@reasoning logic,
I don't "hate" skepticism. I am digusted by propaganda masquerading as skepticism. I don't read posts by that hateful and deluded bitch JTT, and i'm not going to start just to play our stupid word games. I can produce evidence for everything i've said. You, like Igm, produce evidence-free, emotive statements.
As for formal education, you continue not to get it. Formal education doesn't mean that anyone is an unquestionable oracle just because they have a degree. It does mean that people get degrees because they have done the work, shown their work and have reliably produced evidence for what they write. You can see if that has been done as soon as you open a book. When your "education" come from sensationalist videos from youtube, like that horseshit you've twice linked about the Nanking massacre, you not only can't see if they've done the work, shown the work, shown their references, you will be too ignorant to spot the propaganda when it's puked up at you.
If anyone here hates skepticism, it's you. You want to watch youtube videos, swallow what you are told whole without the least skepticism, and be taken seriously when you start ranting about things of which you are almost entirely ignorant. Witness your confused and idiotic claim that Japan went to war because Britain was going to invade east Asia. You know nothing, you show it every time you open your mouth, and you hate it that it's so easy to show how little you know.