What people fail to see is how the GOP keeps moving the goal post.
Before the game even started, to win it took overtaking those 100 yards on the field.
The GOP keeps changing the goal post. The spending bill already passed congress, but the GOP now says we're spending too much, and moves the goal post 25 yards longer. They wanted to overturn ObamaCare. With the furloughed government workers, they now say, well, we'll let them get paid, and move the goal post five yards closer. Now it's 120 yards to score a win.
They'll continue to play this game which is endless if we let them have what they want. Piecemeal advancement as they see fit while the stadium begins to lose the audience. But we already know that 35% of Americans believe as Ted Cruz, and they'll remain in the stadium no matter what it costs. They only know that our government spends too much. BUT, they don't want to cut defense spending - the most expensive part of our budget.
Social security can be fixed over night by increasing the tax and extending the age at which people become eligible. Those are very simple fixes, but congress thinks Americans will take away their votes from them if they do that!