1. we are here to grow up mentally, to improve our soul.
2. From other side, we could be an alien experiment.
3. A try for saving the humankind.
Let's pretend Mars had a civilization, and the aliens do not look like green jelly.
What we see now is the result of lots of battles, which destructed the whole nature by destroying the protective air layer. What brought us here?
Some kind of organization which was protecting the humankind.
Maybe they already had some information, collected by scientists about Earth.
It sent a ship with some people on it. If we include religion, it could be the Noah's ark.
Well, what happens when people go somewhere where they never were before?
Simply, they survive.
Let's talk about food.
I became vegan an year ago. I realized that I don't get sick of anything, even cold.
So when people came Earth they ate plants. But it was not enough for their survival, so they started killing animals and eating meat, they became weak to cold. So they had to do something for example - getting their furry skin.
All this was long long time ago. Now survival is not that hard anymore. However, why are we still destructing this nature.
Why we are the only creature which acts like that.
The answer is simple - we don't trust nature.
We look on this planet as it is an endless resource, which if course is not true.
We have been deluded for so long that nowadays it doesn't even come to our head.
We are so enslaved by the community and we don't even realize that. We do so many things just because the Community does .
Community gives us some fun and simple things for easier life but what it takes in return? Our whole life. We are 100% under it's control. It even controls our thinking. It says "this is not true" and we all believe. We all believe in what it wants. So clever way to take control under all and everything. Community controls us but who controls the community? People which use it as a tool to get what they want (usually money). So worth, ah? And we accept that... we live and die serving those who use the community as a tool. And why do we still do this?
Because all do it...
We all have a head and a brain inside.