maxdancona wrote:
Quote:So, if you take the bible literally, do you attend church on Saturday?
Of course not! That would be breaking the Sabbath. Have you read the Bible Foofie?
Jews go to synagogue on Saturday, since the seventh day is when one stops commercial endeavors, and prays to God. But, naturally Christians had to find a reason not to follow what Jews do, in my opinion.
Sunday is the day that Christians go to church, since they are respecting the day that Jesus was Resurrected. Nothing to do with the Sabbath. In fact Christians treat the seventh day no differently than they treat days two through six. The fact is that to make Christianity a non-Jewish religion, that any self-respecting Gentile would be proud to be part of, Christianity had to be different from Judaism. Not a problem, in my mind, but let's not say they respect the Sabbath, other than the Seventh Day Adventists.