How do you survive divorce with Domestic Voilence?

Reply Sat 10 Apr, 2004 01:48 am
Has anyone been the Domestic Violence route? I am still in shock over this. Unfortunately for my entire family, it did come to this. My husband is in jail. A judge, not me, put a restraining order to the year 2007. This also includes a No Contact on both sides. He was ordered to vacate our home and stay something like 500 feet from me at all times.

I screwed up somewhere along the line, like getting married to a bully and having two kids by him. It got progressively like this. I left, with no legalities at all, for five years leaving him the house and all assets. I think he got a bit spoiled. Most guys would be thrilled to keep all assets and pay no child support. My husband has always taken family that cares about him for granted.

I was forced to come back to our home, especially given I still owned half of the house and spent thousands of dollars in bail outs for him. My teen son went wild hanging with a bad group of kids at my apartment complex. Not only was I threatened with eviction for months, but lost a very good job over my constant worrying about these kids. I had to leave them alone while I worked second shift.

I lost my job, with mandatory six month leave of absence because they felt I was not concentrating because of family problems. Within the week, I got my eviction notice. Being homeless and jobless in one blow is a bit hard to take. So was my out of control teen son.

I feel that you trade favors at times. I helped my husband for five years by not forcing child support or asset split. I also helped him out of financial jams in the thousands due to his legal problems. This time, I needed help. I needed our house to raise these two kids of ours. I needed his financial help also, which I willingly gave him thinking he needed it.

He must have. I paid off quite a few thousand dollars in debt that he created. Marriage has a way of making you responsible for problems you didn't create. We had one of those marriages 'for the sake of the children'. I assumed he was adult enough to deal with it. He wasn't. He got a bit too spoiled. He was never home. He was too busy drinking with his friends, as usual. He resented our presence and interference with his life as a drunk. I always saw that as his problem, not mine. These kids are of equal responsibily, not just mine.

I always knew my husband was nothing but a bully, using his size and strength to keep me intimidated. He never, in many years, hurt me. He scared the hell out of me with force, throwing me across the room and pinning me down making threats, which he never really carried out.

Somehow, you get used to it when you feel you have no other choice. When I had a paycheck and choice, I left in fear with two kids. I felt that I lost my choice with no paycheck and no place to live. I also felt he did owe us something. I never felt moving into this house out of need was asking too much of him after five years of no financial or physical help and no legal demands.

He got a bit used to having this big house all to himself, which he destroyed. I moved into nothing but filth. The dog even had worms from being left alone chewing on garbage he never bothered to take out. You couldn't make it to the washer and dryer. The basement was the dog's toilet because he was never home to let a housebroken dog out.

This house is still a disaster, but nothing close to what I walked into. I paid off all debts. I was able to save money and support two kids. Apparently dog food and beer were too expensive for him with the sort of debt he had. I couldn't figure out these creditors calling. I have never had a single phone call from a collection agency. I learned pretty quickly just how bad the finances were.

The condition of the house wasn't any better. He destroyed an expensive house by neglect. It wasn't in grand shape to begin with or we never could have affored to buy it off of his mother when she wanted to dump this cash pit on us. He was even taken to court several times breaking city ordinance because of lack of care on the outside. If anyone ever saw the inside, a wrecking ball would have been taken to this place.

I filed for a legal separation to buy me one year to make repairs on the house. I feel it is in my best interest to work my butt off with repairs to bring this place up to a reasonable sale value. I have to split debt on the house and today's value with my husband. Whatever I do in a year of separation and value of that date goes completely in my behalf. That means the difference in having a little house of my own, paid off or living in an apartment while a rehabber gets this place dirt cheap because of poor condition, just as his mother sold to us. I am busy calling in every single favor I have done for anyone to help me at this point.

I am far from ready for this. As time went by watching him come home drunk at all hours or even the next day while he questioned me every time my car left the house, depression set in and got to the point of nonfunctional. I think he likes me that way, completely under his control. I would, of later months get the, "Where were you?", complete with attitude. I was out getting some food so we don't starve to death. Then, he wanted to see what I bought. I practically had to hand him a stamped, timed, dated receipt to prove to him I was actually getting food in here before he would get off my butt while his was glued to a bar stool.

I stopped caring about our marriage. I do find it irritating and annoying all the freedom he has while I stare at the same walls only allowed out to buy food. I do resent him and his bully tactics. I resent the fact that the police have been here several times because of his aggressive behavior. Of course, I rarely ever see him sober. He doesn't hang around that long, which is fine by me. I don't want him around acting like he does.

The fourth time one of my kids called the police over his aggressive behavior, I really was hurt, but didn't know it. He knocked the hell out of me. I stopped showing any fear of him. Not that I didn't feel it, just didn't show it. My words to him were that if he dared to lay a hand on me again, I would live in this house, not him. He could pay for it though. I said this repeatedly to back him off. It worked for a while. He decided, I am guessing, that he had to do more than bully me to make me fear him.

No wonder the cops thought I was insane! I kept insisting that he would never hurt me, just bully me is all. I didn't want him arrested because we were dependent on his income. There was some paramedic insisting I go to the hospital. I didn't understand why. I refused to have my picture taken by the police. What a Kodak Moment for the family photo album! I had no choice. I was in complete shock when I was told to look at myself in the dining room mirror. I was a bloody mess. I still refused to believe what I saw in the mirror.

This all started because he was too busy drinking with his friends to pick up our son from work two shifts in a row. The agreement, I take him to work. My husband is awake, when I am not, to pick him up. I shipped an e-app to the same employer my husband works for. The kid needs to grow up. Thanks to my writing, he was hired quickly. I did get blasted from my husband for this one, but claimed the internet did it. In reality, this kid is so starved for his father's attention, he was thrilled to work at the same place, in a dishroom. His father has a much better job. I thought it would force father to recognize his son's existence giving them something in common.

My son woke me up, after paying about two hours labor for a ride home by a taxi after the second shift in a row that his father was too drunk to bother with him, knowing I would probably be asleep. Our son was very disappointed and upset with his father, waking me up because he wanted someone to talk to.

I was furious with my husband for doing this to our son. I confronted him with this. I couldn't sleep after hearing this. He didn't want to hear his son's or my thoughts about his ill behavior. He beat the hell out of me because I wouldn't shut up and go away demanding he be a father to these kids. I didn't run scared. I stood up to him, which he didn't like too much I am guessing. I questioned his character or lack of. I questioned how any parent would give their word to a late teen child, starving for attention, then choose drinking buddies knowing he already made an obligation.

It was a responsibility dump on me. If he is too irresponsible, then I will pick our son up while he is out getting drunk. Why couldn't he be honest and say he didn't want to be obligated to give the kid a ride home instead of playing games with both of us?

I asked my husband that question too and wanted serious answers. I didn't get answers. I got pushed across the room, which enraged me. I pushed back, which doesn't budge him one inch. I got thrown on the floor of the bedroom he sleeps. He got on top of me and punched my lights out. Thankfully, my daughter was upstairs sleeping and heard me screaming for her to call the police or I don't know if or when he would have stopped? I did manage to get a grip on his balls and squeezed hard. That made him stop hitting me. I thought he would quit and let go. He just hit me harder. I guess that he needs to be neutered?

He had the nerve to say I attacked him by grabbing his testicles. His mother is stupid enough to believe I would attack a 6'3" man unarmed and think I could ever come out ahead. I made an enemy out of her. I refuse to allow her into my home on her son's behalf. She doesn't ever bother to even knock on the door or call before coming over. Thankfully, my 90 year old granny has some good pain killers. By the next day, I desperately needed it. I was in a lot of pain. I needed stitches on my eye, which I was too upset at the time to deal with the ER or stitches and refused any medical care.

His mother was a bit demanding. She is also MENSA, thinking she is much more brilliant than us low lives with normal intelligence. She also sold us this house in poor condition and with filth you couldn't imagine. I finally told her we did our homework. We paid fair market value for this house. We pay a mortgage payment. She no longer owns this house and is not welcome unless the day comes that her son and I happily work out our problems and I refuse that he come into my home on her criminal son's behalf. I am his wife. He should deal with me. My mommy stopped fighting my battles in early childhood while her children act horrible and she defends them. No, I don't get it. I have kids also.

I couldn't get my butt off that couch if the house was on fire, yet she demanded help finding her son's clothes. We don't sleep in the same room. Ask him!! I'm on drugs for pain, so help yourself to the bedroom. She had the nerve to blast my daughter, who does need it, but not for this. Grandma chewed her out demanding help finding clothes. Like she knows his method of disorganization!! Neither of us walk into that bedroom for any reason.

I say she does nothing but enable her son to be a criminal, which blew any good relations between us. So did telling her I was capable of correcting my daughter when needed. My daughter was honest, not her usual horrible 13 year old monster. Grandma is out of line, not me or her granddaughter.

I'm wondering how they are going to explain Easter to father in-law. My husband will be out of jail shortly, but not in time to make his usual family man appearance he does ever holiday. We all keep things from him upsetting. He is an old WWII vet with medical problems.

Has anyone else lived through problems like this? I don't even have a job! I am horrified. I don't know how I am going to pay these bills. I am so emotionally screwed up, I don't know how on earth I can even get, much less hold a job. What should I do? How do you emotionally make it through times like this? I thought life was horrible before and couldn't get any worse. I was wrong. It did get worse. What can I do to get through this?
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Turner 727
Reply Sat 10 Apr, 2004 02:00 am
Oh my god. . . that's horrible.

I really wish I had advice to give you. I don't. All I can say is you have my sympathy, and good wishes being sent your war.

It does sound to me like you've got a good head on your shoulders. Getting him away from you is the first step down the road to recovery. One hopes he will get the pciture and either clean up his act, or move on to something else.

If you ever need to dump or blather on, feel free to IM me. . . if nothing else, I'll listen. I wish I could offer more than that, tho. Sad
0 Replies
Reply Sat 10 Apr, 2004 02:27 am
Both of my sisters got into relationships with abusive men. There were kids involved in both cases. My oldest sister made the mistake of leaving the state to get away from the abuse. The courts saw that as kidnaping and put her in jail, not him...

After they got away from the abusive environment things started getting a lot better for them. Both are doing very well now. Neither of them want to remarry though. Go figure. Smile
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Reply Sat 10 Apr, 2004 02:40 am
I am so not qualified to advise you in this situation. I add my sympathy and best wishes to Turner_727's.

I do know that you are not alone. An Angel even built a website on the subject, that you can reach by clicking here.

Also, I know that justa_babbling_brooke would be able to offer sound advice. I'd PM her immediatly if I were you.

I too wish I could be of more help. I do wish you the very best of luck.
Huggs: ((((((((((((((((Wildflower63)))))))))))))))))
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Reply Sat 10 Apr, 2004 07:11 am
I can definately relate, So sorry to hear that someone else like myself has to go through the same horific situation!just reading your post, i saw myself just a few years ago in the exact situation my Ex actually tried to kill me by driving my car through my camper where i was on vacation( well deserved) with my kids.. It all started with the name calling and verbal threats and then escalated into the hitting ( of course i "Pushed" him into everything he did) i'm sure you've heard the same lines,( all abusers for the most part have the same lines they use) but i never imagined that he would or could possibly try to actually kill someone.. NEVER underestimate anyone and their actions!!!!needless to say he got to visit the state hotel ( jail ) for many years which made my life easier yet harder( bills,kids ect ect..)but you are on the right track, already, you have that restraining order now make sure you use it to the fullest possible.notify your local police dept. that hes out and you have a protection order first thing! as well, locate you women in distress center for your city/state and they can guide you to every measure possible to keep yourself safe and let you know what kind of assistance is available for you( every state has one) they as well can counsel you and guide you through your divorce. as well as just to be a non- judgemental ear to lend you. i actually thought after my ex got out of jail the time he spent there he would of learned not to bother me anymore and stay away. thank god for my restraining order he got out and the phone calls and driving by the house started then he grew balls and decided he was gonna take care of me again for sending him to jail well, that didn't last, now hes in violation of the restraining order and harassment and back in jail... you just have to be strong and stick to your guns its very hard. without going into the entirety on this message board feel free to PM me anytime even if you just need an ear or if theres something i can help you with at all. Good Luck and stay strong... Smile
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Reply Sat 10 Apr, 2004 08:52 am
"He had the nerve to say I attacked him by grabbing his testicles. His mother is stupid enough to believe I would attack a 6'3" man unarmed and think I could ever come out ahead. I made an enemy out of her. I refuse to allow her into my home on her son's behalf. She doesn't ever bother to even knock on the door or call before coming over."
Whoa, I have so been there. He's 6'4" and pleaded self-defense, and his mother told my kids that if I would just do what he says, he wouldn't have to hit me, and that I should know that by now!
Needless to say, I demanded and got psych evals on her and him so that only supervised visitation would be allowed. Not surprisingly, the evaluator came to the same conclusions as I did. (He was denied visits entirely, she was allowed visits at the office of a social worker). Her family all thought I was a horrible human being to deny her and her son visits to his or her home. (huge group denial). She even suggested to my children, long before this all finally came to a head, that I must have been raised with abuse, since I put up with his, so then it was okay, since I was used to it.
(There was never any physical or verbal abuse in my family, though). Other times, there was outright denial that he ever did any such thing.
Ah, but that was a lifetime ago.
I ran away, he kept the house (my name was never on it, it was in he and mommys names), I stayed hidden (and scared) for over a decade. He paid a miniscule amount for child support since he wasn't working (still isn't) which came through DOR.
I went to court every year for a renewal of the 209A, he showed up every time to fight it. Finally, when my youngest was a teen, a judge ordered us to begin supervised visits with him in the presence of a state social worker. My lawyer knew her as the girlfriend of the leader of the local Father's Rights Group, so I prepared myself for what her findings would eventually be.
But by that time, my boys knew the score. I never spoke badly of him to them, (how can a parent do that to their kids?) but the boys were able to put 2+2 together. Things went fine and now they have an okay relationship with him, and he and I are able to have friendly conversations and sat through many a high school sporting event side by side. His mother is still crazy and he's still a lowlife, but I learned that he has no power over me and that has made all the difference. I am fortunate that we never married and that I didn't have to worry about the house, although I paid half of everything and legally could have made a claim to part of it, but I was much too busy trying to stay alive and hidden to worry about that. I lost a lot, but I gained a lot more.
I certainly hope that your husband isn't planning on coming over for Easter. With a restraining order, he shouldn't, and you shouldn't allow it.
You have a long and scary road ahead, but you will come out so much better than you were before!
Hang in there.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 10 Apr, 2004 09:10 am
One more thing:
"Has anyone else lived through problems like this? I don't even have a job! I am horrified. I don't know how I am going to pay these bills. I am so emotionally screwed up, I don't know how on earth I can even get, much less hold a job. What should I do? How do you emotionally make it through times like this? I thought life was horrible before and couldn't get any worse. I was wrong. It did get worse. What can I do to get through this?"

I didn't have a job either, or any marketable skills, and I had three traumatized boys to care for. I went on welfare temporarily. I had been a stay-at-home mother (he wouldn't allow me to work) and I felt that at that time, we needed to be together as much as posssible, to learn how to be a family. I moved to a shelter, and they helped me apply. (I could never have stayed in the area and risked his finding us). I also contacted my state reps for advice, and just so they'd know my family. It was one of the best things I ever did. Welfare saved my life and allowed me to keep my family together.
But that's what it's there for. Sometimes families need help. We all also went for counseling (for years, actually). I requested male counselors for the boys because I wanted them to have good male role models. My focus was always on getting them through childhood without their inheriting any of their father's negativity and hate. I did it (my boys are fabulous young men) but I could not have done it without help from the state. I do not feel ashamed, but I do feel grateful.
Within a year I was working and going to college. It was hard, and I may never get my student loans paid off, but it was so worth it. I am a very different person than the woman he knew, and I could never go back to any guy like that!
Find out if there's any help for you through the state, to help you over the hump.
That's what its for, really.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 10 Apr, 2004 10:23 am

You are in the middle of a monumental mess, but there is light at the end of the tunnel.

You don't say how long your soon-to-be-ex-husband will be in jail. Take advantage of whatever time you have to collect his belongings. Call your local police station and ask if an officer can come supervise the situation when your husband--or his mother--gets them out of your life.

Then write off your husband-- his mother. You are going to be busy enough without them. If you are haunted by memories, get counseling so that the creep is out of your thoughts as well as out of your life.

Your kids have also been in hell. If counseling would help them, see that they get counseling.

Take a good look at your financial situation. If you have not filed for Child Support (and your husband is out of jail) file immediately. You may not get money right away, but most states count back support from the date of filing.

Start job hunting. If you are too demoralized to think "career", just think "job". Not only will you be earning money, you'll be spending some time every working day with mature and restful adults.

Call in all the favors for getting the house in marketable shape. Keep careful records of all the money you spend on the place. Given community property laws, your husband is entitled to half the value of the house--minus the money you've invested.

Be sure to take before and after pictures. If you can get copies of his eyesore citations, do so.

As I said, you're starting with a monumental mess--but without the bully you'll be able to clean it up.

Good luck.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 10 Apr, 2004 08:27 pm


I'm speechless, good thing the others here weren't.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 10 Apr, 2004 10:53 pm
Whoo, wildflower.........you and I could go bowling.

In other words, I've been down that lane.

I came from a very religious background, consequently I was very naive to the ways of the world. I didn't grow up in an abusive family, but I did get spanked, fairly regularly, which only made me angry and more defiant. My first sexual encounter was rape. He was a musician, so was I, and I felt so betrayed. I gave up music. Changed my life again, went back to night school and improved my grade average to the point where I was accepted to a prestigious journalism school.
Then I met my X. He was clean cut, wore a suit, had impecable manners and a wild side that I could appreciate. I got pregnant real fast.......and there went school.
I could go on and on about his mother, the witch, but somehow I think you and I already relate on so much ground, it's fairly needless.
When I met him he lived in his mothers basement, recovering he said from a bad break-up. So I furnished our apartment. He told me he had debts but I had no idea how much he owed. I worked, paid bills, and began contributing to paying off all his debts, which I only found out about, one at a time. Even on maternity benefits, I scrimped and saved to pay off all the debts.(he later tried to sue me to pay half the remaining debt, it was thrown out of court.) Having forgone my education, I went to work as a waitress, and worked my tail off in restaurants. Then preggers again.
The bills kept mounting, he made fairly decent coin but still I budgeted. He had his beer, his pot, his coke, his hockey collection blah, blah, blah. Meanwhile he bought me a pinto, for me to drive the kids around in!
After the second child, I went back to the saltmines, but this time in a bar. I made tons of cash, I even started an education fund for the kids. But now I was a slut, a whore. If I wore make-up or painted my nails it was because I was going to pick some one up right??? He had always been sarcastic, but he got meaner - frequently belittling me in public. As the years went on, I became dumber, uglier, fatter, lazier..... He got progressively more and more physical til...
My best friend decided to leave her husband. He cheated, gambled and aside from his growing drug use, he never came home. So on the appointed evening of the move, the kids and I returned home really late. They were young, not school age and had a fairly late sleeping arrangement already. I worked late at night. So it wasn't unusual for us to be up at 1:00 am or beyond.

As they say, **** hit the fan. What furniture he didn't destroy he used to hit me. I was a mess. But I moved out the next day, took a few personal possessions and left. I moved in with my parents for a few months and have never looked back. I continued to waitress for a couple of years. People looked down on me because I was 'not in a respectable line of work' but it paid the bills. I bought a house that needed a ton of work. I have a tiny mortgage which is almost paid off. (I get $100 per kid, a month in child support, he makes over $60,000 a year - I didn't even want to accept that, to me it was blood money, and because I rarely see the money anyway, I don't feel as if I lowered my standards.)
It took me years to gain any confidence. I was celibate for 3 years and I went to therapy to figure out the mess I made of my life. I'm in a really happy place right now. It took a long time but its worth it. I'm now surrounded by people who love and respect me, actually it goes both ways. But I think that's the key to living a healthy, happy life.
Wildflower, I have no idea what compels one human to hit another, but for what it's worth, I don't think most men are like that. It took me along time to realize that too.
Good luck and PM if you ever want to unload.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 10 Apr, 2004 11:08 pm
Wildflower63 wrote:
What should I do? How do you emotionally make it through times like this? I thought life was horrible before and couldn't get any worse. I was wrong. It did get worse. What can I do to get through this?

The golden rule is..... you start your healing by learning to love yourself again. You take lifes "eraser" and start eliminating all the lies from your mind that he ever told you. And there were plenty. You look at your children and see in their eyes, everything that you have to fight for. Let them be part of your strength.

Ideally, for the sake of your future.....you allow yourself to grieve as you face not only your feelings of loss, but the overwelming uncertainty of "what do I do now?" Many women avoid this and retreat from their pain into various defensive positions that can end up being self-destructive. Such as anger, rage, and prolonged grievance......and yes, even substance addiction.

You need to talk about your feelings and your hurt....such as you have done on here. But also, with people that have been through what you have been through. Call your local womens shelter. They can give you many resources for help. Including but certainly not limited to financial resources. They can help put you in contact with the different organizations in your state for financial aid. They can link you with an advocate.....who will be someone you can talk to ....when you don't know where to turn. An advocate can even accompany you to court. Most advocates have been in situations such as you. They can provide that certain "touch" that you are going to need.

Many states have transitional program services geared towards women of domestic violence. And they can do wonderful things. Smile

Make sure you enforce the order of protection. Don't let him break it without calling your local authorities. Even if he seems "harmless" when he breaks it. In his mind he will be thinking of ways to get back on your good graces so he can get back in your house and get you to go before the judge and ask for the order to be dropped. Do not fall for that. When your order of protection expires and if you still feel threatened by him.....you will need the documentation of any breaking of the order by him. It will all go in your favor if you ask to have it extended. Judges are very reluctant to extend an order that has not been broken by the offender. ALSO....keep a copy of the order with you at all times. Leave a copy at your place of employment, also.

Wildflower.....you are now at the point of a new phase of your life. A new beginning. I'm sure you feel depleted and empty inside....from all the years of endeavouring to provide him with the energy he has needed and stolen from you, in order to function in his everyday life. The goal for you now, is to have a healthy love for yourself. To reclaim your life back. To regain your passion for living.

You will need to go through a process of deciding what you believe about almost everything. Because now, you have your "own mind" again.
You will no longer be having him trying to think for you.

Different people survive in different ways. But the main thing is.....you begin the process of survival. And you are on that journey now.

If you don't mind....I'd like to keep in touch with you, just to see how you are doing and if there is anything I can do for you.

YOU ARE "SPECIAL" WILDFLOWER!! Soon you will be strong enough to go show the world......just how special you truely are.


0 Replies
Reply Mon 12 Apr, 2004 03:23 am
Thank all of you so much for your support and sharing horror stories. I feel so alone and isolated. I know thousands of women probably go through the same thing. Emotions do strange things to your head. Why didn't I see this coming? I didn't.

Common sense says I should have. I never really did, even though we split up twice over his aggressive behavior and domineering personality. After 17 years, I only separated from him, but not with any legal terms at all. I didn't want a divorce. I always had the small hold out of hope to live as a family.

Has anyone else been this stupid? I am so confused right now. I can't say that I have been in love with him for many years. I have been too busy resenting him. It has been such a long time. I have good memories, too few and far between. I think about those few times and feel something like mourning a death. Logic tells me this marriage died a long time ago, but we never officially buried it. I feel guilt and don't know why or what I even feel guilty about. Are these normal emotions or have I gone off the deep end?

Why can't I ever get rid of this stupid notion of wanting a family? I have resented and even hated him for so many years for placing his drinking buddies way ahead of us. I feel some need to understand what happened and why, which is probably pointless. I don't understand my own emotional bombardment. I feel a need for understanding something I don't, a lousy marriage and why he was never there. He tells me one thing, but acts total opposite. I want the truth. Will I ever get it or do I already know it, just don't want to believe it?

Lots of people stay 'married for the sake of the children' without killing each other. I strongly felt these kids needed parents. I didn't feel I needed his permission, given the circumstance. Neither of us need this size of a house alone. We bought it off his mother in rehab condition because of our kids thinking putting them in a better neighborhood would give them a better life. I didn't want the house alone and never did.

I hate this snobby neighborhood. I hate the heating bill, the high taxes, our pathetic city government and police department who aren't much different than Nazis. I hate the money pit of repairs. I don't want this house. He does, but wont bother to take care of it.

I am guessing he wants it because of sentimental attachment. He grew up here. That doesn't even make sense given how he neglected it to the point of thousands of dollars in repairs when he only had to replace a bad shower faucet and had to be brought to court because of the outside condition multiple times.

I honestly feel he would be much happier in an apartment than with the load of responsibility of this house. He has always refused to sell. All I want is to have this house long enough to get these teen kids raised. I have waged a war taking the house from him and will be alone fighting for an object I only wish use of so these kids don't have to be moved around again and to improve the property value before an asset split. Some people love status and refuse to step down. He may be one of those, which I don't understand that thought.

From information I gather, domestic violence, at least in KY, is being taken very seriously today. From what I understand, once any type of physical abuse starts, it never ends and gets progressively worse. Police keep coming back breaking up couples who obviously don't belong under the same roof with escalating violence as time goes by.

This is not man bashing at all. Women are just as bad, but you never hear them complain. They are the types that don't believe in striking a woman, since they can easily restrain one, after physical injury to them with a frying pan as a weapon or destroying things in the home out of anger, which is also illegal. Women are just as bad as men, but physically weaker. Men are more guilty of this crime of violence, but not by a huge margin.

It is no longer a choice whether or not to press charges against a spouse or partner when police find evidence of assault. This applies to men and women. It is usually thought to be a crime against women, but it isn't. Women injure men also. Once you file a restraining order, it is good for two weeks. You have to show up in court. A judge evaluates your reasoning for request and makes a court order.

I wrote a one liner in my request, thinking my husband would come home furious with me for being arrested. None of us had any idea that he would actually be sent to jail. I said, "...struck repeatedly with fists causing injury..." I still had a black eye when I had to show up for court. I was so nervous, I didn't understand what the judge ordered. My husband was brought from the jail in a bright orange jumpsuit, hands and feet chained. If looks could kill, I would be dead on the spot. I think that is mostly out of pride and a serious ego problem on his part, not necessarily anger towards me, but he thinks I caused all this and don't feel he thinks he is responsible for his own choices.

I found it very annoying that I had to show up in court for a request for a two week restraining order for a guy in jail. What I didn't know, is the judge makes decisions for you, which is a good reason to behave yourself. I finally got it in the mail and was shocked. The restraining order last until the year 2007, if you can believe that. My husband is ordered to vacate the property. He has to say 500 ft. away from me at all times. No contact, which means even a phone call out of either of us, which I objected to. He can't hurt me over the phone!! I can hang up on him no matter what he spouts off about.

The judge pretty much forces couples to split up in a case like mine. I would like to have some say in this matter, but don't. The judge does. I think 2007 is ridiculous in length. I do want phone contact with my husband. I do know how to hang up a phone without need to bring it to a courtroom, but apparently too many adults have abused the courts to settle personal problems. We do have two minor kids and will need to talk. Since he is the one who chose a criminal act, I do want him vacated from this property. I do not want him to be able to walk in at any time. I want to feel reasonably safe is all.

I don't wish to pay an attorney to speak for me, when I can easily do that myself, over the phone, where he can get as angry as he wishes without me being in punching distance. I do know how to hang up a phone. I do not want courts or lawyers making decisions for me.

I know for fact that I can get my husband more reasonable than an attorney can. His mother's influence isn't going to be good, especially since I made an enemy out of her telling her exactly why I didn't want her in our home acting on her son's behalf using manipulation, which she is famous for thinking we are too dumb to notice.

She has to stop walking in our home and taking as she sees fit and stop acting demanding, as if we owe her something when we don't. She is MENSA, which is full of idiots that memorize the dictionary and encyclopedia foolishly thinking regurgitating fact is intelligence. Like that is difficult, simple memorization! She is very arrogant of intelligence thinking us idiots are too stupid to notice manipulation.

She and her son would love to put me in my place, thinking I am a complete idiot. He uses his fist. She uses superiority and manipulation. I have had enough. I don't want to deal with either of them on an unfair type of field. I want her out of our marriage.

I don't understand how any woman can justify what her son did. I am a mother of two children also, just as she is. I don't take it personally if either of my kids act outside of what I taught them. Teens are famous for acting stupid, which you taught better. I get furious with them instead. My kids will hear my thoughts, like it or not, over ill behavior.

Her kids are adults that act irresponsible, which she enables. I told her to look up that word. I told her several times her son was headed to prison. He was drinking and driving. He already has several convictions. I'm such a bitch not wanting him touching my car, she gives him one and paid for a year's insurance on it. Yep, I hit her with that and told her she was MENSA, not me. Look up the word enablement. I know what it means. She doesn't.

Maybe I said way too much, down to telling her we did our homework and knew fair market value for the house she sold us. We paid just that and she has no rights to our property. I did it to back her off and stop fighting her son's battles, which are currently going to be against me. I don't want her walking in my home, without bothering to even knock making demands, thinking we owe her something we don't. She wants to keep enabling her son, she can visit him in the pen. He will get there eventually if he keeps it up.

Should I have shut up? I'm not sure if I went too far with her, knowing that I will have to fight her and her son alone. I was furious at the way my daughter and I were treated when she walked in, without bothering to even knock, as usual, making demands, then having the nerve to chew out my daughter. It was me she really wanted to chew having to put up with her son.

Just what I needed, another enemy to deal with, especially since I know for fact she will do nothing but enable his behavior. Maybe this one with my mother in-law was unavoidable. I don't know.

One thing I do know is the fact I have been treated badly for a long time now. You see it coming and are no longer surprised by it. I see the first sign of another screw over and shove back, maybe a bit too hard. People in my life have pushed me entirely too hard and too hard leaving me with pain and betrayal. Maybe I am being too negative, or am I?

I strongly believe there isn't a person on this earth, including myself, that is clearly good or bad, just a combination of both. One usually dominates the other. I believe my mother in-law wishes to be a good person, but has blinders on when it comes to her kids that I don't have when it comes to my own. I don't understand or accept this, especially when she uses manipulation to continue enabling her criminal son.

I know, it's all a matter of perception and people do have it worse than me, but I am suffering badly. Stress and depression takes a big toll. I have gained about 30 pounds since living here. The weight problem bothers me a lot, but the problem of survival bothers me a lot more. Welfare wasn't an option. I am married and have too many assets to qualify for anything. No matter how horrible the condition of the house was, I had nowhere left to go.

This place was completely disgusting! It was filthy and in complete disrepair from neglect. My husband had no problem at all with us moving back in. I guess he needed maid service and a prostitute. He avoided us all like the plague. I told him we needed help getting this place livable and asked why he was never home to help out. He was always available to help his friends with anything, not needs of his own home or family, which I resent. I got the 'adjustment' line repeatedly. Like we didn't have to adjust to living like barnyard animals!!

Life here started out horrible. He set such a bad tone, which we all ended up following. No one cared anymore. I put a lot of work rehabbing this house to come back and see all efforts destroyed along with complete filth I had to clean up or live with it. I gave up on myself, which is the worst thing you can ever do.

Stress really will kill you. I feel dead inside. I am so confused. If everyone you trusted betrayed you, one by one, you might be just as depressed as I am, not wanting to live and hating the second you wake up because reality really is that bad.

My husband does know the difference between right and wrong. He doesn't want to hear it, which is why he blew a gasket on me when I confronted him about his ill parenting and poor example.

He knows, but wants to live a combo lifestyle, the freedom of a single person with advantages of marriage. That isn't too fine by me, since he will not allow me the same freedom. He does make it a problem to the entire family with legal ramifications and disruptive behavior. I make my objections loud and clear, only when he puts us at legal risk, causes problems raising the kids, or uses force to put me in my place. This is when he tries to bully me to put me in my place.

I don't bother with marital issues at all, no matter what time or even the next day he decides to waltz in just to have a roof over our heads and food on the table. Believe me, he doesn't make big money, just enough to survive. I spend my days in deep depression staring at the walls and trying to keep these awful teens in line, not playing tennis at the country club.

The kids saw for themselves exactly how their own father behaves. Both kids strongly disapprove. They are both too old to buy my excuses only because I did not want a child of mine to feel unloved or uncared for because their father didn't want to be bothered. Living with their father told a truth I never did to them.

My daughter is stronger. She ignores his existence as he did hers. She really feels nothing towards him but contempt. My son is a different story. He can't give up on him. I guess he is a bit like me, loyal as your dog, constantly wanting love and attention. Neither of us are going to get it. My daughter couldn't care less. My son has serious approval problems, but hangs in there with the same hope for some change I always had.

My kids are both fine and thrilled he is not in their lives causing disturbances or feeling they have to call the police not knowing how he may act. My husband let my son have it calling the police on him fearing that he was harming me. I have tried very hard to teach my kids right from wrong. Both know wrong when they see it.

I am the one who isn't fine at all, far from it. The kids are very relieved he is gone. They also think money must grow on trees and don't get the bills I am responsible for. Their lives are better without their father, but mine is horrifying to me.

I am migraine prone. Not a single day has gone by that my head doesn't hurt. I have a very nervous stomach also. Everything I eat doesn't want to stay down. I am physically ill with stress overload. I don't see any light at the end of the tunnel at all. I am frozen with fear.

If doing the dishes feels like a monumental task, how am I ever going to get a job? I am a licensed RN, which does pay well, but extremely stressful. I can't do that work today, under these conditions. I am thinking about being a waitress instead, just to get a few bucks in this house before the house goes into foreclosure and our electric and phone are turned off because I can't pay for it. Teens don't get this sort of problem of survival, but I do all too well.

I feel fear to the point of physical illness every day since this happened. I told him so many times that I would take this house and he would pay for it, if he dared to lay a hand on me in harm. Now, I have to make a decision. Never mind that! A judge already made a decision for me. I have no income and completely unable to function on a very low level due to stress and depression. How on earth am I going to pay these bills?

Physically I feel like I am dying. Emotionally, I feel like I have been dead for a long time. Unfortunately for me, nature didn't take me and I still have a pulse. Every time I wake, that is, if I can actually sleep without my heart racing with worry, tossing and turning, finally falling asleep out of exhaustion. My worst nightmare in sleep doesn't compare to the nightmare of real life. I don't want to wake up.

How do you deal with the emotional aspects? How can I force myself to function when I am so depressed and nervous I can't sleep and think doing the dishes is an overwhelming task? I have to fix many things here, meaning the difference in a paid for small house for me or letting this place go for a fraction of value? He is entitled to half of today's value. I am entitled to value of everything I repair. How am I ever going to do this? Where do you find the strength? I am so confused!!
0 Replies
Reply Mon 12 Apr, 2004 06:40 am

Just worry about getting through today. Pick a small project--perhaps getting rid of every single bit of The Bully's clutter-on-the-surface....then do it.

More later.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 12 Apr, 2004 09:42 am
First, call a locksmith and have your locks changed so your MIL can no longer walk in.

Second, get Call Blocker (if you don't already have it) and block her calls. You need to get this woman out of your life.

Third, contact your family doctor as soon as possible. Tell him about the abuse if he doesn't already know. In addition to making sure your husband didn't inflict any permanent damage, he can prescribe antidepressants which will temporarily help you deal with the stress & inertia.

Fourth, contact a women's shelter and ask for counseling. For yourself AND your kids. A shelter will be all too familiar with your situation. They will help you deal with many of the issues you are facing.

Hang in there, Wildflower. It can only get better from here. I am very happy to hear that the jerk is behind bars and you have a protective order that will last for three years. They do that in order to prevent him from harassing you. It will give you the space you need to get your life in order without him.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 12 Apr, 2004 09:50 am
The computer just ate my post, but Eva has offered the same advice much more cogently.

On the Mensa Mamma. You do realize that if she barges into your house without your permission and refuses to leave that you can call the police and have her arrested for defiant tresspassing? The law is on your side.

You seem to have some resentment that the judge has made it illegal for you to communicate directly with your husband.

First, the judge wants to keep you alive.

Second, consider that the first time you hang up the telephone on The Bully, The Bully may decide to come over to HIS House and give you the beating you are obviously asking for.

The Bully is not going to slug your attorney. Your attorney is neither going to be sweet-talked or intimidated into believing that The Bully's Bar Money is more important than The Bully's Child Support.

The law is going to protect you, whether you like it or not.

Finally, no one expect you to straighten out your life today or tomorrow. As a rule of thumb, recovery from a bad marriage takes at least two years. Just keep crawling forward--life will be easier down the road.

Hold your dominion.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 12 Apr, 2004 01:48 pm
What an absolute horror story. I'm not qualified to advise, but I feel this needs to be said.

Your husband is a monster. Be grateful to the judge and report even the tiniest of infractions on that restraining order. I once knew a girl who didn't, who is now dead by murder-suicide. Your life may be in danger. You didn't realize what he was capable of before and you may very well be unaware of what he is capable of now. Take every precaution suggested to protect yourself and your children. Your marriage is over and you will eventually be very grateful it is.

When you hit rock bottom, you have nowhere to go but up. You need a fresh start.

House: To hell with that house and all of the nightmares that it contains. Sell it, along with everything in it. It matters very little how much you get. Don't trade your sanity for money.

Mother-in-law: Change locks, telephone #s and of course, as soon as possible, your address. You don't need her in your life right now. Probably never will... but certainly not now.

Husband: Listen to the Judge. You don't need him in your life right now either. Probably never again... but certainly not now.

You indicated that you think you might be happier in an apartment somewhere. You can get there from here. I would recommend moving as far away as you can stand... at least a couple hours. The further away you go, the more the road provides a cooling off period; the further a drunken monster in a homicidal rage will have to travel without coming to his senses. Consider an apartment with a manned security gate so you know that you are safe and sound when at home.

Plan for contingencies: Know where the nearest police station is that you can drive to if your are followed... and make other plans: If this happens, I'm going to do this. Make it damn near impossible to get caught by surprise, or be unprepared for anything.

Picture yourself in a new life, with a decent job, an apartment and a manageable set of bills... And most importantly; freedom from the monster and freedom to start enjoying life again. It isn't that far away. List off the things that need to be done to get there and check them off as you accomplish them.

Since you were strong enough to put up with decades of neglect: You are strong enough to eradicate it's cause and all remnants of it. By simplifying your goals, you will reach them faster. Peace will be your reward.

I'm only covering the physical stuff... please follow the ladies' advice for the emotional impacts. I'm hopelessly ignorant in that area.

Best wishes to you ((((((((((((((Wildflower63)))))))))))))
0 Replies
Reply Mon 12 Apr, 2004 04:04 pm
Some wonderful advice here for you, Wildflower. I hope you don't just read it......but ABSORB it.

And Bill.....I think you are very qualified to give advice on this matter. You have just proven that. Even though you have never been through such a thing as she has......you have given her some pretty great advice there.

Wildflower......Your emotions right now are clouding your thinking.

Noddy24 wrote:
Second, consider that the first time you hang up the telephone on The Bully, The Bully may decide to come over to HIS House and give you the beating you are obviously asking for.

Please listen to what Noddy24 just said.

Your husband has just lost some of his power over you. His control. You can bet your bottom dollar he isn't too happy about that Confused

Case in point........and this just happened today Crying or Very sad
There was this girl....much like you. She wasn't happy with the way her husband treated her....but she felt she needed him to support the family. She never thought it would get any worse than it already was. He abused her repeatedly. She became somewhat immune to it.
To make a long story short....the police became involved. He was arrested....but not because she wanted him to be. He spent this past week-end in jail. This morning.....he went before the judge. The judge gave him 6 months....then suspended it. This guy had over 40 instances of being in trouble with the law for various things. He has shown over and over again that he has no respect for the law...PERIOD. Why, in God's name did the judge slap his wrist???????? I have no idea.....but I am so friggen angry right now Confused She was a nice girl. So I sit here and question myself...and wonder if I could have done more. Reliving our conversations in my head. And I just don't know.....I just don't know Crying or Very sad
He went to her house and killed her. Was just re-arrested a few hours ago. This time for murder.

For the love of your children....even if you don't love yourself too much right now......KEEP HIM OUT OF YOUR LIFE. PLEASE

0 Replies
Reply Mon 12 Apr, 2004 07:17 pm
Hi Wildflower,
There are a few things in some of your posts that I wanted to speak to you about, because you are tending to put everyone else's needs and feelings before your own, for one thing. It is a mistake that keeps women in "our" predicament in that predicament.
First, you mentioned: "I'm wondering how they are going to explain Easter to father in-law. My husband will be out of jail shortly, but not in time to make his usual family man appearance he does ever holiday. We all keep things from him upsetting. He is an old WWII vet with medical problems."
You know what? Not your problem! Too bad for him, but you and your kids come first. You cannot heal yourself if you continue to worry about everybody else. One thing I learned (after my one return trip back) is how to be very crafty. To act one way (loving trusting, forgiving) while secretly making plans to get the hell away. I actually felt mean and deceitful, but I got over it. Sometimes in life, you have to do things that don't come naturally to you. To save your own life, you need to think "outside the box" as they say. Your father-in-law is not your worry, and in a family like that, there's a good chance that he may not deserve your compassion anyway. I loved one of my sisters-in-law (as I thought of her) and I even loved my boyfriend, and continued to for about 2 years after finally leaving him. You do what you gotta do. I even felt bad for HIM, because even though he could have been a better father, he really loved his kids, and I knew that if I left, for our safety, it would have to be forever, and so he would never see his kids again. (And how could I be so cruel as to do that to him?) Still I left. And here I am, still alive! Mission accomplished. I felt so bad for him that I left the puppy, so he would have company. You need to put yourself and your kids first. Your husband does not deserve a lot of thought and not a second's loyalty.
You cannot improve your life if you are going to worry about him, or keep in touch with him. You also said: "No contact, which means even a phone call out of either of us, which I objected to. He can't hurt me over the phone!! I can hang up on him no matter what he spouts off about.
The judge pretty much forces couples to split up in a case like mine. I would like to have some say in this matter, but don't."
OccomBill is right: "Your marriage is over". And you know what, Wildflower? That's a GOOD thing! You are so much better off without him. The way you are thinking right now is self-defeating. You can get by without him, and he will not change. At least not for long. I know we all secretly think "well, my man is different". Trust me, he's not! He has a huge problem and you can't fix it for him, and it will always be part of who he is.
The judge has given you a wonderful opportunity, and it is up to you to take it. File for divorce.
Then you said: "We do have two minor kids and will need to talk."
No you won't! You make the decisions now. Just because he is their father does not mean he has equal say in their lives. A good father does not abuse his children's mother. Your kids already know the score on him. Face up to it yourself. He is not a fit father!
Then you said "I guess he is a bit like me, loyal as your dog, constantly wanting love and attention."
Yes, maybe he is. Too bad. You gave him attention and look how he repaid you! Is his attention the kind of attention you want? I don't think so. You deserve better. Believe it!
Then you said: "Neither of us are going to get it."
Also not true. You'll meet lots of great men, the world is full of them. Just refuse to ever take from a man the crap that you've taken up to now. There are plenty who wouldn't dream of behaving as badly as your husband. But first, take care of yourself. as Eva said: "contact a women's shelter and ask for counseling." Your husband is not worth your effort, but you do need to work on you.
And I agree, put the house on the market and move far away. Your kids will be fine with it. You all could use a fresh start anyway.
Most importantly, and I repeat myself here, stop thinking you somehow need him in your life, or that your kids do. You don't.
If I had stayed at our house, my kids would have grown up calling me a whore and worse, and would be beating up on their girlfriends and my (future) grandchildren. I am positive about that. I did not leave for me, though, I didn't think I was worth fighting for. (huge family, no self-esteem, father issues!) I left for my kids futures, and I gotta tell you, it was enough. I got to me later. And if you could see the fine young men whom my boys have become, you'd be quite impressed at what a single mother with nothing can accomplish!
You have assets, it's a start. See a lawyer, pay him off with a portion of the proceeds from the house, and move on. and quit worrying about your husband. He aint worried about you, I'll bet. He's just worried about him. As always.
I wonder if you remember a TV commercial from the 80s. In it, a large black woman talked about her abuse, and how she moved on. She said "Nobody's ever going to hit this child's mother again". That did it for me! I hope you can find yourself a mantra and stick by it. There will be tough times, but you'll survive.
And finally: "Why can't I ever get rid of this stupid notion of wanting a family?"
You have a family, Wildflower. You have kids who need you to do the right thing by them and for yourself. Your kids know what that is. You do too. Few of us get the family of our dreams. Some of us chose quite unwisely. Should we allow that to ruin our children's lives? Of course not! It is up to you to make your life and theirs the best they can be. Involvement from your husband will not help in that goal.
Please do see that therapist, and please try to put your marriage behind you. It doesn't sound worth fighting or dying for in the first place.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 12 Apr, 2004 08:20 pm
Brooke - I'm so sorry!
0 Replies
Reply Mon 12 Apr, 2004 10:38 pm
I want to say "I'm sorry" to everyone on this thread who has experienced such abuse. There are some VERY STRONG WOMEN here on A2K, and I have been so impressed with what you've written. I'm proud to know you all.

Listen to them, Wildflower. They speak from the heart as well as from experience.

Brooke, sweetheart, please don't continue agonize over what happened to that girl. I know you did the best for her that you could. Chances are, you helped her get through her last days. Damn that judge for not protecting her. Evil or Very Mad You gotta wonder what kind of guilt he'll feel when he finds out what happened. Perhaps it will make him take future cases more seriously. (Sigh) Well, we can only hope. Crying or Very sad
0 Replies

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