An atheist has some advantages in a Christian culture. None in an atheist culture. So he is talking against his own interests if he promotes atheism.
And, if the "societal disease" were to be replaced wouldn't whatever succeeded it be an opiate as well. Habits are opiates. (see Marcel Proust).
Moaning about our culture suggests that some people will never be satisfied. They must live in a permanent and unremitting stupor of dissatisfaction.
And their cars have electric windows which they can lower at an ice-cream emporium to get a nice cornet full of (choose flavour) ice-cream sprinkled with hundreds and thousands (if desired) in return for money the government gave them for being prepared to entertain themselves at a work station where they engage in some rigmarole without purpose or reason.
One thing is certain to a scientific mind and it is that if the "societal disease" was cured another "societal disease" would replace it. As with medical treatments which cause other conditions the treatment of which causes further conditions. And so on.
It's a bit like being dissatisfied with your legs.