Why are we here?

Reply Thu 26 Feb, 2015 10:55 pm
FBM wrote:
What "medical deviations" are you talking about? Or is that just another wingnut phrase you pulled out of your ass?
     Is 'God-of-the-Gaps' my quote, or your favorite top design straw-man? If it is not my quote, why is it in quotation marks? Do you know the logic of usage of quotation marks:
     - things put around words to show that other people have said them;
     - put around words to show that this has been said in another place and/or another time;
     - put around words to show that this requires special attention (it may be an antonym or something used figuratively).

   Which exactly of the above cases is your quote of 'God-of-the-Gaps'? Is it something said by me for the first time (suggested by 'your'); isn't it something taken from your stochastic quotes that you are trying to attribute somehow to me - as if I have said it; or perhaps it is figurative meaning, perhaps you mean the Big-Bang-of-the Gaps fallacy, but you put it into quotation marks in the form of its antonym: 'God-of-the-Gaps'?

     BTW, the question on this thread is 'Why are we here?', and in particular 'Why are you here (on this thread)?'. You are not here to participate in a discussion, you are not even interested in the discussion, so the question 'Why are you on this thread?' is not entirely pointless. The one that is actually pointless is your nonsensical broken record 'God-of-the-Gaps', for it sends the discussion to a point of no return and in this way you think that you have escaped from the questions by using the logical fallacy of circular reasoning ... and the next question is: How will you succeed to escape from the circle after that?
Reply Thu 26 Feb, 2015 10:58 pm
Google "scare quotes." I guess now I'm your English teacher, too.

You want us to believe that some invisible Intelligent Designer (a hybrid god/alien/ILF/Big Bang/Standard Model) is a reasonable hypothesis for why we are here. I'm here to challenge you to provide evidence to support your claim. In the meantime, if your English reading comprehension were better, you know my questions about your wacked-out views on medicine are intended to point to your general science-denialist mindset, as well as to demonstrate how dangerous that mindset is to people and society as a whole. There are benign wingnuts and dangerous wingnuts. Your medical science denialism puts you in the latter category. http://i206.photobucket.com/albums/bb192/DinahFyre/emot-tinfoil.gif
Reply Thu 26 Feb, 2015 11:22 pm
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Reply Thu 26 Feb, 2015 11:41 pm
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Reply Fri 27 Feb, 2015 11:14 pm
FBM wrote:
You want us to believe that some invisible Intelligent Designer (a hybrid god/alien/ILF/Big Bang/Standard Model) is a reasonable hypothesis for why we are here.
     And you want me to believe that stochastics and some events coming from Nowhere can design a Universe with a structure and a lot of structured Information. Can you explain how exactly your favorite Big Bang stochastics has invented out of nothing and out of nowhere the rules for organizing and structuring of the Universe? How has the Big Bang guessed to start making particles, chemical elements, etc. (this is before how he has guessed how to make them) ... and to design 96% of the Universe as Dark Matter and Dark energy?
0 Replies
Reply Fri 27 Feb, 2015 11:19 pm
It is amazing how you react to some types of casual words and can skip whole pages of 'actual' (as you call it) information.
Reply Sat 28 Feb, 2015 05:31 am
It's amazing how you can put your imaginary, evidence-free "45% god/alien/ILF-of-the-gaps" against the vast mountains of evidence for the Standard Model and consider yourself to be a rational person. Takes a lot of denialism to be able to blind onself to the abundant evidence and cling desperately to an undefined myth about alien-god-ILFs. http://i206.photobucket.com/albums/bb192/DinahFyre/ewacky.gif

I'm betting you'd pray or chant or wave crystals around or channel aliens instead of taking a dying child for modern, scientific medical treatment. Sad. And scary.
Reply Sat 28 Feb, 2015 06:15 am
FBM wrote:
against the vast mountains of evidence for the Standard Model
     Which standard model you are talking about? The standard model of the particles is QMs and has nothing to do with any Cosmology and any explanation of the origin of whatsoever. ... and how have you succeeded to understand the Standard Model, when you have problems with the classical physics? What is the color of the ice of H2O, CH4, and N2 (in case you succeed to identify the substances)?
Reply Sat 28 Feb, 2015 07:14 am
Herald wrote:

FBM wrote:
against the vast mountains of evidence for the Standard Model
     Which standard model you are talking about? The standard model of the particles is QMs and has nothing to do with any Cosmology and any explanation of the origin of whatsoever. ... and how have you succeeded to understand the Standard Model, when you have problems with the classical physics? What is the color of the ice of H2O, CH4, and N2 (in case you succeed to identify the substances)?

The Standard Model that you have been linked to and provided evidence for over and over and over and over again, and that you continue to fallaciously deny over and over and over and over again. The Standard Model and the evidence for it has been available to the public for decades. Please catch up.

In the meantime, which alien/god/ILF are you talking abouit? The number of fictitious stories is increasing every day. Xenu? Are you a Scientologist? A Raelian? The craptastic posts you've made so far could put you in either one. Or have you pulled a new alien out of your ass, the same way those charlatans did?

What's your medicine, Herod? Alien channelling? Crystal power? Faith healing? Prayer? Chi?
Reply Sat 28 Feb, 2015 08:33 am
The awesome power of science denialism: http://scienceblogs.com/insolence/2015/02/27/the-wellness-warrior-jess-ainscough-has-passed-away/

Respectful Insolence

The Wellness Warrior, Jess Ainscough, has passed away
Posted by Orac on February 27, 2015

Two months ago, I took note of a somewhat cryptic blog post by a young woman named Jess Ainscough. In Australia and much of the world, Ainscough was known as the Wellness Warrior. She was a young woman who developed an epithelioid sarcoma in 2008 and ended up choosing “natural healing” to treat her cancer. Among the “natural healing” modalities touted by the Wellness Warrior included that quackery of quackeries, the Gerson protocol, complete with coffee enemas and everything. She even did videos explaining how to administer coffee enemas and posted them on YouTube, although that video is now private. In fact, most of her videos appear to have disappeared from her YouTube channel as private, and there is nothing but a notice on her website announcing this:

Sadly, yesterday Jess Ainscough passed away. There’s no information on what took her life, but it’s hard not to assume that it was her cancer. Given this development, Ainscough’s words from two months ago make more sense:

When I left you back in June to begin a period of self-care hibernation, my plan was to get my health back in tip top shape and then spend some time creating some awesome new stuff for you. The reality, however, is that I’ve spent the whole time focused on my health. For the last few months, I’ve been pretty much bedridden...

And if she'd not spent her precious time in denialism?


Five year survival and ten year survival rate for patients with epithelioid sarcoma are approximately 50-70% and 42-55% respectively.13 Gender, site, age of diagnosis, tumor size and microscopic pathology have been shown to affect prognosis.5,13 Gender has been shown in multiple studies to be an important factor in prognosis with female patients showing a more favorable outcome. Proximal lesions have been shown to have worse outcomes compared to distal lesions.5 Tumors that presented at an earlier age had better outcome. Tumors more than 2 cm in diameter and tumors with necrosis and vascular invasion have been correlated with worse outcome.5 Mitotic index is a prognostic factor as well.11


Bottom line: Some wingnut medical science denialist, in the same fold as Herald, talked her into just trying to daydream her condition away. Had she been educated in the value of evidence-based research instead, there's a damn good chance that she'd still be alive today.

**** science denialism. No, science isn't perfect or complete, but it's better than anything else going. This was a beautiful human being who fell prey to charlatans preaching faith-based, fallacious bullshit that preys on the gullible and innocent.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 28 Feb, 2015 08:38 am

The Wellness Warrior: Denial, Delusion, or Dishonesty?

I’ve been observing a young lady who goes by the title ‘The Wellness Warrior’ and calls herself a ‘Cancer Thriver’ for quite some time now and I’ve come to the point where I can no longer stay silent out of sympathy for her tragic situation. The reason for this; she is lying to herself, lying to her followers, lying to the public about her situation and deliberately hiding the truth of her condition. This can not continue, she is influencing people’s health and cancer treatment choices by misleading them. It is unconscionable. I will probably get slammed for speaking out about this but I don’t care, someone has to.

0 Replies
Reply Sat 28 Feb, 2015 10:21 am
FBM wrote:
The Standard Model that you have been linked to and provided evidence for over and over and over and over again, and that you continue to fallaciously deny over and over and over and over again. The Standard Model and the evidence for it has been available to the public for decades. Please catch up.
     Can you specify it in plain English - what is the physical interpretation of Infinite Temperature, and what does 'out of Nowhere' is supposed to mean ... everything.
FBM wrote:
In the meantime, which alien/god/ILF are you talking abouit?
     I am talking about your God, and in particular your absolute inability to start understanding what it is all about. How has your own God (the Big Bang 'theory') created the Universe without the ability to handle Intelligence? How exactly your favorite stochastics has designed the information structures?
FBM wrote:
The number of fictitious stories is increasing every day.
     We all have had some great teachers - in the quality of the apologists of the Big Bang 'theory', for example. With every day and in any way the improbability of the Big Bang 'theory' is becoming greater and greater? Which exactly Big Bang you are talking about?
Reply Sat 28 Feb, 2015 08:01 pm
I'm going to type very slowly and use simple words so that you might get this through your thick skull. I don't give a **** whether the Big Bang ever happend or not, and am not saying anything about whether it did or didn't.

What I'm claiming is that the abundant evidence and reasoning used by scientists to produce the Standard Model is an infinitely stronger argument than your claim - sans evidence - that some invisible, telepathic alien/god/ILF Intelligent Designer. Laughing

So I guess if you had cancer, you'd telepathically channel up some of those aliens, eh? Good for you. Just please let everyone around you exercise their sanity and go to the doctor when they get sick.
Reply Sun 1 Mar, 2015 12:59 am
FBM wrote:
I don't give a **** whether the Big Bang ever happend or not, and am not saying anything about whether it did or didn't.
     This post is not about the Big Bang 'theory'. Perhaps you should adhere to the theme (in case you have read the title).
Reply Sun 1 Mar, 2015 01:11 am
Herald wrote:

FBM wrote:
I don't give a **** whether the Big Bang ever happend or not, and am not saying anything about whether it did or didn't.
     This post is not about the Big Bang 'theory'. Perhaps you should adhere to the theme (in case you have read the title).

Derp. BBT is about "why we are here." But I don't actually care about BBT. What I care about is people like you pulling fake aliens/gods/ILFs out of their ass and trying to trick others into believing in your woo. Charlatans should catch ****, like you are now.
Reply Sun 1 Mar, 2015 12:36 pm
FBM wrote:
Derp. BBT is about "why we are here." But I don't actually care about BBT.
     If you don't care you don't publish on that blog and publish on the blogs where you do care.
FBM wrote:
What I care about is people like you pulling fake aliens/gods/ILFs out of their ass and trying to trick others into believing in your woo.
     I don't care in what you believe ... at all. As far as I can see you believe in the quotes only, actually only in cherry-picked quotes. But people like you taking decisions without understanding what they are doing are the worst case scenario of decision makers ... and the source of all chaos on the planet - the force carrier of the entropy.
Reply Sun 1 Mar, 2015 06:04 pm
You've made it quite clear in dozens of posts that you're very interested in what I believe; you simply can't fathom that I don't believe in what you think I believe in. And I sure as **** don't believe in "personal 45% alien/god/ILFs" presented without evidence. There's a plethora of bullshit ideas that I don't believe in that charlatans and wingnuts who claim to have the SECRET TRUTH!!! try to foist on the unsuspecting public. To wit:

Florida naturopath facing charges after treating girl’s fatal leukemia with vitamins and vegan diet


Idaho Republican backs faith-healer parents: ‘If I want to let my child be with God, why is that wrong?’



What's the goal of $cientology?
"Make money. Make more money. Make other people produce so as to make money."


What if, out of the thousands of UFO sightings that occur each year, one person actually met the occupant – the “driver” of one of these UFOs? And what if this person were given information by this space-being that explained the secret history of life on Earth and its pending future? And, what if all this information had been published decades ago and acknowledged by thousands of people, including scientists and historians?
Wouldn't you want to read such a book?
This Web site gives you the opportunity to read for yourself the extraordinary “Message” that comes from beyond the stars.


Each more http://i206.photobucket.com/albums/bb192/DinahFyre/ewacky.gif than the one before it.
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Reply Wed 4 Mar, 2015 10:45 pm
I don't know why we are her, but I like to think--without evidence, of course--that we are (each of us is), metaphorically speaking, the "eyes and ears" of Brahma. In other words we atmans (meaning all sentient beings) are God.
A more "secular" version of the above: Once someone asked me if I thought the Cosmos was conscious. My immediate response was that as far as I know we are conscious and we are part of the Cosmos and not just something inside of It.
Reply Wed 4 Mar, 2015 10:56 pm
We are the universe experiencing itself, in a sense. Yup.
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Reply Wed 4 Mar, 2015 11:01 pm
Once someone asked me if I thought the Cosmos was conscious

I don't really remember the details, and it's probably some misleading "summarization" at best, but I can remember being told that some respected philosopher (Alfred North Whitehead, I think), theorized that every single electron, proton, atom, molecule, etc., in the universe had "consciousness" and/or "intentionality." It sounded absurd to me at the time.

It doesn't sound so absurd anymore.

Don't get me wrong--it still doesn't sound plausible, either, but, still.....

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