Putting aside the 20th Century atrocities of communist Russia and China, why only focus on the 2oth Century?
As week, I would suggest that governments that trumpet quite loudly to the world that they are paradises for the common man were, in the least, extremely hyprocritical consider they murdered tens of millions of their common man citizens. This seems to escape you.
As for hypocrisy, why spare European nations that butchered and enslaved the natives of the lands they colonized in the name of bringing them God and civilization? Oh yeah, apparently there is statute of limitations on such hypocrisy, but then 20th century Indians, Alergerians, Vietnamese et al might be surprised to learn that what they endured falls of the JTT grid.
I think there are probably only a few people in this forum who will disagree with you about the fact that the US government and it's people have been responsible for atrocities over the length of it's existence. It's certainly nothing of which to be proud, but considering there probably isn't a single nation on earth that isn't proportionately guilty in the same way, it makes sense to consider the flip side of the coin in judging a nation and it's people. How much good have they done?
As you have been told hundreds of times, your one note song is so repetitive it is irritating.
Perhaps one day we'll be presented with a JTT who hasn't diffused his intelligence with an obsessively narrow focus.