may discourage the 'evils' ... of sexual acts outside of marriage by means up to and including criminal prohibition" and that it is constitutionally permissible for Texas to "choose to protect marital intimacy by prohibiting same-sex 'deviate' acts". Similar positions have been advocated by representatives of the organisation since the Supreme Court case was decided in 2003.
In February 2010, the Family Research Council's Senior Researcher for Policy Studies, Peter Sprigg, stated on NBC's Hardball that gay behavior should be outlawed and that "criminal sanctions against homosexual behavior" should be enforced. In May that same year, Sprigg publicly suggested that repealing Don't Ask, Don't Tell policy would encourage molestation of heterosexual service members. In November 2010, Perkins was asked about Sprigg's comments regarding the criminalization of same-sex behavior: he responded that criminalizing homosexuality is not a goal of the Family Research Council.
Perkins repeated the FRC's association of homosexuals with pedophilia, stating: "If you look at the American College of Pediatricians, they say the research is overwhelming that homosexuality poses a danger to children." The opinions expressed by Perkins are contradicted by mainstream social science research on same-sex parenting, and on the likelihood of child molestation by homosexuals and bisexuals, which has been found to be no higher than child molestation by heterosexuals. Some scientists whose work is cited by the American College of Pediatricians - a small conservative organization which was formed when the American Academy of Pediatrics endorsed adoption by same-sex couples - have said that it has distorted and misrepresented their work.
The opinions and statements made by Sprigg and Perkins in 2010 contributed to the decision by the Southern Poverty Law Center to designate the FRC as a hate group in the Winter 2010 issue of its magazine, Intelligence Report.
And the Family Research Council has been front and center in attacking gays over the Duck Dynasty flap--accusing them of the very same things you have--on Fox News. That's whose propaganda you've chosen to absorb.
The Family Research Council has been trying to put people in prison for acting in ways they don't agree with...like gambling, or extra-marital sex, or simply being homosexual and having sex with a partner. They want to decide
for everyone what "decency" is, using only their standards.
All the homosexual advocacy groups want is to have the same civil rights as everyone else, and not to be unfairly defamed or portrayed. That's not "PC"--it's asking to be treated with basic civility and civil rights. And they are not trying to limit or control other people's behavior the way that a group like the Family Research Council is trying to do.